794 Search Results for praactical teaching

Teach Me Tuesday: Alexicom AAC

October 8, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

Teach Me Tuesday: Alexicom AAC

Teach Me Tuesday is a new feature that offers prAACtical resources for our colleagues who are looking to learn more about SGDs and AAC apps. Each week, we’ll share training resources that we’ve found to be helpful for those of us teaching ourselves how to use these things. There is no rhyme or reason to which ones we share each week, and endorsement should not be implied. As always, it’s up to each SLP and team to make recommendations based on their assessment data and other relevant factors. If you have devices or apps that you need to know more about, feel free to contact us and we will put that on our list. If you are an author, vendor, or developer who wants to share materials with us, we certainly welcome and appreciate that, but they must come with no strings attached. The product may or may not get... [Read More...]

30 Posts You May Have Missed in September

October 7, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

30 Posts You May Have Missed in September

Strategy of the Month  Infusing Literacy Learning Opportunities into AAC Therapies AAC & Literacy: Setting the Stage Literacy Lessons for Beginning AAC Learners Literacy for Everyone with Adapted Books PrAACtical Thinking PrAACtical Resources: A Look at the NJC The PrAACtical Power of Contrast 31 Posts You May Have Missed in August  Literacy: Cookies & Core 5 Things to Love About the SETT Framework 10 Tips to Encourage Love of Literacy 5 Easy Ways to Add Authentic Writing Experiences to Your AAC Therapy AAC & Dinosaur Apps for Literacy & Language 5 AAC Strategies and the Use It of Loose It Philosophy 10 AAC Intervention Apps We Can’t Live Without 5 Things to Consider About Prompts in Teaching AAC Loving Literacy in AAC Keep Calm & Write ON.. fro All Writers Thoughts on Involving Our Clients in AAC Vocabulary Selection Presuming Competence & Teaching AAC 5 reasons We Don’t (Typically) Use... [Read More...]

Strategy of the Month: Building Participation

October 5, 2013 by - 4 Comments

Do you know any of our friends? Jenna can use a talking switch with only a little bit of support. But at calendar time, no one thinks of asking her a question. Hao knows almost two dozen signs and can use a communication wallet with non-signers. But at social gatherings, he’s mostly off to the side playing a game on his iPhone. Isaac uses his SGD capably and can create grammatically correct sentences that include noun phrases and conjunctions. But in Chemistry, his lab group conducts their experiments and writes up the lab report without his contributions. Sienna is able to choose between preferred and non-preferred items in a field of three and is learning to do so in a field of four. But the only time she gets to make a choice is at mealtimes. Like many of you, we put in countless hours helping children and adults who... [Read More...]

Throwback Thursday: Ain’t No Stopping Us Now

September 26, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

Throwback Thursday: Ain't No Stopping Us Now

(updated/original version published on October 20, 2012) Sometimes saying ‘no’ to the demands of the day actually helps us rejuvenate and allows us to be more productive. Saying ‘no to false information helps us to advocate for ourselves.  The ‘no’ topic seems to be trending now.  There have been quite a few blog posts and comments about the issue (Just Say No,   How and When to Give Your Students A Break).  We are so glad that this topic is getting more focus.  Of course everyone agrees that ALL people have the right to say ‘no’. But it is not always so simple. There are many types of ‘no’.  There is the outright ‘no’, the ‘no’ to more work, the ‘no’ for disagreement, the ultra important ‘NO’ to unwanted touching, and many more. And depending upon how you say ‘no’ is the difference between it being accepted or… NOT. The issue... [Read More...]

Literacy Lessons for Beginning AAC Learners

September 21, 2013 by - 10 Comments

Literacy Lessons for Beginning AAC Learners

Like some of you, we are often met with skepticism when we encourage teams to work on literacy skills with individuals who are still learning the very basics of communication. Recently, we had the opportunity to begin this journey anew, and model a literacy lesson for kindergartners who have no formal communication system, are not answering yes/no questions, and do not consistently select preferred items when offered choices. Why work on literacy with students who are not routinely expressing their basic preferences? Because the longer we wait, the longer it will take to get there. Because it offers wonderful opportunities to build communication, too. Because when other people see us teaching reading and writing, it changes their perception of the student in a positive way. Because they will enjoy it. Because there are mandates for us to address the general education curriculum. Because if we set the bar high and... [Read More...]

