It’s PrAACtically Saint Patrick’s Day

March 13, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

It's PrAActically Saint Patricks Day

Saint Patrick’s Day is coming up.  We love focusing on holidays in our sessions because it is a chance to teach new vocabulary and as importantly (if not more for some learners) it is a chance to teach social conversation about what many people in the community are talking about. Holiday’s also give us fun ways to focus on many other goals as well. The theme (in this case – a holiday) can serve as the platform for any goal that is appropriate. We just always ask ourselves (and our graduate students)- ‘What is the point’ or ‘What is the Goal’ when we have a great new themed activity. This is a time to work on core and fringe vocabulary, social conversation and interaction, play skills, and more. These are some fun activities matched to goals that we use to get ready for  Saint Patrick’s Day. Surveys & or Questions–... [Read More...]

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Another Look at Vocabulary Instruction in AAC

March 11, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

Another Look at Vocabulary Instruction in AAC

5 Things to Do to See If Your Vocabulary Instruction is Effective (& 5 Things to Do If It’s Not) AACtual Therapy: Fun & Functional Vocabulary with Shareka Bentham In the Treasure Bag: Using Sharing Time to Focus on Vocabulary Why We Love AAC Language Experience Activities 5 Great Sites for AAC Vocabulary Practice Complete Vocabulary Instruction Ideas & Activities Vocabulary Learning Materials & AAC Strategies Explicitly Speaking: Vocabulary Teaching in AAC Choosing a Focus for Vocabulary Instruction Building Word Consciousness: Vocabulary Instruction in AAC Vocabulary Learning Using Infographics Say THIS, NOT THAT to Reinforce Vocabulary Learning How to Use Magnets to Promote Language Development Vocabulary Activities: 5 Sites for Learning with Avatars What Makes a Good Vocabulary Teaching Activity? 4 Things to Look For Ideas about Vocabulary Instruction for the Beginning Communicator 10 Things to Do in Using Focused Language Stimulation in AAC Vocabulary Teaching Tell Me About It:... [Read More...]

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5 PrAACtical Skills to Teach New AAC Facilitators

March 8, 2013 by - 4 Comments

5 PrAACtical Skills to Teach New AAC Facilitators

We have been out and about in our community these past couple of weeks. We have worked with speech-language pathologists, teachers, resource specialists, paraprofessionals, and families. We love doing AAC facilitator training because the impact is so important for not only our current AAC learners but for future AAC learners as well. There are really great professionals who want to provide the best AAC support possible. They want and need AAC information that will help them integrate AAC facilitation strategies into their already very busy days. Here are 5 AAC facilitation strategies that have made the most impact: Using Aided Language Input (ALI)– Talk AAC to the learner. This strategy is not only a very powerful teaching tool, but when discussed with new AAC facilitators, seems to make perfect sense (many have never heard of it).  One key for learning ALI is to practice it in a variety of activities... [Read More...]

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How I Do It: AAC in the IEP

March 7, 2013 by - 7 Comments

How I Do It-AAC in the IEP

We’re happy to welcome back, Lauren Enders, an AAC specialist from Pennsylvania. You can read her earlier post here. This month, Lauren shares some of ways she addresses AAC learning in the IEP. Frequently, SLPs and teachers contact me in a complete panic because they need to generate an IEP and write IEP goals for a student who is using (or beginning to use) Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC).  These folks have lots of questions and most often, have no idea where to begin.  There are a number of questions that come up repeatedly in these panicked requests.  When approached by PrAACtical AAC to write a post about IEPs and AAC, I thought it might be helpful to share some of the most common questions I hear along with the answers I provide.  I will structure the post in a Question & Answer format in the hopes that the post... [Read More...]

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10 AAC Things to do for PrAACtically Free in 10 Minutes or Less

March 6, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

10 AAC Things to do for Free in 10 Minutes or Less

  Subscribe to a blog with an AAC focus– Spectronics Blogs, Uncommon Sense, Jane Farrall Consulting, PrAACtical AAC Program a one hit message device and use it for a new reason– 101+ Things to do with a Big Mac or Other Single Message Communication Devices Follow an AAC topic Pinterest board– PrAACtical AAC, AAC by Katie Ahern, AT/AAC/Adapt/Modify/Accessibility/Accommodations, AT for Communication, AAC by Constantly Speaking, Communication-AAC Print out and hang up or give someone an AAC Awareness Image– 10 Commandments of AAC Devices, AAC It’s as Easy as 1,2,3 Register for a free AAC professional development webinar from Ablenet Print out an AAC Poster– AAC Boot Camp-Getting AAC Users to Communicate, The Periodic Table of AAC, Learn about technology and apps for AAC and learning from Pinterest– Lauren Enders Pinterest Boards, Tech in Special Education Print out song visual supports Read a Tar Heel Reader Book with an AAC learner... [Read More...]

