PrAACtically July: AAC Resources for A Year of Core Vocabulary

Know anyone who has access to AAC tools but doesn’t yet use them throughout the day?
- Keiran has a new AAC app that is well-populated with core vocabulary.
- Gabbie has had an SGD for awhile but doesn’t use it as frequently as her team had hoped.
- Hudson is transitioning from PECS to an AAC device with more robust language.
While different in many ways, each of these learners has a common need: frequent opportunities to learn about and use core vocabulary. To accomplish this, their SLPs, teachers, and families select a dozen or so core words and pay special attention to those each month. That allows them to highlight this small group of words using focused language stimulation, aided language input, and specific activities designed to teach or practice them. In previous years, we shared lists of some core words to help you do just that.
- Set 1 (A Year of Core) (12 words/month)
- Set 2 (Another Year of Core) (16 words/month)
In today’s post, we share resources for the July words, which are listed below.
- Set 1Words: and, before, color, find, is, later, love, much, ready, same, they, with
- Set 2 Words: black, bottom, cut, face, foot, grandfather, high, maybe, morning, one, really, share, something, then, wear, weather
These resources are available thanks to the generosity of Brian Whitmer, Lisa Timm, Nancy Inman, Bill and Lori Binko, Heidi LoStracco, Alison Wade, Russell Cross, Gail Van Tatenhove, Eric Sailers, Rachael Langley, Amy Bradford, and others. Our thanks to all of you for your collegiality and generosity.
Templates for you to plug in your own symbols: Set 1 words, Set 2 words
- Minspeak/Unity version: Set 1 words
- PCS versions: Set 1 words; Set 2
- Symbol Stix version: Set 1 words
- Lesson Pix: Set 1 Words
- WordPower: Set 1 Words (Note that this contains all the files for several versions of WordPower for both SymbolStix and PCS)
- Speak for Yourself: Set 1 and Set 2 Words
- Unidad English 84 or 36: Set 1 words, Set 2 words
- CoughDrop: Set 1 words; Set 2 words
- WordPower:
- Set 1 words
- Set 2 Words in Symbol Stix and PCS
- Note: These are large files that have sets for different versions of WordPower.
One of the most popular features of the core word resource posts is Rachael Langley’s monthly calendar of ideas. These are from prior years so the dates won’t match up, but the ideas are still terrific. You’ll have a great time exploring the fun suggestions she has for the July Set 2 words (download printable version here).
Looking for ideas for Set 1 words? You can see Rachael’s previous calendar of suggestions here.
Don’t forget to practice these words individually and in phrases/sentences. Amy Bradford has some ideas to get us started.
Remember, core isn’t the only vocabulary that most AAC learners need, but it can play a big role in helping them communicate across activities and environments. Happy teaching!
Filed under: Featured Posts, PrAACtical Thinking
Tagged With: Another Year of Core Words, Year of Core Words
This post was written by Carole Zangari