Get Ready: 28 Ways to Improve Communication with AAC Users in February

January 29, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

28 Things to do to IMrpve Communication for AAC Users

It’s almost February and and we were thinking about ways to encourage communication in a fun and meaningful way for the whole month.  The best way we know is to build a visual language environment by providing lots of AAC modeling (Aided Language Input-ALI) and by using lots of visual supports. Here are some ideas to expand opportunities and/or to get started. We would love to know what works, what doesn’t, and any other ways you build visual language into everyday experiences. Use Aided Language Input (ALI) to say ‘I Love You’ . Make it part of a routine Offer learners a book choice board/choice book when deciding what book to read in speech-language therapy/classroom/home Use Aided Language Input (ALI) to tell how you feel when something is hard or difficult for you Use a ‘stop sign’ symbol to indicate an off limit area Use Aided Language Input (ALI) to... [Read More...]

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PrAACtical Supports- Walking the Walk AAC Style!

January 28, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

PrAACtical Supports in the Community: Walking the Walk

We are extremely proud to be part of the Dan Marino Foundation WalkAbout Autism,  which is a large South Florida event.  It is a true collaboration between the community, volunteers, sponsors, donors, walk partners, and the Miami Dolphins.  The Walkabout helps raise money for organizations that provide programs and services for individuals with autism and other developmental  disabilities.   It also promotes a sense of community collaboration and awareness about autism spectrum disorder and developmental disabilities.  We are writing about the WalkAbout, not as a plea for money  (although read about the WalkAbout and donate if you are so inclined), but instead to tell you how we continue to try to integrate AAC  & visual strategies into community events.  We are so grateful to Dan & Claire Marino and their family and Jeff & Rachel Ireland and their family for continuing to dedicate their time and effort for this amazing event. This past weekend was the 3rd WalkAbout Autism.  It was a... [Read More...]

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Integrating AAC Instruction with Curriculum Standards

January 25, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

Integrating AAC Instruction with Curriculum Standards

Many of our prAACtical AAC friends are members of ASHA’s Special Interest Group (SIG) on AAC and are able to access their quarterly publication, Perspectives on AAC. I was fortunate to be invited to submit an article for the September 2012 edition, guest edited by Gail Van Tatenhove, on the topic of including students with robust AAC devices in general education classrooms. Access to the final publication is limited to those who are ASHA SIG members, but Gail did get clearance for authors to be able to share their original unedited works. Several of those authors have given permission for their articles to be published on the Minspeak website and also here on our site. In this post, we would like to share the work of Solana Henneberry, Jennifer Kelso, and Gloria Soto. This article describes a process of developing an AAC intervention plan that relate to the Common Core... [Read More...]

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AACtual Therapy: Running AAC Groups

January 24, 2013 by - 2 Comments

AACtual Therapy: Running AAC Groups

We are just delighted to share the AACtual Therapy of Arizona-based SLP, Deanna Wagner. We’ve known Deanna by reputation for a long while, but got to meet her in person at ISAAC this past summer. She has been involved in the AAC world for over 20 years. Her story as an AAC clinician is an interesting one: “I was lucky enough to attend one of the first university AAC courses, at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater.  My instructor was Dr. Mary Blake Huer, who was a recent president of USSAAC.  Because we did not have enough courses in the communication disorders program, I also studied in the special education department and received a graduate degree in severe/profound handicaps.  My first job was as AAC evaluator and trainer at Curative Rehabilitation in Wisconsin.  I was lucky enough to meet a number of the inspirational team members who made up the model programs for... [Read More...]

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“Can I ask you a question?” Using Language Experience Surveys

January 23, 2013 by - 3 Comments

Want to give your AAC learners more frequent opportunities to interact with others? We love using Language Experience Surveys for this purpose. The concept is a simple one. Once you have a language goal in mind, craft a survey with a key question that the communicator can use as a conversation starter. After some instruction and practice, they can then ask people the question. You’ll need to create visual supports for the survey so that the communicator can use it as a cue and show to the interaction partners. In some surveys, the partners then use the visual support to record their responses. Putting the visual support on a clipboard works well in some situations. The simplest way to do this is with a forced-choice question with a list of response options. The survey could be about favorite TV shows or places to visit, for example, and show different options.... [Read More...]

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There’s lots of Apps for That!

January 22, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

Requesting & Choice Making: There's Lot's of Apps for That

As the saying goes, there is an app for ‘that’.  There are now a lot of apps, and a lot of apps for choice making and requesting.  Here are a few just a few of the many, many options: Preference Assessment App Preference & Reinforcer Assessment- Autism & Special Education Requesting & Choice Making Choice Board Creator My Choice Board Look 2 Learn  AAC Apps (fully customizable and can easily make folders of choice boards, but also do a lot more) Go Talk Now Free & Go Talk Now   PictureCanTalk So Much 2  Say- Picture Communication *All of the AAC apps can inherently be used for requesting and choice making. Check out  Jane Farrall’s AAC Apps  for a comprehensive list and our post listing 119 free and light versions of AAC apps and for more options check out the AAC Appy Store. Apps for Creating No Tech Communication and Choice Boards Custom Boards Picture Card... [Read More...]

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Still More AAC Handouts from ASHA, 2012

January 21, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

Hope that many of our prAACtical friends are working on proposals for the 2013 ASHA Convention in Chicago. To inspire us all, here are five presentation handouts from previous annual conference. AAC: What Was, Is, & Hopefully Will Be by David Yoder Effectiveness of Telerehabilitation in AAC Service Delivery by Tanya Curtis Creating a Framework for AAC Evidence-Based Assessment by Elizabeth (Libby) Rush and Celeste Helling Determining Effectiveness of a Communication Program for Children With Autism by Meher Banajee, Timothy Morse, Angie Pardee and Morgan Weihing AAC & Autism: Collaboration, Training, & Data Collection in School by Amy Golding and Deidre King Good luck with those proposals!

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Communication Book Round-Up

January 18, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

Communication Book Round-Up

Working on a communication book for someone with AAC needs? Here are some posts on that topic. The PrAACtical Power of Communication Books Do It My Way: Personalizing Communication Books Communication Books: Making Decisions About Format Quick Start Communication Book Pages Organizing Vocabulary for Communication Books: Getting Started The Communication Book is Ready: Now What? PrAACtically Personal: Individualizing Communication Books 10 Resources for Planning and Designing Communication Books 5+ Ways to Make Page Fluffers and Spacers PrAACtical Resources for AAC Symbols

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How I Do It: Encouraging AAC Implementation

January 17, 2013 by - 26 Comments

How I Do It: Encouraging AAC Implementation

Nothing makes us happier than hearing AAC success stories. It’s thrilling to hear of folks who are using AAC tools and strategies to communicate effectively. We love hearing how their language develops and the positive changes that makes in their lives. It also makes us curious as to what made ‘this’ story a success story. One of our goals for the new year was to give PrAACtical AAC followers a look into the experiences of professionals outside their own communities. Last week, we introduced AACtual Therapy, a series of guest posts by SLPs who are willing to give us a peek into their AAC therapy sessions. Today, we introduce How I Do It, a series in which we invite SLPs to share how they tackle common issues, tasks, or problems. We’re excited to launch the series with a post from Lauren Enders, a clinician who supports the AAC community beyond... [Read More...]

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