35 Search Results for cummings

How I Do It: A Framework for Success-Getting Started in the Exciting World of Communication and AAC

May 30, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

How I Do It: A Framework for Success-Getting Started in the Exciting World of Communication and AAC

 We couldn’t be  more excited to have a return visit from Marlene Cummings, a wonderful SLP who is currently serving as an AAC Consultant to the AAC Team at Oakland Schools. In her first post, Marlene talked about strategies for cultivating the right mindset for AAC teaching. In this post, Marlene continues sharing elements of her Framework for Success in discussing the Knowledge Toolbox, developed with the Oakland Schools AAC Team.     5 Things in Your “Knowledge Toolbox” What is already in my “knowledge toolbox” of communication, language and learning? Yes, you do have a full toolbox. You just don’t realize it. And of course there are always new and exciting things to add. You already know this stuff!! REMEMBER??? It is important to step back and think broadly about communication and what it really does. Sometimes we get caught in the details of our work and can’t see the forest through the... [Read More...]

31 Posts You May Have Missed, March 2013

April 9, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

31 Posts You May Have Missed in March

Strategy of The Month Narrative Skills for People with AAC Needs PrAACtical AAC & Personal Narratives Narrative Assessment & People Who Use AAC Let Me Tell You Something:  Narratives for the Beginning Communicator Helping People with AAC Needs Develop Personal Narratives PrAACtical Thinking PrAACtical Guessing: 5 APPs for Interactive Inferencing Another Look at Vocabulary Instruction in AAC Magic Moments in Building Vocabulary with ‘Its Cool to be Clever’ It’s PrAACtically Saint Patrick’s Day 28 Posts You May Have Missed in February 10 AAC Things To Do for PrAACtically Free in 10 Minutes of Less Daylight Savings Time & PrAACtical Behavior Another Look At Language Facilitation Strategies to Make AAC Learning Effective Literacy, AT, & Students with Significant Disabilities Watch This: Planning with Strategies Worth Repeating: Big Ideas in Teaching AAC Vocabulary PrAACtical Passover & Easter Supports 30 Things to do During Autism Awareness Month A Beautiful Family, But 1 Question... [Read More...]

5 AAC Handouts from the 2012 ASHA Convention

November 30, 2012 by - Leave your thoughts

5 AAC Handouts from the 2012 ASHA Convention

Maybe you didn’t get to the ASHA Convention this year. Or maybe you did, but couldn’t get to all the sessions you had hoped to attend. In either case, we’ve linked to handouts from a number of AAC presentations. Enjoy! AAC in the Common Core State Standards? Karen Erickson, Penny Hatch, Allison Dennis, & Marlene Cummings have your back. This is a project to watch! Janice Light’s presentation on Building Communicative Competence with Individuals who Require AAC: From Research to Effective Practice AAC for Adults With Acquired Neurological Conditions: Today & Tomorrow by David Beukelman, Susan Fager, Julia King, & Karen Hux Analyzing Language Development of Physically Impaired Children Using AAC Devices by Monika Ortloff, Paul Andres, Meher Banajee, & Gail Van Tatenhove Presentation by Cathy Binger and Jennifer Kent Walsh on Selecting Skills to Teach AAC Communication Partners  

5 More Handouts from ISAAC 2012

September 28, 2012 by - Leave your thoughts

5 More Handouts from ISAAC 2012

In past posts, we shared links to some handouts from the ISAAC 2012 Biennial Conference in Pittsburgh. While it is great for those of us who attended but couldn’t get to every presenter we wanted to hear, the main idea was to help spread the awesome content to those of you who couldn’t be there. Here are some others that may be of interest. Creating a Core Vocabulary for a Common Core Curriculum by Karen Erickson, Penelope Hatch, Allison Dennis, & Marlene Cummings Baby Talk/Kid Talk PWUAAC Talk to Little Ones! by Krista Howard, Kaitlyn Graham, & Caroline Musselwhite Evaluating Preferred Augmentative and Alternative Communication Strategies for Patients in Long Term Health Care Hospitals by Susan Fager, Jenna LeDoux, & David Beukelman Prompting:  A Cautionary Tale of Use, Misuse & Abuse by Jane Korsten & Terry Foss Supporting Linguistic Skills Through iDevices: Cool Tricks with New Applications  by Caroline Musselwhite,... [Read More...]

Day 4 of ISAAC, 2012

August 1, 2012 by - Leave your thoughts

ISAAC 2012, Day 4

Lots more ISAAC fun to tell about in Day 4! — My day started with a shorter version of the presentation on the preschool core language curriculum that I’m working on with Lori Wise. You can see the handout for that presentation here. — There is some fascinating work going on in the area in supporting the emotional development of children with AAC needs. Dr. Sarah Blackstone and colleagues talked about the developmental sequence in which emotional competence emerges.  They are working on an observation and interview tool used to collect information on a child’s emotional development and the caregiver strategies. They are planning a pilot study with the tool they are developing and actively looking for volunteers to use this tool with children who are developmentally between 12 months and 10 years. – Terry Foss and and Jane Korsten did an interesting presentation called Promptology 101 where they reviewed some... [Read More...]