Creating Communication Boards: There are Lots of Apps for That

May 22, 2013 by - 3 Comments

Creating Communication Boards- There are lots of apps for that

To continue on with the theme of the month, here are some app (and computer based) resources for easily creating your own communication boards:  Pogo Boards Pogo Boards is a communication board creator for both the computer and the iOS platform. You can make traditional grid-based communication boards and a variety of other visual supports.  Pogo Boards also has a variety of pre-made boards that users share.  Price: – Free trial period with premium account, then Free basic account, Subscription price for ongoing premium account  Symbly Go & Symbly Symbly is a computer based communication board creator. Communication boards are super easy to create, share, and print out.  Symbly Go is an iOS platform app that allows you to view your communication boards (and other visual supports) on your iPad.  Your communication boards will automatically be downloaded to your iPad (even when there’s no Internet connection available).  There is text to speech capability if... [Read More...]

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Fun Theory… Communication and Behavior

May 21, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

Fun Theory..Communication and Behavior

Please excuse this somewhat tangential post because it really relates to communication and language learning….. Fun and communication go together. Meaningful (and fun) communication and language activities can often make the difference between a disengaged passive learner and a participatory, engaged, and excited learner.  We have talked about many picture symbol communication boards, but there are also tangible and tactile communication boards that have been essential for learners that have vision impairments as well as those who have difficulty discriminating between picture symbols. While exploring a variety of communication boards, we came across Adaptive Design Association Inc. Adaptive Design Association Inc. reminds and teaches us about the role of appropriate customized  adaptions to allow for authentic communication, developmental, social, and academic learning (who knew what you could do with cardboard?).  Within our search through adaptive design, there was a link or connection to the fun theory.  Fun can change behavior for EVERYONE and... [Read More...]

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A PrAACtical Look: AAC at Dynamic Therapy Associates

May 20, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

A PrAACtical Look: AAC at Dynamic Therapy Associates

We’re so excited to continue our PrAACtical Look series with a guest post from Vicki Clarke, who is the CEO of Dynamic Therapy Associates, a speech language therapy clinic in Kennesaw, Georgia.  Vicki specializes in AAC, conducting local and national device evaluations, consultations, treatments and trainings for individuals, clinics, school systems and professional organizations and manufacturers. Vicki has a wealth of knowledge in the prAACtical aspect of AAC service provision and shares a tiny bit of that with us in this post about preparing clients who use AAC for medical encounters. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: I was asked to contribute a “favorite therapy activity” kind of post to this blog a few months ago.  Decisions, decisions, decisions….I love Arts & Crafts Therapy, Cooking Therapy, iPad Therapy, Shopping Therapy, and Hang-Around-And-Chat Therapy but what to share?  I mulled it over and I decided on “Serious Medical Procedure Preparation Therapy.”  Fun stuff, right?!!? We do a lot... [Read More...]

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PrAACtical Thoughts on Challenging Behavior: Things To Think About

May 17, 2013 by - 3 Comments

PrAACtical Thoughts on Challenging Behavior: Things to Think About

We have had several experiences in the last couple of weeks relating to concerns from SLP’s and educators about challenging behavior (dare we say it might be less structure, less predictability, less routines, or just plain tiredness because it is the end of the school year). Challenging behavior is hard… and disconcerting especially if you feel that you have little control over it (imagine how the learner feels- almost no one wants to be unhappy and out of control). However, there are so many strategies and supports that can improve the situation. It is often about getting back to basics (especially if end of the year issues play into the challenging behavior).  The First 5 Questions to Ask: How Does the Learner Communicate? It is important that everyone has a way to communicate their own wants, needs, ideas, interests, and more. It is NOT good enough to just ‘know’ what someone... [Read More...]

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It’s PrAACtically Memorial Day!

May 16, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

It's PrAACtically Memorial Day

It’s PrAACtically Memorial Day! Memorial Day is prAACtically here.  We remember, appreciate, and honor the people who have protected our freedoms. Getting ready so EVERYONE can participate is important. We wrote about memorial day last year and had found some good  gluten-casein free Memorial Day recipes. There are even more resources today. Check out Gluten Free Memorial Day Weekend Menu and Recipe Ideas or Gluten Free Casein Free Applesauce Muffins.  Cooking and baking provide meaningful language experiences as well as just plain fun. There are symbol based recipes on Pinterest  at Picture Recipes and Visual Recipes for Children with Autism, and at Specialty Chef. There are also prAACtical AAC ways to teach about Memorial Day’s meaning as well as the typical memorial day vacations, activities, and events. Learning about Memorial Day  Memorial Day Activity Board Memorial Day Vocabulary Cards Memorial Day Bingo Memorial Day Adapted Bingo Summer Pack  Memorial Day  After learning about Memorial... [Read More...]

