794 Search Results for praactical teaching

I am Thinking About Buying An AAC App… Now What?

December 2, 2013 by - 4 Comments

This may be the time of year you are thinking of adding AAC apps to your assessment collection or are planning on getting one for an individual learner or for a group of learners.  As you consider which app or apps to purchase, here are some feature considerations as well as some options for learning about the apps. **For any individual learner, a specific AAC evaluation by a qualified speech-language pathologist is always highly recommended. Language Features Core word approach to language learning Functional language approach to language learning Visual scene approach to language learning Pre-made communication displays or create your own Communication Functions (requesting, Choicemaking, commenting, complaining, etc.) Sentence building options Options for morphological learning Allows for full communication including requests, saying no, greetings,ventings, and sharing of information Comprehensive language learning Small Talk Single or sequenced messages Technical Features Customization level Platform Options (iOS, Android, Computer) Digitized (recorded) vs... [Read More...]

Core Words, Direct Vocabulary Instruction, & The Beginning Communicator

November 30, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

Vocabulary Instruction & the Beginning Communicator

Direct vocabulary instruction is important for all level learners.  The beginning communicator needs to learn core word vocabulary from USING the words and one of the best  ways to learn how to USE core words, is to receive specific direct instruction with many opportunities for active participation. 6 Essential Philosophies &  Strategies Vocabulary instruction involves a systematic TEACHING process.  Add vocabulary or Words as an activity on the daily schedule and then have a mini-schedule for the specific vocabulary instruction activities for that day. Initially, apply an errorless learning paradigm. Then, gradually, add comprehension checks, but do not wait for ‘proof’ of comprehension before adding new words because we often notice that the beginning communicator will demonstrate comprehension during ‘unexpected opportunities- or when you are least expecting it. Once learners become familiar with some of the specific vocabulary activities, then have some choice making opportunities as to which ‘word activities’... [Read More...]

5 Ways to Build Understanding

November 26, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

5 Ways to Build Understanding

Teaching language can be a sticky business. The concepts can be quite abstract, and that’s a challenge for many AAC learners. It can take some real thought to figure out how to simplify complexity. Beyond that, we have to teach in a way that helps learners retain the new information. Here are some of the things we think about when we’re running the our mental checklist of teaching options. 1. Graphic Organizers: There are so many ways to use graphic organizers to help simplify complex concepts. Use them to show relationships between things, sequences, and component parts. 2. Use a Story: Social narratives are somewhat like social stories, but don’t adhere to the same strict design parameters as a true social story. The TASN project in Kansas has almost 150 of them on a variety of topics on their website. You can check them out here. Most are in .doc,... [Read More...]

Throwback Thursday- Say This, Not That to Reinforce Vocabulary Learning

November 14, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

Throwback Thursday: Say This, Not That for Vocabulary Learning

Vocabulary Reinforcement- Worth Repeating (originally published 11/15/12) Part of TEACHING vocabulary to AAC users (or any learner) involves reinforcement. Reinforcement is more than just facilitating positive self esteem. It is also about providing feedback that will help increase the skill you are trying to teach. It’s more than learning specific new words but also about strategies to attack learning  new words outside of the therapy or classroom environment. Below are some examples of ways to make the most of your reinforcement and some ways to NOT.  (click for some great written reinforcement examples).  🙂 SAY THIS… General Principles of Reinforcement for Vocabulary:   Be specific to the goal. Use words that explain the skill you want to occur more often.  Use excited positive vocal inflection, Be impressed! We are continuing with the example of teaching the word consumed from Carole’s post on Monday, What Makes A Good Vocabulary Teaching Activity. ‘Wow you discovered a... [Read More...]

Hockey Lessons

November 12, 2013 by - 2 Comments

Hockey Lessons

When WrightsLaw  posted the video below on Facebook, we just had to share it on our PrAACtical AAC FB page. If you haven’t seen this clip from Special Hockey International, do yourself a favor and watch it.  We may not be the world’s biggest hockey fans, but we got something quite meaningful from this clip and think you will, too. Here are the some of the things we’ve been pondering after watching the video. 1. Friendship matters. Teaching friendship skills is central to our mission as SLPs, not a trivial thing that we might focus on after all the other goals are accomplished. If our AAC learners have no real relationships outside of their own families and those professionals and caregivers paid to work with them, how much impact  have our therapies really made? If they are lonely, has what we’ve done really mattered? 2. A single act of kindness can change... [Read More...]

Core Word Vocabulary Classroom Kit by Gail Van Tatenhove

November 3, 2013 by - 2 Comments

Core Vocabulary Classroom Kit by Gail Van Tatenhove

Need some help with core vocabulary teaching? Check out The Core Vocabulary Classroom Kit by Gail Van Tatenhove.  Really awesome visual supports to go with core word teaching and active learning.   *There is a fee for this kit. However, Gail Van Tatenhove also has many free resources on her website and on Minspeak’s website. **We receive no financial benefit from this product. We just think it is a great resource.


October 31, 2013 by - 9 Comments

How I do It 5 AAC Things I wish I had Known by Deanne Shoyer

We are so pleased to have connected with  Deanne Shoyer from Small But Kinda Mighty and even happier that she is our guest blogger today.  Deanne is a mom of twin boys who both are on the autism spectrum.  Deanne successfully fundraised to buy iPads for her boys and has been active for more than 3 years in social media and in the special needs app community.  She has written about many things but often focuses on implementing AAC in a very PrAACtical way.  Please feel free to share this very important post as she highlights AAC, what she has learned, and how it may help others. by Deanne Shoyer at  Small But Kinda Mighty (original post at Small But Kinda Mighty) In the title of this post I’ve linked autism and AAC for a specific reason. A lot of the points here are equally applicable to people who have a... [Read More...]

November Core Word PrAACtice Ideas

October 21, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

November Core Word PrAACtice Ideas

More core word prAACtice ideas. Whether you are just getting started or have been working with core word vocabulary for a long time, the teaching strategies you use to TEACH, helps turn regular words into real communication and language.  Provide  Aided Language Input- ALI in Meaningful Language Experiences.  PrAACtice USING core words in many, many opportunities. Authentic, meaningful prAACtice is fun for everyone. This core word prAACtice is for November.  There is a lot of food, leaves, changes of weather, thankfulness, sharing, and holiday spirit. Here are some ideas of activities that can go with the core word words, phrases and sentences: Do art project– Make a turkey because there are many opportunities to use body.  From asking for the ‘body of the turkey” and asking for “feathers of the body” there can 50-100 opportunities for prAACtice.  You can do this with a beginning communicator  who can ask for a... [Read More...]

Building Participation with Older Learners

October 12, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

Building Participation with Older Learners

We love active participation for communication and language learning. Actually, we love active participation in all areas of life for us, for our students, for everyone. When Carole introduced the Building Participation Strategy of the Month, she discussed the role of the Participation Model (Beukelman & Mirenda, 1988; 2013). The Participation Model is a framework for understanding the barriers to participation and then from a prAACtical intervention standpoint developing strategies and activities to increase active participation in a variety of (ALL) aspects of life. For the 2012 AAC Awareness Month, we discussed barriers to participation. This year’s focus is on activities and strategies for getting past the barriers to building age appropriate authentic active participation for ALL learners. We have learned that when older learners with significant communication challenges are provided with age appropriate activities and supports, they can be engaged and motivated to participate and can often surprise us with... [Read More...]