1058 Search Results for Core

Video of the Week: Core Literature

December 14, 2014 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Core Literature

Ready to dig deep on core vocabulary and learn more about studies done to support the approach? Check out these videos by Russell Cross from PRC and Elaine Holtham from Aroga Technologies as part of their AT with Beer series. Bottoms up! Trigger alert: Some articles use terminology that was accepted practice at the time they were published but are now considered unacceptable and/or offensive. Part 1   Part 2    

Throwback Thursday: Teaching Core Vocabulary

November 20, 2014 by - Leave your thoughts

Throwback Thursday: Teaching Core Vocabulary

While I’m soaking up AAC knowledge at the ASHA Convention, here’s a post from the past. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Among the many changes that the AAC field has experienced in the last decade is the notion that core vocabulary is (or should be) an integral part of any AAC system. We grew to understand the limitations of AAC supports that consist primarily of nouns and descriptors, realizing that those kinds of communication displays restricted our clients to requesting and labeling. Our field realized the inadequacy of providing only prestored messages (e.g., limited the client’s ability to communicate anything novel, not flexible enough to meet most communication needs, etc.). In essence, we realized that without core vocabulary, we were imposing a ceiling on language development. We’re thrilled to see so many communication boards, books, SGDs, and AAC apps reflect this knowledge. Having tools with the appropriate vocabulary is a big step in the... [Read More...]

Fast FAACt Friday: Core Words

August 29, 2014 by - Leave your thoughts

Are you trying to convince a team that core words are the way to go? Have you done all the usual things, like shared some of the research and demonstrated its utility? Maybe it will help if you tell them that this approach isn’t some new-fangled idea, but rather one that has been around for awhile. How long? Probably longer than you think. Check out this picture from the 1960’s tweeted by #WeSpeechies.   Goldberg, H.R., & Fenton,J. (1960). Aphonic Communications for Those with Cerebral Palsy: Guide for the Development and Use of Conversation Board. NY: United Cerebral Palsy Association New York State.

Throw Back Thursday- Past Posts on Teaching Core Words

May 15, 2014 by - Leave your thoughts

Throw Back Thursday- Past Posts on Teaching Core Words

About Teaching Core Words  Teaching Core Vocabulary Core Vocabulary All Day Long 5 Things To Do If  You’re Not Confident Teaching Core Vocabulary Joining Core and Fringe Vocabulary What’s The Connection: Visual Schedules and Core Vocabulary Core Words and the Curriculum Core Words, Direct Vocabulary Instruction, & The Beginning Communicator Core Vocabulary: Making Sense of Symbols More on Teaching Core Vocabulary Thoughts on Teaching Core Vocabulary Teaching Core Vocabulary with Direct Instruction Strategies Core Vocabulary- Specific Teaching Ideas PrAACtical AAC Core Words & July Fourth: Get Ready, Get Set, Go Cookies and Core August Core Word PrAACtice Ideas September PrAACtice With A Year of Core Words October PrAACtice With A Year of Core Words November Core Word PrAACtice Ideas December Core Word PrAACtice Ideas Core Word Vocabulary Words A Year of Core Vocabulary Another Year of Core Vocabulary The First 12: Getting Started With Core Words More on Core Words:... [Read More...]

More Core Words Visualized

May 13, 2014 by - 3 Comments

More Core Words Visualized

As promised when we posted the January-May core words with PCS, here are June-December core words visualized with PCS.  You can print, laminate, and keep them handy as you are teaching core vocabulary.  Better Hearing and Speech Month is a great time to give them to educators and families to help everyone stay focused on the core words of the week or month. We would love if you share these core words in any other symbol sets you have created.  Have fun with 2014 core vocabulary words. 2014 June Core Words 2014 July Core Words 2014 August Core Words 2014 September Core Words 2014 October Core Words 2014 November Core Words 2014 December Core Words

2014 Core Words Visualized

May 9, 2014 by - 2 Comments

2014 Core Words Visualized

At the beginning of 2014, we posted another year of core vocabulary words. If you did not have time to plug in symbols, here are the January through May core words with PCS symbols in PDF format. You can print, laminate, and keep them handy as you are teaching core words.  We also often give them to educators and families as a reminder to help everyone stay focused on the core words of the week or month. In fact, it was a parent request for these that got us motivated to get the PCS portion completed (Thanks, Liz).  Look for June – December early next week.    January 2014 Core Words February 2014 Core Words March 2014 Core Words April Core Words May Core Words You can download a PDF file with all the words from January-June, 2014 here. All of these resources can also be directly printed from the... [Read More...]

Resources for A Year of Core Words

April 11, 2014 by - Leave your thoughts

Resources for A Year of Core Words

We’re big fans of the Speak for Yourself app, so when we saw that Christine Bayley used our Year of Core Words 2013 version (see also: 2014 version) to make an SFY version, we were thrilled! You can check it out for yourself here. Christine is adding to it little-by-little, so visit her site (Hi, I’m Tom) for the most current version. Interested in A Year of Core Words for other symbol sets/systems? There are a few more in the Download section of our e-Toolbox. Enjoy!

Video of the Week: Core Vocabulary in Action

March 23, 2014 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Core Vocabulary in Action

“I eat biscuits when I talk about things.” “How about yesterday?” “What do you like making?” “Kay said, Put away toys.” “What did you say?” “After meeting we did go eat mini burger.” “What did you eat for dinner?” “I will eat one biscuit now.” Isn’t it a treat to see kids really using core language? There is so much to love about this video of Kingsley, a youngster with autism, and his dad. From the child-directed interaction, to the contingent responding, to the language elicitation strategies (e.g., “You start”), to reminders about punctuation, to the sheer love of interaction, and more. This is one to savor.  Direct link to video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jHWeD9ivc0  

A(nother) Year of Core Vocabulary

January 2, 2014 by - 8 Comments

It hardly seems possible that a year has gone by since we posted a Year of Core Words 2013. We’ve been so gratified by the feedback from professionals and parents who’ve put it to good use and followed month-by-month to focus on a dozen core words and get suggestions for additional practice. We were thrilled when others added symbols, created teaching materials, and adapted it for their own use. Today we’re back with the 2nd Year of Core Words, this time with 16 words/month. If you follow along, you’ll have covered 192 new core words by the end. Once again, we created 12 grids of core vocabulary words – one for each month of the year. Each grid has 16 cells labeled with core words. Plug in the AAC symbols that your client uses (e.g., PCS, SmartySymbols, Unity, Pixons, etc.), print, laminate, and keep them handy. Feel free to adapt... [Read More...]