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Video of the Week: AAC Modeling at Home

March 10, 2021 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: AAC Modeling at Home

If you’re looking for ideas for how to support AAC learning at home, today’s post will be a real treat. AAC SLP, Jeanna Antrim, co-author of our TELL ME About It series, created a set of short instructional videos with prAACtical ideas for modeling AAC at home.  Kitchen   Pantry   Garage   Bathroom   Bedroom & Closet   Backyard   Backyard Bubbles   Backyard Garden   In the Sandbox   Board Games: Sequence for Kids   Board Games: Pop the Pig   If you like these wonderful suggestions, check out more from Jeanna: Teachers Pay Teachers  Instagram   Facebook   Twitter  

How I Do It: Functional Ideas for AAC Use at Home

October 22, 2020 by - 1 Comment

How I Do It: Functional Ideas for AAC Use at Home

Speech-language pathologists who serve individuals with complex communication generally have less time than they’d like to support families in implementing AAC at home. In today’s post, guest author Jesse Kleinman shares her ideas for using functional activities to support AAC learning. As an SLP in Brooklyn New York, she provides in-person and remote therapy to students with AAC needs. Enjoy! ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: How I Do It: Functional Ideas for AAC Use at Home During this time, we have all been spending a lot of time at home to stay safe. It has been a trying time in these past couple of months, but as therapists, we are always adapting. As a speech-language pathologist, I was thrown into the world of teletherapy for about 6 months, and I’m now doing a hybrid approach where I see some of my students in person and others remotely. I’ve been seeing a majority of my... [Read More...]

PrAACtical Introductions: Meet…A Year of Core Vocabulary Words – School Edition (by Michaela Sullivan, Beth Lytle, & Alisa Lego)

August 29, 2020 by - 13 Comments

A Year of Core Words-School Edition

Much has changed since we first wrote about the Year of Core Vocabulary Words and began publishing monthly word lists, symbol cards, activity ideas, and book suggestions. It is gratifying to see the concept and these resources being used by teachers, clinicians, and parents. Today, we introduce an expansion of that concept with a specific focus on school-based AAC support. Say hello to the School Year of Core Words series. Conceptualized and created by AAC SLP Michaela Sullivan, and two pre-professional SLP students, Beth Lytle and Alisa Lego, the series begins with this introduction to the Level 1 and Level 2 words, and some information about what to expect as the series progresses. It will be followed by monthly posts with ideas, resources, and materials. The series follows a US academic calendar, running from August through June. You can learn more about the School Year of Core Word series creators,... [Read More...]

The Role of Meaning Making with Beginning Communicators: Motivating Interactions

July 20, 2020 by - 2 Comments

The Role of Meaning Making with Beginning Communicators: Motivating Interactions

Finding ways to engage AAC learners is important to professionals across disciplines and service delivery settings. In today’s post, we feature guest author Kate McLaughlin, who is an SLP serving individuals with AAC needs in Connecticut. She shares a perspective on building engagement through the perspective of meaning making.   ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: “Motivating” Emergent Communicators through Shared “Meaning-Making” & Communication Responsibility Are you a speech-language pathologist (SLP), teacher, or parent supporting an emergent AAC learner? Maybe you are just starting AAC with a learner who has a complex profile (for example, significant motor impairments, difficulties with motor planning, and/or sensory processing differences)? Maybe you have a learner who has learned to ask for some favorite things, but is not communicating beyond that? Do you struggle to “motivate” them? You’re not alone. I’ve met many kids who have been described as “not motivated to communicate.” I’ve also met many parents and professionals... [Read More...]

AAC Implementation from a ‘Communication World’ Perspective

July 16, 2020 by - 1 Comment

AAC Implementation from a 'Communication World' Perspective

AAC SLPs are a creative bunch and would do anything to help teams get on board with appropriate supports and services. In today’s post, we hear from Elena Feder, who introduces us to the ‘Communication World’ approach. Elena is an AAC SLP at the New England Assistive Technology (NEAT) Center in Connecticut and has a lot to share about AAC implementation. Don’t miss the wonderful planning tool that she shares at the end. Before we get to that, though, take a look at the AAC Summer Bash that she runs with her colleague and fellow SLP Sarah Brink. In normal times, this is a face-to-face experience but due to the novel coronavirus, it has migrated to an online event. There are a few other things that you might like to know about the AAC Summer Bash. It’s free! You’re invited! You must register by July 17th. The AAC Summer Bash... [Read More...]

