581 Search Results for a year of core

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week #2: January, 2018

January 7, 2018 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week #2: January, 2018

As hard as it is to get back to work after a holiday break, it was nice to resume a regular routine of AAC. Hope your New Year is off to a great start! Monday: Ushering in a New Year of AAC Wednesday: Video of the Week — AACtually Doing It: Core in the Classroom Thursday: Hold That Core: When Do You Not Use a Core Vocabulary Approach? More to explore: AAC for the Beginning Communicator Helping Beginning Communicators Expand Their Sentence Length A PrAACtical Literacy Activity for Beginning Communicators Data Collection for the Beginning AAC User: Essential Things to Measure to Expedite Progress

Top AAC Videos

December 27, 2017 by - 2 Comments

Top AAC Videos

As we wrap up the year, here’s a look back at some of the most popular AAC videos. Did any of your favorites make the cut? Infusing AAC Core Vocabulary Into Interactive Storybook Reading Communication Supports for Problem Behavior with Dr. Pat Mirenda Aided Language Input Demo Core Vocabulary Overview Getting Started with PODD Do you have a favorite AAC video? We’d love to hear about it!

PrAACtical Research: AAC Intervention for Children with ASD

December 4, 2017 by - Leave your thoughts

PrAACtical Research: AAC Intervention for Children with ASD

Dr. Kathy Howery is back with another helpful post an AAC research. Kathy is based in Alberta, Canada, and has worked in the field of AT and special education for over three decades. In the past year, she completed her doctoral studies where she used phenomenological methods to seek to understand the lived experience of speaking with/through a speech generating device. Kathy is currently working as a consultant to schools and school districts across Alberta focusing primarily on children and youth with complex communication needs. In this article, she discusses research on AAC interventions. Enjoy! ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Almirall, D. , DiStefano, C., Chang, Y.-C., Shire, S., Kaiser, A., Lu X, Nahum-Shani, I., Landa, R., Mathy, P. & Kasari, C. (2016). Longitudinal Effects of Adaptive Interventions with a Speech-Generating Device in Minimally Verbal Children with ASD. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 45(4), 442-456. What this article is all about (the focus... [Read More...]

How I Do It: Using Animated Shorts in Language Therapy with AAC Learners

October 26, 2017 by - 1 Comment

How I Do It: Using Animated Shorts in Language Therapy with AAC Learners

Looking for ways to engage AAC learners in language therapy? Today, we welcome back SLP Rachel Madel to tell us about her experience in using wordless videos. Her prAACtical tips will get you excited about using videos like these, curated by The Activity Tailor, in your lessons. Enjoy! ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Using Animated Shorts to Build Language Skills with AAC Learners We are living in a digital age, where video content is often free and easy to access. Children on my caseload are tech savvy and are constantly dazzling me with how well they can navigate YouTube to find their favorite videos. Motivation is paramount in creating meaningful communication interactions and watching animated videos is highly motivating for both students and clinicians. I’ve had great success utilizing wordless videos in my practice and was lucky enough to present on the topic during “AAC After Work” with a fellow AAC colleague, Susan Berkowitz. In case... [Read More...]

The Power of AAC for Distance Communication

October 25, 2017 by - Leave your thoughts

The Power of AAC for Distance Communication

Today, we look to South Africa to learn from AT specialist Desirae Pillay who shares her thoughts on using AAC for communicating at a distance. In an earlier post, Desirae shared her experience as an AAC parent. In the current post, she talks about things we don’t always think about when supporting people with AAC needs. The Power of AAC for Distance Communication I am an Assistive Technology Advisor for a company in South Africa and a parent to a young adult, Savannah Pillay who is cerebral palsied and autistic. As an advisor, it is my job to know of all the communication options that are available which includes knowing about unaided AAC options. I am a big fan of gesture dictionaries as I have seen how impactful it can be especially when using a multi-modal communication system. I am also a fan of AAC software that not only has... [Read More...]

