1056 Search Results for Core

Using Metaphors to Support Vocabulary Teaching

March 20, 2017 by - Leave your thoughts

Using Metaphors to Support Vocabulary Teaching

One of the really fun things about writing posts about vocabulary is that it gives us a great excuse to browse some teacher and SLP blogs. Sometimes their creativity blows me away, not to mention how incredibly engaging and cute they are! I especially love the creative themes that they use to go way beyond the ‘Vivid Verbs’ concept. Metaphors and visual imagery are both research-backed strategies for retaining new information. That’s important, especially as we move beyond core vocabulary and expose our AAC learners to a richer lexicon. Both can be used in a variety of games and activities and go a long way toward build engagement about new word learning. In the hands of an enthusiastic instructor, a metaphor can be developed into a theme that boosts the ‘fun factor,’ which is important when we’re trying to build the buzz around new word learning.  Here are some of... [Read More...]

AAC on TpT: 5 Free Downloads

March 6, 2017 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC on TpT: 5 Free Downloads

  Looking for some AAC materials to round out your collection of resources? Teachers Pay Teachers, the online marketplace for materials made by teachers and therapists, has quite a few. Here are a couple of freebies to check out. AAC Myths by Susan Berkowitz  Preverbal Communication-AAC Checklists by Ricki Block of Preschool Speechie Plus AAC Home Information Questionnaire by Tarra Bailey  AAC Brochure for Teachers and Support Staff by Sublime Speech  Leveled Core Communication Boards by Sister SLPs  What are your favorite AAC resources on Teachers Pay Teachers? We’d love to hear about them.

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week #10: March, 2017

March 5, 2017 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week #10: March, 2017

Looking to catch up on some AAC reading? Here are a few posts you may have missed. Monday: PrAACtically March: AAC Resources for A Year of Core Vocabulary Words Wednesday: Video of the Week: Environmental Communication Teaching Thursday: PrAACtical Teaching in the Autism Classroom: Instructional Activities for Core Vocabulary

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week #6: February 2017

February 5, 2017 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week #6: February 2017

Happy February, all! Anyone interested in some online AAC conversation? I’m looking forward to connecting with AAC stakeholders from around the world this Thursday on Twitter, as I host the #USSAACchat (Feb 9, 7:00 pm ET). Our topic is ‘Beyond Awareness: Building a Culture of AAC Support.’ All are welcome! If you are new to Twitter or Twitter Chats or just don’t ‘get’ how it can support professional growth, you can learn more about that here. Even if you are an infrequent Twitter user, or if you are more of a lurker than a participant, we welcome you to join us. Lots of AAC in your busy week? Here are some posts you may have missed. Monday:  PrAACtically February: Resources for A Year of Core Vocabulary Words Wednesday: Video of the Week: Mobilizing the Power Of Special Interests Thursday: Privacy and AAC: A Few Reflections

Reducing Prompt Dependence in AAC Learners: 5 Things to Try

January 26, 2017 by - 3 Comments

Reducing Prompt Dependence in AAC Learners: 5 Things to Try

“He knows what to do. He just doesn’t do it.” “He’s prompt-dependent. How can I get him to use AAC on his own?” “I love his strong-willed nature, but it works against him sometimes. He doesn’t initiate.” If any of these remarks sound familiar, it may be time to think about alternative approaches to build independent communication. Here are a few things to try with AAC users who’ve learned to wait for support before communicating. Exaggerate the pause time: Many of our AAC learners need at least 5 seconds of pause time after a communication opportunity presents itself. This helps them process the experience, organize their thoughts, decide on a response, and then begin to execute that response. Sometimes, though, we work with people who’ve learned that if they just wait, the communication partner will start to help (whether or not they need it). We can sometimes nudge the learner... [Read More...]

Video of the Week: Embedding AAC Throughout the Day

January 25, 2017 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Embedding AAC Throughout the Day

Looking for ways to help others use AAC more frequently throughout the day? Today, we return to The Center for Literacy and Disability Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to view video on this topic. We love the clear explanations, solid rationales, and helpful tips in this video. For more information on the Universal Core Vocabulary they discuss, as well as downloadable communication materials, and professional development materials, explore the Project Core website. Direct Link to Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhJ1B8h8Hd0&feature=youtu.be

AAC Mythology v2.0: A Few Misconceptions About AAC Intervention

January 23, 2017 by - 4 Comments

AAC Mythology v2.0: A Few Misconceptions About AAC Intervention

The good news is this: A growing number of people with complex communication needs are getting access to AAC. Educators whose students had AAC only at circle and snack time are now using it more consistently with their students throughout the day and teaching lessons specifically designed to build skills with AAC systems. SLPs who had eschewed AAC or who had focused their AAC efforts on choicemaking, requesting, and labeling are now embracing their role as language specialists and teaching a fuller array of semantic, morphological, and syntactic skills to AAC learners. AT specialists who had been doling out the same few SGDs and AAC apps are now digging deeper and using established practices for AT selection in supporting minimally verbal and nonverbal students. Behaviorists who had previously focused primarily on receptive identification and verbal imitation are supporting the expressive needs of their clients in new ways. Families who had little... [Read More...]

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week # 4: January 2017

January 22, 2017 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week # 4: January 2017

It was an action-packed week at the ATIA Conference, filled with AAC learning, new products,  and connecting with colleagues. Here are a handful of posts that you may have missed in your busy week. Monday: Core Values: Suggestions for Language Building with AAC Learners Wednesday:  Video of the Week: Supporting Preschoolers with AAC Needs-A Case Study Thursday: PrAACtical Resources: Developing Touchscreen, Switch and Eye Gaze Skills