PrAACtically July – AAC Resources for A Year of Core Words: The Learn-at-Home Edition

June 25, 2020 by - Leave your thoughts

PrAACtically July – AAC Resources for A Year of Core Words: The Learn-at-Home Edition

It’s almost July and that gives us an opportunity to turn our attention to an additional set of core vocabulary. Do you know anyone who has access to AAC tools but doesn’t yet use them throughout the day? Keiran has a new AAC app that is well-populated with core vocabulary. Gabbie has had an SGD for a while but doesn’t use it as frequently as her team had hoped. Hudson is transitioning from PECS to an AAC device with more robust language. While different in many ways, each of these learners has a common need: frequent opportunities to learn about and use core vocabulary. To accomplish this, their SLPs, teachers, and families select a dozen or so core words and pay special attention to those each month. That allows them to highlight this small group of words using focused language stimulation, aided language input, and specific activities designed to teach... [Read More...]

Growing AAC Professionals: When Learning Meets Service

May 21, 2020 by - 2 Comments

Growing AAC Professionals: When Learning Meets Service

Teaching AAC to future SLPs is a longstanding passion of mine so when a fellow instructor, Vicki Haddix, reached out to talk about the AAC projects her graduate students had done, I knew that I wanted to share them with you. In today’s post, Vicki, a Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Memphis, tells us about her most recent students and their projects. The materials they created can be used by parents and professionals alike. Make sure to check out the link at the bottom to access the full array of materials that these talented students created. Enjoy! ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: As a professor, it’s always exciting when you see the great work that graduate students are doing and think about the potential that they are bringing to the field. I’ve taught the AAC class at the University of Memphis’s SLP graduate program for 5 spring semesters, and I always learn... [Read More...]

AAC at a Distance: 5 Ways to Use Video Chat & Videoconferencing to Boost Engagement

April 23, 2020 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC at a Distance: 5 Ways to Use Video Chat and Videoconferencing to Boost Engagement

Like many of you, I have a love-hate relationship with video chat and videoconferencing these days. On one hand, we are immensely grateful for the technology that allows us to teach classes and hold meetings remotely so that we can continue with some semblance of our daily obligations. On the other hand, there is just no substitute for being in the same physical space as our co-workers, students, friends, and relatives. We are all adapting to this new reality of social distancing and experimenting with new ways of teaching, learning, and working. Across the globe, people are using video chat and videoconference technology, like FaceTime, Google Hangouts, and Zoom, in creative ways. If you’re looking for some ways to support AAC learners using these technologies, here are a few ideas. Hold a virtual Friendship Friday meeting: Invite a few classmates or friends to join an online meeting space to do... [Read More...]

PrAACtically April – AAC Resources for A Year of Core Words: The Learn-at-Home Edition

March 30, 2020 by - Leave your thoughts

PrAACtically April: AAC Resources for A Year of Core Words – Learn-at-Home Edition

We’re entering a new era in AAC learning, one that’s centered around learning at home. Whether you are a parent trying to keep your child’s AAC skills up in the absence of their regular therapy and schooling, or a professional who is providing AAC support from afar, we hope that our monthly Year of Core Vocabulary Learn-at-Home Edition posts help you stay focused and keep your learners using their AAC skills. In today’s post, we share some ideas for boosting core word learning throughout the week with a focus on a small set of words. Whether you are following along with the Set 1 (12 words/month) or the Set 2 words (16 words/month; Different than the previous core words), or are just getting started, this post has some helpful resources. Our words for this month are as follows. Set 1 List: big, busy, do, drink, feel, he, in, make, out, some, tell, who... [Read More...]