448 Search Results for autism

AAC Immersion- Happy Mother’s Day!

May 10, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

We were just having some in-depth conversations about AAC and making a difference. AAC intervention needs to be part of more than speech-language therapy.  It needs to be a way of life, a communication and language interaction style, and fully immersed into all interactions. There are some Mom’s who make this happen. We have written about some of them in Getting From Here to There . But there are more (many more) and for awhile now some have been blogging about their AAC & visual language adventures. Here are just a 5 awesome posts from moms who share AAC rationales and meaningful AAC & language  experiences. Learn from the best. Beach Trip (And AAC on the Road) by Dana Nieder–  Uncommon Sense Halloween & AAC  by Deanne Shoyer –  Small But Kinda Mighty Her Eyes Shows She Knows by Catriona– Living With Rett Syndrome  An Open Letter to the Parent of a Child with Speech... [Read More...]

It’s PrAACtically Mother’s Day- 5 Activities that Support Communicating with Mom

May 8, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

It's PrAACtically Mother's Day- Communicating with Mom

It’s PrAACtically Mother’s Day and we are thinking about gifts and activities that promote communication, language, & literacy. Here are 5 activities that are fun and interesting to plan for and do interactively.  In the end, there will also be a tangible and/or intangible gift for mom. Enjoy and please share any additional activities that you have done or seen that you think are great. Visual Supports to Support Conversations with Moms-Thanks so much to Joel Shaul at Autism Teaching Strategies for creating this great visual support that helps support  meaningful conversations with mom. Saying I Love You On Mother’s Day– Ideas for teaching communication of “I Love You” for beginning communicator. Mother’s Day Word List– Ideas for using this Mother’s Day Word Bank to create a poem, story, or more.. Words, words, and more words for conversation about mom. Your Special Chef– Use this picture recipe and lesson plan... [Read More...]

Fresh Look: Friendship Skills for Children With ASD Who Use AAC

May 6, 2013 by - 1 Comment

Fresh Look: Friendship Skills for Children With ASD Who Use AAC

As we’ve said before on this blog, SLPs have great potential to make a difference in the social experiences of people who use AAC by supporting the development of friendships.  ASHA’s Better Speech and Hearing Month (#BHSM) gives us a great opportunity to spread awareness that this is an area in which SLPs can make a tremendous difference. We’re so excited to share this Fresh Look post by Dr. Erinn Finke, Assistant Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders at Penn State University. I was recently lucky enough to find myself in conversation with Pat Mirenda, a top researcher in the field of AAC and Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD).  In trying to decide what we really “know” about effective AAC strategies for children with ASD, we decided that while there is a lot of research regarding how to use AAC to teach children with ASD to request things, there really is not... [Read More...]

Best Practices in Choosing and Using AAC

April 28, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

Best Practices in Choosing and Using AAC

What better way to wrap up a busy month of Autism Awareness and Acceptance than by thinking about best practices? We’re please to be able to share a presentation from the 2012 Summer Institute on Neurodevelopmental Disorders at University of California at Davis MIND Institute. Enjoy “Best Practices in Choosing and Using AAC” by Kristen Carroll and Bonnie Mintun.  

More on Teaching Core Vocabulary

April 20, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

More on Teaching Core Vocabulary

Last week, we talked about two key strategies for teaching core language: using aided language input and creating frequent opportunities to teach and elicit core words. In today’s post, we’ll expand the number of words and discuss two additional considerations for teaching core words. Aided language input is always important in working with beginning users of AAC. It exposes them to their new means of communication, provides them with a competent model of their AAC system, and introduces them to words and symbols they don’t yet know within a meaningful context. It also forces us to slow down when talking, something that can be very beneficial when you consider that many beginning users of AAC also have difficulty processing oral language. (It may take them longer to decode what they’re hearing and they may have to concentrate more than the average kid.) If you’ve actually tried pointing to symbols as... [Read More...]

