705 Search Results for model

December Year of Core Vocabulary & School Year of Core Vocabulary Words

November 30, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

December Year of Core Vocabulary & School Year of Core Vocabulary Words

It’s prAACtically time to turn the calendar to a new page, so today we’re re-sharing resources for December year of core word followers. In 2013, when schools and other clinical programs were expanding their emphasis on teaching core vocabulary words, PrAACtical AAC published a set of resources for families and professionals that included symbol cards, sample sentences to model, activity suggestions, and more. All of these were based on a small set of core words for each month (see that post here). We followed that with a second set of Year of Core Vocabulary Word resources for a new list of words (click here for that post). Over the years, the resources were expanded and grew to include a wonderful series of calendars with daily activity suggestions developed by AAC SLP and co-founder of Talking AAC, Rachael Langley. There were many other contributors over the years who added to these... [Read More...]

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week # 47: November 2023

November 19, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week # 47: November 2023

Happy Sunday, AAC friends. Here are some posts that you might enjoy. Tuesday – AAC Link Up Wednesday – Video of the Week: Executive Function and AAC Thursday – Throwback Thursday: Teaming & AAC ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: While you’re here, check out some of these previously published posts. 5 Ways to Tell If Your Students are Becoming Competent Communicators A Look at PODD Books Using Visual Supports to Bring Music Alive Supports for When Modeling AAC is Hard AACtual Therapy: Use Your Best Spud to Teach Vocabulary With Tanna Neufeld The Critical Nature of Literacy in AAC

After the Candy is Gone: Post-Halloween Ideas for AAC Learning

November 6, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

After the Candy is Gone: Post-Halloween Ideas for AAC Learning

We’re sharing some ideas for AAC learning based on a previous post by the late Dr. Robin Parker. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Language learning involves talking about events in the past, present, and future.  Since Halloween is over, it is a perfect opportunity to help AAC users talk about past events. Here are 5 tips for getting started. Use a weekly or monthly (calendar) schedule to ‘remember’ Halloween, or if you are sticking to core words to remember the “great day” or “bad day” depending upon the experience. Use photos of the Halloween festivities to discuss what happened and what everyone did. You can use these to discuss costumes, decorations, the best/worst part of the day, etc. Use a Venn diagram to compare and contrast Halloween experiences. This can be done by comparing two people, places, or anything else. For some learners, you can use images to put Halloween things that everyone saw... [Read More...]

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week # 45: November 2023

November 5, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week # 45: November 2023

Happy Sunday, AAC friends. We have some posts for you. Tuesday – AAC Link Up Wednesday – Video of the Week: Lived Experience of Ömer Güney Thursday – November Year of Core Vocabulary & School Year of Core Vocabulary Words Friday – PráctiCAAmente Conectados: CAA Con Links – Noviembre 2023 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: While you’re here, why not sample some of these past posts? Organizing Vocabulary for Communication Books: Getting Started More on Teaching Core Vocabulary Join Together Core and Fringe AAC In the Classroom: Considerations for Modeling Core Vocabulary PrAACtical Resources: Mini Communication Boards

AAC Awareness: Printable Resources

October 16, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Awareness: Printable Resources

Many AAC professionals are known for their generosity in creating and sharing resources to support individuals with complex communication needs.  In today’s post, we feature a sampling of some that can be helpful during AAC Awareness Month and beyond. Print and display an AAC Poster. Create a bulletin board with an AAC focus or sprinkle these around the environment. From Drawn to AAC: AAC Awareness Month October Printable Posters From Emily B. Speech: AAC Awareness Month Poster and Bulletin Board Kit From The AAC Coach: Never Too Late or Early From CoughDrop: Keys to Modeling From Rachael Langley: Subway Art From Lauren Enders: AAC Do/Do Not From Kate Ahern: The Periodic Table of AAC From Noodle Nook: 5 Tips for Communicating with Nonverbal Students From Scope: Speak Up and Be Safe From PrAACtical AAC: More Teaching, Less Testing Share handouts Print, hang, or give someone an AAC awareness image 10... [Read More...]

