328 Search Results for communication boards

Bilingual AAC Support from Monolingual Professionals: An Introduction

January 19, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

Bilingual AAC Support from Monolingual Professionals: An Introduction

Welcome to the first post in a series by BilingüeAAC on supporting individuals with AAC needs in Spanish. In today’s post, they introduce us to the series focusing on ways that monolingual therapists can better support Spanish bilingual individuals who are AAC users. BilingüeAAC is a group of SLPs with a shared belief in providing evidence-based intervention strategies and resources to bilingual Spanish AAC clients, families, caregivers, and professionals. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: A Monolingual SLP’s Guide to Demystifying CLD Practices for Bilingual Spanish AAC Intervention If all languages hold unique systematic rules, can we translate English AAC core words to Spanish and begin modeling? What about morpho-syntax? What about inclusive practices? How can monolingual therapists provide culturally linguistically responsive intervention to their bilingual clients? BILINGUAL AAC USERS Currently, there is limited research on the number of Spanish-speaking AAC users and providers. However, according to the Demographic Profile of ASHA Members Providing Bilingual... [Read More...]

PrAACtical Questions: “What symbols are used in AAC apps & SGDs?”

November 21, 2022 by - Leave your thoughts

PrAACtical Questions: “What symbols are used in AAC apps & SGDs?”

Welcome to the first of a 5-part series on symbols in AAC. Today, we’re starting off with a simple list of graphic symbols used in aided AAC tools. Graphic symbols are 2-dimensional images used to represent words and ideas visually. Print or traditional orthography is the one we’re using right now for this post, but most AAC apps and SGDs use some form of pictographic symbol in addition to that. Some of those symbols are free and others are available only through an additional purchase option or a subscription service.  These are the ones used most commonly in communication books/boards and AAC apps/devices by individuals with complex communication needs around the world. You’ll recognize the most commonly used symbols, but some of these may be less familiar depending on where you live, work, play, and learn. If we missed your favorite symbol set or system, please let us know so... [Read More...]

Growing AAC Professionals: A Unique Perspective on a Common AAC Assignment

June 27, 2022 by - Leave your thoughts

Growing AAC Professionals: A Unique Perspective on a Common AAC Assignment

With our academic year behind us, we have the opportunity to hear and learn from those who teach AAC to future professionals. In today’s post, Vicki Haddix returns to share a student’s unique perspective on an AAC assignment. Vicki is an AAC SLP and a Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Memphis. You can read other posts by Vicki here. Watch for her interview with Rachel Madel on an upcoming episode of the Talking with Tech podcast. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: I’ve written in the past about some of my students’ final projects for the AAC class, but I wanted to specifically share something a little different this time. About halfway through the semester-long class, the students get an assignment requiring them to create a communication board to use themselves during a regular activity. This assignment comes after we’ve talked about the different ways to organize vocabulary and they’ve had a few chances... [Read More...]

PrAACtical Questions: “What Does a Robust AAC System Look Like?

December 13, 2021 by - 2 Comments

PrAACtical Questions: “What Does a Robust AAC System Look Like?

“We use core boards in our classroom to ensure everyone has access to basic communication but our students need more language. I keep hearing that students with complex communication needs should have access to ‘robust’ systems but I’m not sure what that really means.” Many classrooms now use a universal system for core vocabulary so that all students have access to a basic set of words. This buys them some time to consider what the specific needs of their students are and plan a comprehensive assessment that will lead to individualized communication aids. As they approach that next step, the team is often looking to develop a more comprehensive AAC system that addresses the student’s current needs and abilities but also sets the stage for further growth and development of communication skills.  What makes an AAC system robust?   Multiple Components: An ‘AAC system’ is comprised of different elements that work... [Read More...]

Growing AAC Professionals: Resources for Self-Advocacy, Reducing Abandonment, Medical Encounters, & More

July 1, 2021 by - Leave your thoughts

Growing AAC Professionals: Resources for Self-Advocacy, Reducing Abandonment, Medical Encounters, & More

It’s always exciting to see how university programs are inspiring future professionals to enter the world of AAC. Today, AAC SLP Vicki Haddix, Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Memphis, is back to share some of the work completed by her SLP graduate students. With her guidance, they create videos, handouts, and other materials that can be used by families, clinicians, and educators. Kudos to Vicki and her students for their fine work! ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: When I designed the AAC course, I tried to incorporate elements of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) within the class. One of the elements I’m particularly proud of is allowing the students to choose their own final projects, which are worth 50% of their grade. I give them the following guidelines:  Your final project should: Collect information from a variety of sources (i.e.: not only a survey or only research articles);  Ground itself within the... [Read More...]

PrAACtically May: AAC Resources for A Year of Core Vocabulary Words

April 29, 2021 by - Leave your thoughts

PrAACtically May: AAC Resources for A Year of Core Vocabulary Words

Thanks to all who’ve reached out with questions, comments, and words of appreciation for the Year of Core Vocabulary series. In today’s post, we share some ideas for integrating AAC into your daily life. Here are some helpful resources for those who are using the words in Set 1 ( Year of Core Words) or Set 2 (Another Year of Core Words). If you are contemplating this approach, feel free to jump in at any time. The best time to start (or re-start) is right now. Don’t worry about retracing steps, or not ‘doing it right.’ The best way to get better at core vocabulary instruction is just to keep at it. It takes time, practice, and a willingness to keep at it. Our words for this month are as follows. Set 1: all, down, good, little, my, question, sad, she, turn, up, who, why Set 2: bathroom, car, child, confused,... [Read More...]

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week #12: March 2021

March 21, 2021 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week #12: March 2021

Happy Sunday, AAC friends. Here are some posts from our prAACtical week. Monday – TELL ME About It: AAC Learning with ‘The Skin You Live In’! Tuesday – AAC Link Up Wednesday – Video of the Week: Language Learning AACtivities Thursday – Readiness: 7 Days of AACtion ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Looking for some AAC materials? We pulled out a few from the AAC Toolbox just for you. Spelling Boards & FlipBook– Letter boards (alpha & QWERTY) used at Camp Alec; Created by Tina Moreno Visual Supports Wiki Resources from OCPS – See also How We Do It: Essential TRICKs for Supporting AAC in Schools, Part 1 How I Communicate – Template for a Gesture Dictionary   Communicare Language Board Templates – Communication board templates for the post “How We Do It: Using Language Boards to Support AAC Use”  Colorful Connections – Templates for teaching modified Fitzgerald Key and Goossens’, Crain, & Elder color-coding schemas

PrAACtical Resources: Free Web-based AAC with Cboard

February 15, 2021 by - 4 Comments

PrAACtical Resources: Cboard

Today, we welcome Katrina Cohen Cosentino, Head of Communications at Cboard app. Katrina has been working with Cboard, a free web-based AAC app, for the past 3 years. Cboard uses the Mulberry Symbol Set and is available in more than 40 languages. In today’s post, she gives an overview of what Cboard is, how it started, and how it works. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Cboard can be accessed here: www.cboard.io Cboard is a free AAC web app for children and adults with speech and language impairments, aiding communication with symbols and text-to-speech. Cboard is funded by UNICEF. Who are we? We are an international group of professionals whose sole goal is to develop a free and open-source communication aid for people around the world. Co-founder of Cboard and Developer Martin Bedouret began the project after being diagnosed with ALS in 2015, along with an Israeli programmer. The idea stemmed from a conversation with... [Read More...]