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Thoughts on Best Practices in AAC for Individuals with ALS/Motor Neuron Disease

May 15, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

Thoughts on Best Practices in AAC for Individuals with ALS/Motor Neuron Disease

We’re always gratified by the collegiality of SLPs who work in AAC. In this video, Steven Bloch talks about the need for professionals to have real dialogue about clinical intervention and best practices. He shares his experience of organizing a group of professionals to develop best practice guidelines for working with people who have ALS/motor neuron disease. This brief presentation was recorded at a Therapy Ideas Live event at the Google campus in London this past March. You can access the material developed by Bloch and his colleagues here.    

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5 Great Resources for Pre-Made Communication Boards

May 14, 2013 by - 18 Comments

Communication Boards Can Do A Lot

We have been thinking about communication boards this month. There are a lot of pre-made options available. You just have to check and make sure the pre-made options meet the individual needs of your learners.  If not, they are often a good place to start while taking the time to modify and develop specific individual communication boards. Check out these 5 great resources for pre-made communication boards: Speaking of Speech- Play-Based Communication Boards Communication Board for Lunch AAC Topic Setting Conversation Boards Child’s Play Communication Boards Show & Tell Free AAC:  Communication Boards for Adults Communication Boards for Hospital Stays Bedside Communication Board Alphabet Board & Yes/No Accident and Emergency Communication Board (Also many children AAC Communication Boards available) Boardmaker Share Walk Communication Board Rehab Communication Board Doll/Play Communication Board FTLU Golf Communication Board (Many more communication boards, search by topic) Autism Teaching Strategies Talk to Sister Talk to Dad... [Read More...]

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Fresh Look at AAC and Dementia with Melanie Fried Oken

May 13, 2013 by - 1 Comment

Fresh Look at AAC and Dementia

We’re thrilled to continue our Fresh Look series in celebration of Better Hearing and Speech Month (#BHSM).  In this post, Dr. Melanie Fried Oken, from the Oregon Health and Science University, talks about some AAC strategies for people with dementia. I was captivated by her 2012 presentation on this topic at ISAAC 2012, and knew it was important to be able to share some of you work with you. We have much to offer these individuals with dementia, and Melanie’s post and linked resources are a great way to get started. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Hey, what about us AAC providers who work with adults? We love reading PrAACtical AAC and can often adjust the tips, equipment recommendations, and strategies to meet our population needs. So when Carole gave me an opportunity to blog about AAC for adults with dementia, I grabbed the chance.  I’d like to share with you some facts about... [Read More...]

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AAC Immersion- Happy Mother’s Day!

May 10, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

We were just having some in-depth conversations about AAC and making a difference. AAC intervention needs to be part of more than speech-language therapy.  It needs to be a way of life, a communication and language interaction style, and fully immersed into all interactions. There are some Mom’s who make this happen. We have written about some of them in Getting From Here to There . But there are more (many more) and for awhile now some have been blogging about their AAC & visual language adventures. Here are just a 5 awesome posts from moms who share AAC rationales and meaningful AAC & language  experiences. Learn from the best. Beach Trip (And AAC on the Road) by Dana Nieder–  Uncommon Sense Halloween & AAC  by Deanne Shoyer –  Small But Kinda Mighty Her Eyes Shows She Knows by Catriona– Living With Rett Syndrome  An Open Letter to the Parent of a Child with Speech... [Read More...]

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How We Do It: Essential TRICKs for Supporting AAC in Schools, Part 2

May 9, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

Today we welcome back 3 SLPs from the Orange County Public School (OCPS) AT team, Cathy George, Marcia Sterner, and Marcia Piersall. They are part of a very active and competent AT Team that supports over 700 students with dedicated AAC devices. It is no surprise that they’ve come up with a list of  5 essential TRICKs that they count on to help them support these students and their educational teams. You can read about the first 2 TRICKS, Try It and Resources, here and download some of their terrific resources. Today, we learn about the rest of their TRICKs: Information, Can’t Live Without It, and Kick It Up A Notch. Give Me Five: Essential TRICKS, Part 2 INFORMATION about the student Student interests What systems previously tried What tasks s/he is struggling with Trial data sheet– Communicative competence organizer CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT IT: In addition to AAC devices, these... [Read More...]

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