Hosting AAC Awareness Month Activities

October 9, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

Hosting AAC Awareness Month Activities

Established in 2007 by ISAAC’s LEAD Committee, AAC Awareness month invites us to spread the word about all things AAC, and it’s pretty exciting to think back on all we’ve done and also to plan for the current year. Each week during AAC Awareness Month we’ll share suggestions for things to do to help others learn about a field that emerged to support children and adults with complex communication needs. This week, we’ll focus on hands-on activities. A popular approach to AAC Awareness Month is to invite a group of colleagues or families to come together and communicate only through AAC for the event. Some years, we’ve held ‘Silent Snack’ events before class where we put out a variety of board games and invited some of our AAC clients to come in and play along. They enjoyed serving as our AAC Ambassadors, meeting new people, and ‘wow-ing’ the crowd with... [Read More...]

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week # 41: October 2023

October 8, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week # 41: October 2023

Happy Sunday, AAC friends. Here are some posts you might appreciate. Monday – Say What? AAC Awareness Month 2023 Tuesday – AAC Link Up Wednesday – Video of the Week: Models for Coaching AAC Partners Thursday – October Year of Core Vocabulary & School Year of Core Vocabulary Words Friday – PráctiCAAmente Conectados: CAA Con Links :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Next up: A few more suggestions for AAC reading. PrAACtical Ideas: AAC Core Vocabulary Practice for Workshops and Inservices How I Do It: Working with Multiple Symbol Sets PrAACtically Reading: Over on the Farm with Karen Natoci & Karen Baca 5+ Ways to Make Page Fluffers and Spacers Classroom CORE Book by Tabi Jones-Wohleber (Downloadable file) ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Stepping into AAC-Week 2

September 16, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

About Week 2 Welcome to the second week of your Stepping into AAC journey! Now that you have a communication board (or other AAC tool) to use and an idea of what to expect over the next 19 weeks, we’re going to dive into some concepts that will help you begin using this with your AAC learner. We will explore the following concepts this week: Word List: Get a preview of all the words that we’ll be focusing on over the course of this program. Shared Attention: Gain an understanding of the crucial role that joint attention plays in learning and communication and how to maximize it for the benefit of your AAC learner. Multimodal Communication: Learn about different forms of communication and how to incorporate them when supporting a beginning AAC user. Modeling Language with AAC: Consider how to help your AAC learner expand their language abilities by giving... [Read More...]

Stepping into AAC-Week 4

September 16, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

About This Week Welcome to Week 4 of your Stepping into AAC journey! This week, we delve into various concepts that will help you and your AAC learner make AAC use part of daily life. We will explore the following concepts this week: Presume Potential: Learn about the mindset of presuming potential and how to leverage it to create spaces, tools, and opportunities for AAC learners to thrive. Motivate to Communicate: Explore the impact of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and ways to maximize their impact on AAC learning. Attribute Meaning: Consider how we can validate and support AAC learners by attributing meaning to their communicative attempts, even when we aren’t quite sure what they are trying to tell us. Say What You See & Show What You Say: Embrace two strategies that will boost AAC use without pressuring our AAC learners to imitate or comply. Know What Progress in AAC... [Read More...]

Stepping into AAC-Week 5

September 16, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

About Week 5 Welcome to the fifth week of your Stepping into AAC journey! In Week 5, we do a deep dive into key strategies for beginning AAC users. We will explore the following concepts this week: Say What You See: Familiarize yourself with the concept of narrating the world around us to facilitate language development in AAC learners. Model AAC Without Expectation: Learn about one of the most helpful AAC support strategies we have in our toolbox. Pause – Give Time for AAC Learning: Expand your understanding of ‘wait time’ and the positive role it can play in interactions with AAC users. Make the Most of Requesting: Consider the importance of making requests along with some of the pitfalls of over-emphasizing this aspect of communication. Think Aloud with AAC: By giving voice to our thoughts, feelings, and internal dialogue, we can support the development of cognitive and linguistic skills... [Read More...]