Happy Valentines Day!

We want to wish everyone a HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY! We love writing about, thinking about, and using AAC strategies! Thanks to everyone for being part of the adventure!
Filed under: PrAACtical Thinking
Tagged With: Valentine's Day
This post was written by Robin Parker
I can’t tell you how very grateful I am for your expertise and willingness to share from your passion and knowledge. I believe the use of this platform and other social media has changed everything in bringing forth support for individuals with complex communication needs. Thank you Carole and Robin. We are all better equipped because of you.
Marlene, we feel so VERY fortunate to be in a community of like-minded professionals who are passionate and determined to spread the AAC message. You are a great inspiration to us, and your can-do attitude reaches from Michigan to Florida and beyond! Here’s a coincidence-just a few hours before you wrote this, someone commented on your terrific post about strengthening the communication environment. Take a look if you get a minute. 🙂