1058 Search Results for Core

Literacy: Cookies & Core

September 5, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

Cookies & Core

It is International Literacy Month.  We always like to celebrate with food. So when we found these cookies at Ikea we just had to get them, use them, and of course eat them.  Here is one of the activities we used with these delicious cookies. Can you guess the goals?   To create a meaningful language experience, we started with the cookies in a closed brown bag (communication temptation) and “like it” spelled out on the table.  Then we took the box of cookies out, spelled “like it”, waited expectantly and after prAACtice with spelling and saying in/out, more prAACtice and Aided Language Input, the student used the cookies to add “out” So the cookies were taken out.  We had a yummy snack. Then it was time for recess but before cleaning up, the student does this:  Apparently he wanted to go on the swing first.   Note:  Other visual supports/AAC... [Read More...]

Core in the Curriculum

August 31, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

Core Words and the Curriculum

Core words can easily be incorporated into academic curriculum. There just needs to be systematic planning for core word vocabulary and then of course the joining of fringe words.  One of the best visual explanations of core words is in the now ‘famous’ you tube video Language Stealers (HD). If you have not seen it, it is worth watching for  many reasons but in the context of this post, it perfectly illustrates how you can teach about  Greek and Roman history with core words. Planning for Core Words for the Classroom (& ALL School Activities) Have the core word communication board with you at ALL times– If you (SLP/Educator)  have your core word communication board, you can model and teach the target core words during all lessons. A premise of this approach is that the student has access to their core word vocabulary display on a no-tech communication board or on their... [Read More...]

September PrAACtice with a Year of Core Words

August 28, 2013 by - 1 Comment

September PrAActice A Year of Core Words

We continue to work with core words and if you have been following our  ‘Year of Core Words’, here are some ways to use the September words for  preparing, playing, & reading about ‘back to school’, making new friends, cooking and eating in the fall, and for general fall/autumn activities. Create opportunities throughout the day and add some aided language modeling (ALI),  repetition with variety, and meaningful language experiences, you will expand communication, language, and core word vocabulary quickly. September Core Word PrAACtice  Almost almost done he almost fell they look almost the same the book was almost my favorite Calltelephone call call me now call name softly let’s call her name loud Listen listen bell listen for the music the girl needs to listen I try to listen and learn Name same name name is not that her name is pretty that name is the same but spelled differen Nice nice and soft... [Read More...]

Watch It Wednesday: AAC Core Word Vocabulary Teaching by Gail Tatenhove & Robin

August 14, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

Watch it Wednesday- AAC Core Word Vocabulary Teaching by Gail Tatenhove and Robin

Thanks so much to Gail Tatenhove & Robin for showing us an authentic language based activity with talking and core word teaching/learning as the main focus. You can watch and clearly see the goals and teaching strategies. For more great teaching examples, subscribe to Gail Tatenhove’s You-Tube Channel  Direct Link to the Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9hZ5rH03ow

August PrAACtice Ideas- A Year of Core Words

July 31, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

August PrAACtice Ideas: A Year of Core WOrds

We continue to work with core words and if you have been following our  ‘Year of Core Words’, here are some ways to use the August words for  preparing, playing, & reading for  summer  fun and beginning school year activities. With some aided language modeling (ALI),  repetition with variety, and meaningful language experiences, you will expand communication and core word vocabulary quickly. Stay Calm & Model On… AUGUST WORDS any like any make any drink stop any talk later any play is good bring bring it bring me some after done bring there bring more to me day fun day play is fun day go day after find day to go there fall fall down want fall big fall ready go fall give give some what give me who give that lets give him some hot more hot that is hot put hot thing there it hot not cold now job... [Read More...]

What’s the connection?- Core Vocabulary & Visual Schedules

July 22, 2013 by - 1 Comment

Whats the connection? visual schedules & core words

                     Because it seems there has been a lot of  emphasis on core words and visual schedules over the past couple of months, we wanted to highlight a particular resource titled:  Visual Schedules to Expose & Reinforce Core Vocabulary by (the great) Gail Van Tatenhove. This resource can be found on the Minspeak website which shares excellent (& free) comprehensive AAC information for everyone.   You can search by categories and get fact sheets, communication boards, curriculum supports and more. AAC users, families, & caregivers Teachers and therapists Academicians & students Teaching Plans & Materials Pixon Project Resources Try out some of the ideas from the Visual Schedule/Core Word Resource or something else and let us know what you think.

PrAACtical AAC Core Words & July 4th: Get Ready, Get Set, Go

July 3, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

PrAActical AAC Learning & July 4th: Get Ready, Get Set, Go

Begin the July 4th conversation now, talk about it on the 4th as it is happening, and then  summarize the experience on Friday (after) with pictures, conversation, writing, and reading.  We love holiday celebrations for the preparation as much as the celebration itself. It builds excitement AND gives us a chance to prAACtice core words as well as begin special activities.  If you have not already started, today is a good day to introduce a social story™ especially if a learner has difficulty with loud noises (firecrackers), crowds or lots of people, new foods (picnics) or  routine changes. A participation story is also helpful just to prepare learners for the celebration activities. It is also a good idea to develop meaningful language activities about July 4th today.  Get some great free stories from TarHeel Reader – July 4th Books.  Make art projects, play games, sing songs, prepare recipes which will help teach new... [Read More...]

Join Together Core & Fringe Vocabulary

May 25, 2013 by - 4 Comments

Joinging Together: Core and Fringe Vocabulary

Last month we talked about Core Words, and we shared core word samples, philosophies, and resources. As we have moved into May’s Strategy of the Month, Communication Boards, we now want to share ideas about joining core and fringe words together on communication boards. Core vocabulary are those words used with high frequency and make up about 75-80% of the words we use everyday. Core vocabulary should be a main part of all AAC systems because it allows for most flexibility across most situations. With an emphasis on core words, we also use Fringe Vocabulary 20-25% of the time.  Fringe vocabulary are used in a continuum of low-frequency to lower frequency situations (e.g., ‘mountain’:  ‘glacier’, ‘crevasse’). Personal vocabulary can also be included under fringe vocabulary and would relate to personal words someone might need for their individual needs, interests, work, school, or even community. So, in the best communication world, AAC users would have access... [Read More...]