Using Visual Supports to Bring Music Alive with Marlene Sotelo

April 19, 2013 by - 1 Comment

Using Visuals to Bring Music Alive

When I first met our guest blogger almost 20 years ago, she was using more visual supports in her music therapy sessions with kids who had ASD than most SLPs were using in their language therapy.  Marlene Sotelo has worn many hats in her professional life, but her passion for helping people with ASD communicate more effectively seems to have permeated all of them. In this post, she discusses some of the ways she uses visual supports to help make music therapy effective. Music is a powerful force that transcends time, cultures, and languages. It can transport you to the past, and bring you hope and excitement for the future. In addition, music can be an effective tool in teaching children with varying abilities. The predictability, rhythmic patterns, and repetitive nature of the structure music lends itself to the development of language, cognitive skills, and motor skills, especially for individuals... [Read More...]

AACtual Therapy: AAC Learning with Play Dough by Jamie Cooley

April 11, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

AACtual Therapy: AAC Learning with Play Dough by Jamie Cooley

Today, we’re happy to introduce you to another AACtual Therapist, Jamie Cooley, the SLP for Belpre City Schools (belpre.k12.oh.us), located in Belpre, OH. She is a graduate of Ohio University (B.S. ’09, M.A. ’11) and currently resides in Athens, OH. Jamie did work at Ohio University focusing on AAC and children with autism under the instruction of Dr. John McCarthy and Dr. Joann Benigno. She has worked for Belpre City Schools for two years with students in grades K-12. In this post, Jamie uses a case study approach to share a lesson using Play Dough.    Background Emma is a third grade student. She was born with hypoplastic left heart syndrome, and her cognitive and communication skills are significantly below age-norms.  She receives most of her academic instruction in a resource room. Communicatively, Emma repeats many words and phrases, and combines up to two words on her own. This is... [Read More...]

31 Posts You May Have Missed, March 2013

April 9, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

31 Posts You May Have Missed in March

Strategy of The Month Narrative Skills for People with AAC Needs PrAACtical AAC & Personal Narratives Narrative Assessment & People Who Use AAC Let Me Tell You Something:  Narratives for the Beginning Communicator Helping People with AAC Needs Develop Personal Narratives PrAACtical Thinking PrAACtical Guessing: 5 APPs for Interactive Inferencing Another Look at Vocabulary Instruction in AAC Magic Moments in Building Vocabulary with ‘Its Cool to be Clever’ It’s PrAACtically Saint Patrick’s Day 28 Posts You May Have Missed in February 10 AAC Things To Do for PrAACtically Free in 10 Minutes of Less Daylight Savings Time & PrAACtical Behavior Another Look At Language Facilitation Strategies to Make AAC Learning Effective Literacy, AT, & Students with Significant Disabilities Watch This: Planning with Strategies Worth Repeating: Big Ideas in Teaching AAC Vocabulary PrAACtical Passover & Easter Supports 30 Things to do During Autism Awareness Month A Beautiful Family, But 1 Question... [Read More...]

Language Development and ASD

April 7, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

Language Development and ASD

There is no better time than Autism Awareness Month to reflect on the communication services that we provide to children and adults with ASD. Today’s post features Dr. Rhea Paul, Director of the Communication Disorders Section at the Yale Child Study Center. In this recorded presentation, Dr. Paul provides a thorough overview of communication development in people with autism.

133 Free & Lite Versions of AAC Apps + App Selection Resources

April 5, 2013 by - 12 Comments

133 Free & Lite AAC Apps & App Selection Resources: Updated

Here is our most recent update of free and lite versions of AAC apps for iOS and Android platform devices + a variety of resources related to AAC app selection.  We strongly continue to advocate for a systematic process for AAC app selection. We  recommend AAC app decision making in the context of a feature match process that gives appropriate attention to the full range of AAC options.  Tools to Use In Making Decisions About AAC Apps  Feature match form developed by Jessica Gosnell at Boston Children’s Hospital Feature match checklist created by Scott Marfilius and Kelly Fonner Our supplemental rubric covering language and communication features,  RELAAACs Places to Go to Find AAC Apps and Reviews  Comprehensive AAC app list for iPhone and iPad by Jane Farrall AAC Tech Connect’s Apps Assistant OCALI’s listing of apps for individuals with ASD Tech in Special Education Aidis Trust Communication App Reviews Training... [Read More...]