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28 Posts You May Have Missed From February

March 5, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

28 Posts You May Have Missed from February

Strategy of the Month Beyond Requesting: Thoughts on Teaching Information Transfer Beyond Requesting: PrAACtical Scripts to Teach Conversations Beyond Requesting: Thoughts on Teaching Interrogatives Beyond Requesting: Let’s Chat with Peers PrAACtical Thinking Language Experience Surveys: 8 Fun Ideas 14 Valentine’s Day Activities: Love, Literacy, & Learning Flip Book Love Angelman Awareness Day It Gives Me the Feeling of Love Inclusion & Jewish Disability Awareness Month What’s New? VIVIVOCA Math, Science, and AAC The ‘Real’ Pre-requisites to AAC Device Use The Joy of Reading: World Book Day PrAACtical Thoughts About Graphic Organizers AACtual Therapy & How I Do It Teaching the Use of Social Phrases and Comments Fun & Functional Vocabulary Supporting Teachers of Students with AAC Needs Essential Tricks for Supporting AAC in Schools, Part 1 Video of the Week Ted Carr on Challenging Behavior in ASD A Language Lost PrAACtical Puppet Power The Importance of Using Visual Supports Conference... [Read More...]

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5 More World Book Day Ideas & Resources

March 4, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

5 More World Book Day Resources & Ideas

                   World Book Day is just 3 days away.  Check out these PrAACtical ideas for celebrating.  Just add AAC displays, aided language input, language facilitation strategies, and enthusiasm and World Book Day will be a special celebration. Dia Diversity in Action for 2013 Children’s Book Day- This blog post provides recommendations for a diverse Children’s Book Day (April 30th), but there are some  great ideas that can be used for World Book Day. Exploring Children’s Literature through Book Trailers Great blog by K-5 teacher librarian who has been successful using book trailers as a way to connect readers with books. Think of how many learners would be excited and motivated by a video trailer about a book. Caught in the Act of Reading– a photo idea by Pragmatic Mom that we think would be a great classroom or therapy center activity for... [Read More...]

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PrAACtical Guessing: 5 Apps for Interactive Inferencing

March 1, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

PrAACtical Guessing- 5 Apps for INteractive INferencing

We have been writing and talking about AAC & language  strategies that go beyond requesting. And although we start a new month (today) and a new strategy on Saturday, we wanted to close this last day of the work week  with a fun way of focusing on a complex but important language skill for ALL learners.  If we presume competence, teach, model, and provide activities that are fun and have a variety of response options then everyone can learn to make ‘educated’ guesses and be able to ‘explain’ their choices. There is a difference in making the correct choice and explaining how you made the choice. This skill of guessing is called inferencing.  Inferencing is the process by which a conclusion is inferred from an observation or multiple observations.  The conclusion may be correct or incorrect, but conclusions are based on information we have at the time. As a language... [Read More...]

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How We Do It: Essential TRICKs for Supporting AAC in Schools, Part 1

February 28, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

How We Do It: Essential TRICKs for Supporting AAC in Schools, Part 1

When I first moved to Florida almost 20 years ago, there was a plethora of AAC trainings for special educators, school-based SLPs, and other related service personnel. The AAC professionals in the Orange County area could always be counted on for top-notch information and engaging presentations that kept all of us learning and growing. Florida since moved into a different model for professional development in AT and I am still mourning the loss of access to this fabulous team. We are so lucky that they agreed to share some of their ‘Go – To’ resources with us in this post. The OCPS AT Team has 5 TRICKS to share with us and all of them are very prAACtical. In this post, they share the first two (stay tuned for the other 3 TRICKS in a future post). Get ready to check out their prAACtical ideas and download some of their... [Read More...]

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