Loving Literacy & AAC

September 17, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

Loving Literacy & AAC

It’s International Literacy Month. We want to take this opportunity to remember that EVERYONE should have direct literacy instruction. Some students will be starting by learning to enjoy books while others will be readers already. Either way, there should be a literacy plan with short term and long term goals. If you need ideas for beginning or just expanding reading skills,  here are some seriously excellent literacy resources for AAC.  Take a look, enjoy and please let us know  your favorite literacy resources so we can add them to this list.    TalkSense- 101 ideas for literacy and AAC. Also, provides access to many picture symbols and litSymbols         Jane Farrall’s Blog:  Literacy, AAC, & Assistive Technology– Literacy resources specific to AAC and assistive technology Tar Heel Reader – books for beginning readers of all ages. Bookshare- accessible books and journals for readers with print disabilities  Center for Literacy and Disabilities Studies–... [Read More...]

10 AAC Intervention Strategies We Can’t Live Without

September 13, 2013 by - 4 Comments

10 AAC Intervention Strategies We Can’t Live Without

It’s a new semester for us and we’re having lots of conversations with student clinicians about teaching strategies. Here are some of the things they’re putting in their AAC toolkits. Making language visible: Use visual supports to give information, explain, set boundaries, and make expectations clear. Aided language input and focused language stimulation: Teach AAC by speaking AAC. Communication temptations: Make the client want to communicate to get his/her own agenda met Expansions and extensions: The language facilitation strategies we all studied in our language intervention classes work in AAC, too! Repetition with variety: Working on the same thing in different ways is a sure way to build learning and keep treidthings fresh Contrastive examples: Teach through the power of clear examples, both positive AND negative  Backward and forward chaining: Great for teaching things that have multiple steps, like sending emails or posting to Facebook Structure: Creating structure helps learner better... [Read More...]

5 AAC Strategies & The “Use It or Lose It” Philosophy

September 12, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

5 AAC Strategies & the Use it or Lose it philosophy

School has begun for almost everyone. Some classes have been in session for a while and routines have been formed, learning is taking place, behaviors have settled down. Now comes what can seem like the hard part: Keeping up with and expanding the strategies that helped students become successful.  Instead of trying to fade AAC displays/devices and visual supports, stick with the basics and expand how they can be used.  Because if you don’t use it, you may lose it. So: Keep up with: Visual Schedules– monthly, daily, and mini. Even if students know the schedule, continue to use it. Most of us would not like ‘losing’ our day planner or ‘to do’ lists even though we know our schedules. Aided Language Input First- Then Visual Support Visual Boundaries Access to a AAC Display/Device– And the display or device is with the student All the time, everywhere, charged, working, and... [Read More...]

AAC & Dinosaur Apps for Literacy and Language

September 11, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC & Dinosaur Apps for Literacy & Language

We have students of all ages who love dinosaurs. From young children to the teenager or adult we can use the theme of dinosaurs when teaching AAC, language and literacy.  You can do a theme of fun dinosaurs  all the way to paleontology and archeology. Dinosaurs as a theme can support goals for core & fringe vocabulary, narratives, reading, and writing. Many  students will do more and work harder if there is a high interest theme. Here are some apps for those dinosaur loving students. Dinosaurs Books BooksHow to Hide A Dinosaur– children, iPad,  fun book Dinoboy Adventures– children, iPad & iPhone +, interactive book where you can make choices to modify the story Tiny Time Machine- Dinosaurs– children, iPad & iPhone +,  a travel adventure mystery Oh Can You Say Di -NO -Saur Dr. Seuss Cat In the Hat– children, iPad & iphone + , fun book Dinosaur Book HD: iDinobook–... [Read More...]

Infusing Literacy Learning Opportunities in AAC Therapies

September 7, 2013 by - 9 Comments

Infusing Literacy Learning Opportunities in AAC Therapies

Most of our conversations with SLPs about teaching literacy to individuals with AAC needs revolve around the ‘How’s.” “How can I possibly teach reading and writing? I don’t have enough time with her to teach language and communication!” “How am I going to teach reading to someone who can’t sound out words? Or writing to someone who can barely use a pencil or keyboard?” In general, SLPs WANT to teach literacy skills. They understand the importance of this skill set and how it can level the playing field for people with communication difficulties. They know that reading and writing are inherently linked to speaking and listening. They know that literacy is a powerful key that unlocks many, many doors. And yet, getting from there to the point of actually teaching clients with AAC needs to read and write is not something we do enough of. This month, we’ll look at ways... [Read More...]