Ringing in the New Year with An AAC App Giveaway!

January 1, 2014 by - 10 Comments

aacron praactical giveaway
A- A+

We are delighted to have the opportunity to ring in the New Year with a giveaway for an AAC app that’s gotten a lot of buzz lately.  Aacorn is a comprehensive AAC app that brings a new twist to the AAC app options.

aacron app iconaacorn- is a comprehensive AAC app designed to provide free flowing natural-sounding speech to children with who have  limited or no ability to communicate verbally. AACORN learns to PREDICT what a child wants to say based on previously used utterances. Aacorn introduces the concept of a ‘word tree’. Words present themselves automatically, via a series of branching pathways. Aacorn is very intuitive for the general user. It is designed especially for children and the iPad

You can choose between boy and girl US, UK, and Australian voices, speaking many hundreds of very expressive words that can be used to form an infinite number of sentences. Or you can use the built-in recording studio to record new voices.  Aacorn also supports users with fine motor control difficulties because words are selected on release of button press, and users can disable multi-touch swipe gestures and choose between real-time or speak it later speech.

Aacorn’s developer’s are supremely generous with this immense giveaway, as well as 15% of the proceeds from sales of aacorn going directly to funding research into children’s health issues via the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute and educational institutions in many countries are eligible for a 50% discount when purchasing 20 or more licenses through Apple’s Volume Licensing Program. 4.

Please check out aacorn’s facebook (www.facebook.com/aacornapp) and twitter pages (https://twitter.com/aacorn) to stay updated and show some holiday love.

The Giveaway starts now and ends on Friday January 8th, 2014 at 11:59 pm.  We will select 10 (yes, that is 10 winners) to win this 189.99 app.  Take advantage of this opportunity to win an awesome comprehensive AAC app ($189.99).

How Does the Giveaway Work?

  • Enter through Rafflecopter to administer the giveaways (See below).
  • There will be 10 winners (1 code each).
  • Winners are selected randomly through Rafflecopter.
  • We will send an email to each winner connection you with AACORN to get your app code.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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This post was written by Robin Parker


  • Lori says:

    Thanks for offering this giveaway. I would love to try this app with students using AAC in my school district!

  • Thank you for the opportunity to win this amazing app.! I work with students who definately can benefit from it.

  • Kristy says:

    This would be so beneficial!! Crossing my fingers! I have a few evals this month that this would be great for.

  • Nadine says:

    Thanks for the opportunity to win this app! I work with students who could really benefit from this.

  • Miya says:

    How awesome is it that I just ran into this app, and now here is a raffle for it. I live in the Caribbean and I am the Speech Teacher at my school/ (on the island). There are no SLPs or Au.Ds or anything/anyone comparative to the customary in the USA. Winning this app will be sooooo beneficial to my kids at the Special Education Unit. We have no resources. And anything that I need for them comes out of pocket and I’m sure we all know how costly any kind of Speech device/manual/testing can be.

    I would greatly appreciate being chosen please.

  • Valerie Maples says:

    I would love this for a special needs classroom teacher I support!

  • Becky says:

    This app looks amazing! Most of the students on my caseload use some sort of AAC so I would love to have this in my eval toolkit! Thanks!!!

  • Staci says:

    What a great opportunity! This would be great for me to try with some of my students!

  • Christine says:

    This is so exciting! When will the winners be picked? Your site says Friday, January 8. That date doesn’t exist this year. Is it Friday, January 10 or Wednesday, January 8. Thanks!

    • Avatar photo Robin Parker says:

      So sorry about the mistake. The winners were picked on Wednesday January 9th. Keep on the look out though, we have great giveaways every so often.

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