5+ Sites for Free AAC-Friendly Literacy Resources

April 19, 2012 by - Leave your thoughts

5+ Sites for Free AAC-Friendly Literacy Resources

Reading is one of our passions and we love to address it in our therapy not just because of its importance but also because it is so much fun. Here are some of our current favorite places to visit for resources on AAC, reading, and writing. – 1. Communication 4 All: See their literacy section for helpful resources –  http://www.communication4all.co.uk/HomePage.htm 2. The Bridge: Assessment protocol for literacy learning in people who use AAC by the Center for Literacy and Disability Studies at https://www.med.unc.edu/ahs/clds/resources/early-childhood-resources-1/the-bridge-assessment 3. Handout on adapting books by Pam Harris on the AAC Institute site at http://bit.ly/HQ7oHM 4. Printable Classroom Signs and Labels for Early Years at SparkleBox: http://bit.ly/xITodP 5. Mini books, book materials, resources for alphabet learning, and other goodies at DLTK’s Educational Activities site: http://bit.ly/zJV28S 6. More fun downloads that are AAC-friendly at Let’s Book It withTech’Knowledge’y: http://bit.ly/HStHx0 – Happy reading! –

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What Works!

April 19, 2012 by - Leave your thoughts

What Works

We have many students who are getting older. It’s a time many of our families are looking at transition steps.  Some families are interested in employment opportunities, others in having their now adult children live outside the home with a little or a lot of support, and others just wish there was a place for them to go after school ends.  .  It is difficult finding quality options. Even if there are options, it seems ‘they’ want the ‘easy’ people.  (disclaimer: Now I move from the ‘we’ into the ‘me’ since Carole has been on vacation and I have been dealing with some ‘crap’ and don’t want to speak for Carole since I am hoping she is relaxed and positive).  So here goes…. I could argue now that there are no ‘easy’ people.  I could rant now because it has been one of those days where not a lot has... [Read More...]

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Modeling, AAC Style

April 18, 2012 by - 7 Comments

Modeling, AAC Style

This is a strategy that is too powerful to ignore. Here’s why Aided Language Input is at the top of our list of skills that all clinicians should master. – 1. Helps children and adults learn their AAC faster: There is good research demonstrating how valuable this kind of modeling is for our AAC clients. See studies by Drs. Kathryn Drager, Cathy Binger and Janice Light, Jennifer Kent-Walsh, Shakila Dada and Erna Alant for starters.–   2. Helps the SLP get competent with the client’s AAC system: This is hands-down the quickest way for us to get familiar with our client’s AAC device. – 3. It’s common sense:  Think about it: How many times does a typical 1-year old hear the word ‘more’ before she says it?? Don’t AAC kids need that much exposure to ‘their’ language systems?? – 4. Expands our sphere of influence: Other communication partners will imitate us. If WE use it, then parents and teachers are... [Read More...]

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5 eGames for Switch Users

April 17, 2012 by - Leave your thoughts

5 eGames for Switch Users

We’re in the mood to play! – 1. AbleGamers Foundation: http://www.ablegamers.com/ 2. Free from Shiny Learning: http://www.shinylearning.co.uk/freegames/ 3. Assistive Gaming: http://www.assistivegaming.com/ 4. Switch Games from the BBC: http://www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/games/by/type/switchgames 5. Switch Effect’s Gamebase: http://www.gamebase.info/home.html – Let the (accessible) games begin!

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PrAACtical Resources: Communication Boards for Downloading

April 13, 2012 by - Leave your thoughts

PrAACtical Resources: Communication Boards for Downloading

  If you’re like us, you’re always happy to find sites where AAC materials can be downloaded, preferably for free. Bookmark those sites because they are huge time savers. If you’re trying to build your own professional resource library, check out this site for boards designed for people to communicate about healthcare, employment, sexuality, transportation, and other topics.  Several of the communication boards are also available in Spanish (like the example shown here) and Haitian Creole.   Kudos to the fine work done by the AAC-RERC and the Temple University Institute on Disabilities. –    

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The Precious Power of Play

April 12, 2012 by - Leave your thoughts

The Precious Power of Play

The Chicago P.L.A.Y. Project is on a mission to empower parents to help their children build language through play. We love the joyful nature of their mission. – Of course, the clinical educators in us see huge potential for adding visual supports to enhance the language learning, but this is an amazing way to build good interaction and language opportunities. – Enjoy!    

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Schedules and Choices

April 11, 2012 by - Leave your thoughts

Schedules and Choices

– If you follow our blog, you know that last month we had lots to say on making, teaching, and using Visual Schedules. We ran out of time before we could discuss a question that comes up a lot in our own clinical practice. What role does choice-making play in visual schedules? Here are some of the things we think about when we consider this for the schedules we make and use. We all like to have some say in what we do. Giving the learner an opportunity to make choices in a schedule makes sense when personal autonomy is a priority. Allowing the learner to choose which activities to place on the schedule supports personal autonomy:  Having control over what happens in our lives is a big part of happiness for most people. – Here’s how we might do that with a visual schedule for a therapy session. 1.Select... [Read More...]

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HijAACked! Toca Boca Kitchen Monsters

April 7, 2012 by - Leave your thoughts

HijAACked- Toca Boca Kitchen Monsters

  Toca Boca App Developers make general education preschool apps. They are dedicated to providing interactive play opportunities using mobile technology.  We have loved every one of their apps since we first saw them.   There seems to be some philosophical similarities between the Toca Boca Apps and so we will begin with why we love ALL of them.  We have found them to be engaging to all ages (including us).  They also provide practice and interaction with life experiences in a fun and pretend tech way.  We love the beautiful artwork.  We love that they are reasonably priced, often participate in ‘give aways’ and they even do free GIFTS  (think Toca Hair Salon Christmas Gift and now Toca Kitchen Monsters).  We use these apps so often that we can say we have officially HijAACked them for PrAACtical AAC. We have HijAACked ALL of these apps to use with AAC... [Read More...]

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5 AAC/AT YouTube Channels We Love

April 6, 2012 by - Leave your thoughts

5 AAC/AT YouTube Channels We Love

Where do you go for videos on AAC and AT content? Here are some of our favorite YouTube places to visit. 1. Indiana AT Project http://www.youtube.com/indataprojectesc#p/u 2. Pacer Center: http://www.youtube.com/indataprojectesc#p/u 3. AAC-RERC: http://www.youtube.com/user/AACRERC 4. OCALI Videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/ocalivideos 5. Teacher Tube Special Education: http://www.youtube.com/user/teachertubeSPED

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PrAACtical Alert

April 5, 2012 by - Leave your thoughts

PrAACtical AAC

Toca Kitchen Monsters – FREE, A GIFT FROM TOCA BOCA Wow, another amazing &  educational app from Toca Boca. Learn to cook and feed the Toca Kitchen Monsters. This app is really fun to play and it’s free (not even any in-app purchase opportunities). The educational part of this app can be focused on cooking and eating language concepts, sequencing of language, and  real-life skills (choosing food, cooking, and feeding or eating someone). Although the scope and sequence of this app is ‘real’, there is a main fantasy or pretend play aspect (other than the cooking and eating) – you are feeding funny looking monsters. This is  great because all pretending is symbolic and so is language! So get your Toca Kitchen Monsters now!  Look out for an updated post tomorrow about how we have HijAACked this app.  

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