AAC Myth Buster Wrap-Up

It stings to write this, but the truth is that in our country, students studying to become SLPs can graduate with little to no experience in AAC. While we’ve made some progress in getting more AAC into university SLP programs here in the US, we’ve really only scratched the surface. Given that a great many graduate without sufficient AAC knowledge, ASHA’s 2013 Better Speech and Hearing Month seemed like a perfect time to reach out to people who are relatively new in the field. I’m fairly certain that Dr. Lyle Lloyd, my doctoral advisor at Purdue University, was the first to talk about the mythology surrounding AAC, but many have followed that tradition. In a perfect world, we would have pre-planned our own myth busters and released them with pizazz in some sort of ordered fashion. But there was therapy to provide, student SLPs to teach, parents to talk to,... [Read More...]
Filed under: PrAACtical Thinking