Tag Archive: Pinterest

PrAACtical Resources: Living with AAC

March 13, 2017 by - Leave your thoughts

PrAACtical Resources: Living with AAC

As professionals involved in AAC service provision, we have much to learn from people who are the most directly impacted by limitations in speech and language. AAC users, learners, and family members. Children and adults. People with congenital disabilities and acquired disorders. They all have something to teach us, and, luckily, many of them have shared their views and experiences on the internet. Today’s post features a growing collection of videos, blogs, and articles by people who use AAC and their families.  Happy exploring!    

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PrAACtically Pinteresting with Lauren Enders: Why Use AAC?

May 23, 2016 by - Leave your thoughts

PrAACtically Pinteresting with Lauren Enders: Why Use AAC?

Even veteran clinicians and educators find themselves looking for resources to help others better understand what AAC is and why it may have been recommended in a particular situation. Today, we welcome back SLP Lauren Enders to introduce us to the information she has collected for this purpose. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: This month on PrAACtically Pinteresting, we’ll be taking a look at the board  AAC: Why Use AAC?/Benefits of AAC. Very often, I am asked if I have resources that can be shared with team members or families who are reluctant to implement AAC. Often this reluctance results from of simple lack of information or beliefs in a variety of myths surrounding AAC use. I created this board to serve as an easily accessible repository of resources that can be shared with parents, professionals, or support staff who are hesitant to use AAC with their child/student/client. The board contains pins with information that... [Read More...]

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PrAACtically Pinteresting with Lauren Enders: AAC Video Examples

March 21, 2016 by - 2 Comments

PrAACtically Pinteresting with Lauren Enders: AAC Video Examples

Among the things that our prAACtical value the most are videos of AAC in action. Lauren Enders once again comes to our rescue with dozens of them to explore. Enjoy! ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: For this installment of PrAACtically Pinteresting, I’d like to highlight one of the boards that I reference most when working with SLPs, teachers, support staff, and parents who support individuals who are learning to use AAC.  This board is called AAC: Video Examples of Implementation/Aided Language Input and is a compilation of videos that show clinicians, teachers, and parents demonstrating excellent aided language input/stimulation skills with AAC users.  Whenever I come across a new video that is an wonderful example of how to support language development and system learning in an AAC user, I pin it to this board. When pinning videos, I do my best to represent an array of AAC system types. You will see videos showing various dedicated devices,... [Read More...]

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Autism and AAC: 5 Pinterest Boards to Follow

November 6, 2015 by - 3 Comments

Autism and AAC: 5 Pinterest Boards to Follow

Pinterest has just exploded as a curation venue for content related to AAC and autism. Here are some boards to check out and consider following. Considerate Classroom by Lindy McDaniel  Autism Teaching Tools Visual Supports by Christine Reeve  Visual Supports and Social Stories by the Michigan Association of School Social Workers  Visual Schedules by Brandi Shinn  Behavior Management Strategies by The Autism Helper  Do you have favorite Pinterest boards that we should know about?

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Where to Get PrAACtical

June 10, 2013 by - 2 Comments

Where to Get PrAACtical

Like many of you, we never imagined the role that social media sites would play in our professional development. We’d love to expand our horizons and connect with you on Facebook, Twitter, Scoop.It, Pinterest, Linked In, SpringPad, and places like that. If you feel the same way and have a presence on these sites, let us know how to follow you.

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Building Acceptance for AAC: Sharing Information

October 20, 2012 by - Leave your thoughts

Building Acceptance for AAC: Sharing Information

While there are certainly attitudinal barriers to AAC, it’s also true that sometimes the people we are trying to influence just need more information. Sounds simple, right? Not exactly. Especially when we consider these factors. Adult learners prefer to chart their own course to learning new things rather than have others lay that out for them. Our behaviors are most likely to change when we discover solutions for ourselves, as opposed to following directions that others give to us. We have a limited amount of time to guide others to the information they need. Here are some things that have worked for us. Develop a bank of educational materials that pertain to the topics that you face most often in your clinical work. Create resource files for general topics, such as the empirically-supported benefits of AAC, and specific topics, such as the evidence base for using SGDs with individuals who... [Read More...]

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Digital Curation: AAC Treasures

May 26, 2012 by - 2 Comments

Digital Curation: AAC Treasures

– A curator? Who, me? When a colleague first suggested that the online things we were sharing were part of the digital curation trend, I didn’t quite see it. Yes, I was always on the hunt for sites with quality AAC-related content. Yes, I sifted through those finds carefully to figure out which to keep, which to share, and how to organize it all so that I could actually find it when I needed it. But a curator?! Images of quiet basement rooms and dusty shelves came to mind…not quite the realm of my day-to-day experience. – On closer inspection, though, I began to see what my colleague was saying. Because I teach so many AAC graduate classes fully online, I am always trying to figure out new ways to use technology to get student SLPs engaged and passionate about AAC. It’s been exciting exploring the new web tools over... [Read More...]

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