Faces of AAC: Making It Work in A Busy Family

October 21, 2017 by - Leave your thoughts

Faces of AAC: Making It Work in A Busy Family

Each October, we like to share stories of people who use AAC throughout the day. to gain insight from those who have found a way to prioritize AAC despite their hectic and complicated lives. Today, Erin Compton shares some of the keys to making AAC a priority in her busy family. You can learn more about Erin and her family on their blog, Lotsacomptons and Room for More. In this post, Erin give us some tips on getting started in AAC and keeping up the momentum. Enjoy! Our journey into the world of AAC began last year with the adoption of our two sons from China. Philip and Arthur both have cerebral palsy and developmental delays from years in an orphanage. Just recently they began using communication devices so we have jumped in feet first to all things AAC. We are already having great success so I’m here to share some of the... [Read More...]

PrAACtically Reading with Karen Natoci: The Family Book

October 18, 2017 by - 2 Comments

PrAACtically Reading with Karen Natoci: The Family Book

Today, we welcome back SLP Karen Natoci who is resuming her wonderful series on interactive book reading with AAC learners. Karen has supported AAC learners in different capacities throughout her career and is currently an AAC Supervisor with The Speech Pathology Group in Walnut Creek, California. You can read more about Karen at the end of her post and explore some of her previous posts here. PrAACtically Reading Book: The Family Book Written and Illustrated by Todd Parr (2003); Little, Brown and Company, Hachette Book Group AAC Competency Areas: Linguistic: Core Vocabulary Focus:  big, small, same, different, like, help, my, I, Fringe Vocabulary focus:  you, me, family, families, mom, dad, sister, brother (their names) Math Concept:  concept of 1, more than 1, 1 versus 2, Actions: eat, noise/quiet, clean/messy Syntax: provide co-construction support, model same + one word more Strategic: Students will express a variety of communicative modalities to gain attention, and share... [Read More...]

How We Do It: Celebrating AAC Awareness Month at School

October 12, 2017 by - Leave your thoughts

How We Do It: Celebrating AAC Awareness Month at School

What better way to start the day than to see how AAC Awareness Month is being celebrated in a school system?! Today, pediatric SLP Elisa Parker tells us how they do it in the school district where she works. For the past 20 years, Elisa has served young children in the Park Hill School District in Kansas City, Missouri.  Her passion for AAC and children with autism led to her becoming an Autism Coach and Assistive Technology Facilitator. She has been an Autism Coach for the Gerner Family Early Education Center for 7 years and the Assistive Technology Facilitator for 3 years.  Elisa consults with and provides AAC training for teachers and support staff of young students who use AAC and has also coached teams at the K-12 level. ============================ Celebrating October – AAC Awareness Month There are so many hardworking staff members I work with who implement AAC in their classrooms... [Read More...]

AAC Awareness Month, Week 1: Hands-on Activities

October 2, 2017 by - 2 Comments

AAC Awareness Month, Week 1: Hands-on Activities

Welcome to ISAAC‘s 10th Annual International AAC Awareness Month! For the past decade, October has given us some extra opportunities to spread the word about all things AAC, and it’s pretty exciting to think back on all we’ve done and also to plan for the current year. Each week during AAC Awareness Month we’ll share suggestions for things to do to help others learn about a field that emerged to support children and adults with complex communication needs. This week, we’ll focus on hands-on activities. A popular approach to AAC Awareness Month is to invite a group of colleagues or families to come together and communicate only through AAC for the event. Some years, we’ve held ‘Silent Snack’ events before class where we put out a variety of board games and invited some of our AAC clients to come in and play along. They enjoyed serving as our AAC Ambassadors,... [Read More...]

Using Multiple AAC Symbol Sets and Systems with AAC Learners: Considerations for Thoughtful Interventionists

August 10, 2017 by - 7 Comments

Using Multiple AAC Symbol Sets and Systems with AAC Learners: Considerations for Thoughtful Interventionists

PCS, Pixons, Minspeak symbols, Smarty Symbols, Symbol Stix, CoughDrop Symbols, ARASAAC symbols, Mulberry symbols, Lesson Pix, Sclera symbols, and more. In terms of AAC symbol options, we are living in plentiful times.  It isn’t uncommon to see situations like Jonah’s. On a typical school day, Jonah is likely to encounter at least three types of pictures for the same words. He has Smarty Symbols on his AAC app and a classroom core board with PCS, and is using instructional materials using Symbol Stix. These are each great ways of visually representing language, but here’s something to think about: Does it help or hurt Jonah to have 3 different pictures for the same word? There are many options in symbol sets and systems, and each has its own strengths and weaknesses. Here are some things to think about as you and your team are making these decisions. There is no empirical... [Read More...]