705 Search Results for model

September Year of Core Vocabulary & School Year of Core Vocabulary Words

August 28, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

September Year of Core Vocabulary & School Year of Core Vocabulary Words

In 2013, when schools and other clinical programs were expanding their emphasis on teaching core vocabulary words, Robin Parker and I developed a set of resources for families and professionals that included symbol cards, sample sentences to model, activity suggestions, and more. All of these were based on a small set of core words for each month (see that post here). We followed that with a second set of Year of Core Vocabulary Word resources for a new list of words (click here for that post). Over the years, the resources were expanded and grew to include a wonderful series of calendars with daily activity suggestions developed by AAC SLP and co-founder of Talking AAC, Rachael Langley. There were many other contributors over the years who added to these efforts. In 2020, a new series was launched, School Year of Core Vocabulary Words, authored by guest contributors Michaela Sullivan, Alisa... [Read More...]

Stepping into AAC – Week 1

August 28, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

About Week 1 Welcome to Week 1 of your Stepping into AAC journey! You’ll begin this week by selecting a starter AAC tool for your learner. The resources below include a stepwise guide to help you choose one. You will need this for hands-on activities during each week of your Stepping Into AAC journey. If you already have an AAC tool with core vocabulary words, such as a speech-generating device, AAC app, or communication book, you can skip this step and use that tool instead. With your AAC tool ready, you’ll work through the following concepts this week:  The 20 weeks of your Stepping Into AAC journey cover a lot of territory. The graphic below shows the major topics and themes covered in each week of the program and the focus of the hands-on activities, videos, and newsletter resources. Introduction to 100 Days of AAC Choosing an AAC Tool Get... [Read More...]

Stepping into AAC Home

August 27, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

Welcome to Stepping into AAC ! Stepping into AAC  is a collaborative project created by PrAACtical AAC and the Angelman Syndrome Foundation (ASF) that focuses on supporting families who want to integrate AAC into their lives.  There are 20 weeks of Stepping into AAC materials, which are intended to provide simple, week-by-week resources to help families support beginning communicators of all ages. Each week, there are easy hands-on activities, videos and companion handouts, and a newsletter to learn from. Thanks to the generous support of the ASF, these materials are available at no charge.  Stepping into AAC is designed for families that include: Children, adolescents, and adults who are new to AAC and would benefit from using communication aids with high-frequency words or core vocabulary; and Individuals of any age who previously used AAC but are not currently communicating with it throughout the day.  We hope that Stepping into AAC... [Read More...]

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week # 31: July 2023

July 30, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week # 31: July 2023

Happy Sunday, AAC friends. Here are some posts you might enjoy. Tuesday – AAC Link Up Wednesday – Video of the Week: A Deep Dive into AAC Modeling Thursday – August Year of Core Vocabulary & School Year of Core Vocabulary Words   :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Here are a few more to explore before you go. Why We Love Language Experience Activities 5 Things to Do If You’re Not Confident Teaching Core Vocabulary Building Sentence Length through Conversational Routines & Games 5 Quick & Easy Games That Build AAC Skills 5 Ways to Promote Generalization of AAC Use Have a great week, AAC friends!

Cultural-Linguistic AAC: Feature Considerations

July 20, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

Cultural-Linguistic AAC: Feature Considerations

Our series on multilingual AAC support guest authored by BilingüeAAC continues. In today’s post, Sarah Lee addresses issues specific to features of AAC apps and SGDs. BilingüeAAC is a group of SLPs with a shared belief in providing evidence-based intervention strategies and resources to bilingual Spanish AAC clients, families, caregivers, and professionals. If you are new to this series, you can check out the previous articles using the links below. Bilingual AAC Support from Monolingual Professionals: An Introduction Cultural-Linguistic AAC Intervention: A Framework for Consideration Gathering Information from Families with Questionnaires and Surveys Most of us WANT to provide culturally-linguistic responsive bilingual Spanish AAC intervention, but we don’t feel confident without knowing/speaking the language. In an effort to foster Spanish heritage language development and empower the monolingual SLPs*, we have created context-specific templates using the sociocultural approach (Soto & Yu, 2014) for the monolingual English-speaking SLP*.  We will be referencing... [Read More...]

Say Cheese! 5 PrAACtical Ideas for No/Low Prep Activities Using a Phone Camera

July 17, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

Say Cheese! 5 PrAACtical Ideas for No/Low Prep Activities Using a Phone Camera

Cell phones are ubiquitous these days, and almost all of them have a camera. In today’s post, we share some ideas for how to use that for AAC and language learning. If you’re looking for no-prep activities, this post is for you. Create a Collage: Pick a target word or language concept, and walk around looking for things that are associated with it. Snap pictures of a handful of things, then use a free app like PicCollage to create a collage. You’ll find a lot of opportunities to say and practice the target word, both in taking the photos and making the collage. Fun with Filters: Use Snapchat or another app to take photos with playful filters. The discussion about which filter to use and what accessories to add will offer multiple opportunities for you to model and elicit some of the words, phrases, sentences, and questions that are relevant... [Read More...]

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week # 24: June 2023

June 11, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week # 24: June 2023

Happy Sunday, AAC friends. Here are some posts you might enjoy. Monday – Juneteenth, AAC Style Tuesday – AAC Link Up Wednesday – Video of the Week: Modeling & an AAC Implementation Plan Thursday – Throwback Thursday: AAC Support for People with Aphasia ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: If you have a few more minutes, stick around and explore some more. From Activity-based AAC to Robust Language Activity Schedule AACtion AACtual Therapy with Jeanne Tuthill: An Informal Assessment Activity A PrAACtical Literacy Activity for Beginning Communicators 10 Posts on Activity Ideas for Language Therapy with AAC

AAC Implementation Framework: Step 4 – Try It!

May 15, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Implementation Framework: Step 4 - Try It!

We’re so pleased to welcome back PrAACtical AAC friend Vicki Clarke to these pages for another article in the AAC Implementation Framework series. Vicki heads up an AAC-focused private practice, Dynamic Therapy Associates, and is also the Director of DTA Schools. Today’s post includes ‘next step’ information to guide others in implementing AAC along with some helpful AAC posters for you to download, and a video with implementation tips. If you are new to this series you can find the earlier posts through the links below. Steps to Learning Step 1, Determining the Target Step 2: TRAIN Step 3: Take In   AAC 101: Steps To Learning Step 4:  Try It!   As we know, Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) is an essential tool for individuals with speech and language disabilities to communicate effectively and engage in social interactions. Our 4th Step: Try It is about supporting our students as... [Read More...]

PráctiCAAmente Conectados: CAA Con Links Mayo 2023

May 5, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

PráctiCAAmente Conectados: CAA Con Links Mayo 2023

Each month we feature a Spanish version of our AAC Link Up, CAA con Links. If you have AAC-related announcements, materials, or videos in Spanish that you would like others to know about, we’d love to have you add that information below. Also, please share this with anyone who might be interested in contributing to or using the materials that get added to these posts. You’ll find the place to add that information at the very bottom of this post. Organized by Claudia Marimón, these monthly posts also feature AAC work being done in Spanish-speaking countries and offer translations of material that can help families and service providers. Today, she focuses on the vital role played by communication partners. Enjoy the post, and remember to scroll to the bottom to add your link and see what others are sharing. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Comienza Mayo y queremos compartir con nuestra comunidad hispanohablante un... [Read More...]