597 Search Results for tell me about it

Language Experience Surveys: 3 Ideas for AAC Implementation

March 21, 2022 by - Leave your thoughts

Language Experience Surveys: 3 Ideas for AAC Implementation

Language experience surveys are versatile tools with considerable applicability to AAC learning. These involve creating an informal survey based on a single question that was selected specifically to support communicative development. They can be used to give AAC learners more opportunities to learn from others in focused and specific ways. They also offer ample opportunities to practice emerging skills and generalize those skills from the therapy space or classroom to real-world contexts. You can learn more about them here. How can we use language experience surveys in our AAC work? Here are a few ideas. Introduce new words or concepts: We often precede direct instruction on a new word or concept with experiences that provide exposure to those. Using a language experience survey can be a powerful way to introduce AAC learners to a new vocabulary word in ways that are engaging, enjoyable, and memorable. Examples: “Can you tell me... [Read More...]

AAC Love: 5 Moments to Savor

February 14, 2022 by - 1 Comment

AAC Love: 5 Moments to Savor

On Valentine’s Day, our thoughts turn to love. Whether you’ve been doing this work for 3 months, 3 years, or 3 decades, there are some special moments in supporting people who use AAC that never lose their shine. Here are some of our favorites. Finding out that your client, student, or loved one is approved to get their first AAC device  Overhearing someone you’ve trained tell another team member something positive about AAC Learning that your client or student who uses AAC advocated for themselves or got into ‘good trouble’ Being invited into a situation where the AAC user, family, school team, and private therapy providers are all pointed in the same direction Sharing happy tears with a family whose child just used their AAC system to say ‘I love you’ for the first time   Joy, relief, a sense of accomplishment, gratitude, pride, excitement, self-efficacy…Today is a great day to... [Read More...]

Improving Assessment Practices for Students Who Use AAC: Mobilizing the Power of Social Narratives

January 6, 2022 by - Leave your thoughts

Improving Assessment Practices for Students Who Use AAC: Mobilizing the Power of Social Narratives

Social narratives are an empirically supported intervention that can be helpful in supporting people with AAC needs. They are commonly used to help individuals with autism understand and deal with challenging situations such as fire drills, birthday parties, and trips to the dentist. All types of social narratives can be written in text alone or include pictures and illustrations.  Social Stories are a particular kind of social narrative that have a specific set of guidelines for their development and use. The originator of Social Stories, Carol Gray, defines Social Stories this way: “A Social Story accurately describes a context, skill, achievement, or concept according to 10 defining criteria. These criteria guide Story research, development, and implementation to ensure an overall patient and supportive quality, and a format, ‘voice’, content, and learning experience that is descriptive, meaningful, respectful, and physically, socially, and emotionally safe for the Story audience (a child, adolescent,... [Read More...]

AAC Fair Testing Practices: Communication & Documentation

November 18, 2021 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Fair Testing Practices: Communication & Documentation

We’re continuing to discuss strategies for helping teams devise ways to test students who use AAC in ways that allow them to show what they actually know in test-taking situations. For the most part, this involves team discussions and collaborative problem-solving to develop a plan based on each AAC user’s individual needs, abilities, and priorities.  Today’s post addresses two important topics: How individuals will communicate during testing and how teams document the ways that assessments are administered to a particular individual. TOPIC 12 Communicating During Testing – How will students express themselves during testing?  People who use AAC should always have easy access to the tools they use for communication. In testing, professionals may be tempted to remove or restrict the AAC device during testing, but there are several reasons why this is not a good idea. For starters, we’re violating basic human rights in making communication aids less accessible.... [Read More...]

PráctiCAAmente Conectados Con Links – Octubre 2021

October 1, 2021 by - Leave your thoughts

PráctiCAAmente Conectados Con Links – Octubre 2021

October is AAC Awareness Month, and sharing resources for AAC learning in Spanish is a wonderful way to kick things off. On the first Friday of every month, we feature a Spanish version of our AAC Link Up, CAA con Links. If you have AAC-related announcements, materials, or videos in Spanish that you would like others to know about, we’d love to have you add that information below. Also, please share this with anyone who might be interested in contributing to or using the materials that get added to these posts. Organized by Claudia Marimón, these posts also feature AAC work being done in Spanish-speaking countries. Today, Claudia shares a bit about the group that she runs called ‘International Friends.’ The post appears in both English and Spanish so that everyone can hear about the work they do. Enjoy! ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Comienza octubre el mes de visibilidad y concienciación de la CAA.... [Read More...]

AAC in Secondary School: Using Games to Support AAC Learning for Older Students

September 13, 2021 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC in Secondary School: Using Games to Support AAC Learning for Older Students

Looking for activities that will help in teaching older students to be effective communicators with AAC? AAC SLP Ashley Larisey is back with us to share another post in the AAC in Secondary School series. Ashley is an SLP at Community High School District 218 in Oak Lawn, Illinois. She is also an Adjunct Clinical Supervisor and Instructor at Saint Xavier University. In today’s post, she shares ideas and resources for using games to support AAC learning by high school students. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Using Games to Support AAC Learning for Older Students It’s no secret that using games is a great way to increase student engagement. Games provide opportunities for language and literacy learning, personal enjoyment, social connectedness, and laughter. Games can be used to target communicative functions like requesting (I want the green piece), commenting (No way!, Me too, Get out of here!), rejecting/refusing (Not that one, Don’t like, Don’t... [Read More...]

Growing AAC Professionals: AACessible Literacy: Emergent Literacy Resources for the AAC SLP

June 7, 2021 by - 3 Comments

Growing AAC Professionals: AACessible Literacy: Emergent Literacy Resources for the AAC SLP

It’s graduation season here in the U.S. and there’s no better time to celebrate the graduates and those future professionals who have developed a passion for AAC. In today’s post, Krista Davidson introduces us to her student, Madie Kroehler, who generously shares the work she did for an independent study on AAC and emergent literacy. Enjoy! Growing AAC Professionals: AACessible Literacy: Emergent Literacy Resources for the AAC SLP This month I am excited to bring you a post from one of our first-year graduate students, Madie Kroehler! Madie participated in an Independent Study with me this Spring. After discussing numerous possibilities for topics, we settled on AAC and literacy. We met every other week to consult on her readings and research. What evolved from those initial discussions culminated in something quite impressive. And with that, I’ll let Madie tell you in more detail how the project developed… The final project... [Read More...]