349 Search Results for aided language input

A(nother) Year of Core Vocabulary

January 2, 2014 by - 8 Comments

It hardly seems possible that a year has gone by since we posted a Year of Core Words 2013. We’ve been so gratified by the feedback from professionals and parents who’ve put it to good use and followed month-by-month to focus on a dozen core words and get suggestions for additional practice. We were thrilled when others added symbols, created teaching materials, and adapted it for their own use. Today we’re back with the 2nd Year of Core Words, this time with 16 words/month. If you follow along, you’ll have covered 192 new core words by the end. Once again, we created 12 grids of core vocabulary words – one for each month of the year. Each grid has 16 cells labeled with core words. Plug in the AAC symbols that your client uses (e.g., PCS, SmartySymbols, Unity, Pixons, etc.), print, laminate, and keep them handy. Feel free to adapt... [Read More...]

It’s PrAACtically A New Year!

December 31, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

It PrAACtically A New Year

It is just about 2014. Hard to believe another year is finished and we are moving on once again. Our wishes for 2014 are for ALL Learners to have access to:  Aided Language Input Communication Displays that meet their needs Role Models Presumed Competence Core Word Instruction Fringe Word Instruction Friends Many Meaningful Language Experiences Frequent Communication Opportunities Fun Learning   Our Wishes for ALL SLP’s and Educators to have access to: An Exciting and Stimulating Personal Learning Network (PLN) Appropriate Goals and Strategies Meaningful Language Experiences Role Models Laminator and Laminator Materials Literacy Materials Core Word Highlighter Tools, Page Fluffers & Spacers,  Apps for Learning Language An AAC Philosophy Fun Teaching  

Most Popular Posts of 2013

December 27, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

Most Popular Posts of 2013

It’s been a wonderfully prAACtical year. Here’s a look back at our top 10 most popular posts. Anyone see any patterns? 🙂 How I Do It: Writing IEP Goals for Students Who Use AAC by Lauren Enders  Teaching Core Vocabulary 5 Great Resources for Pre-Made Communication Boards Core Samples A Year Of Core Vocabulary Words AAC ‘Must Haves’ the the Classroom and Therapy Room Pivotal Skills for AAC Intervention: Aided Language Input How I Do It: AAC in the IEP by Lauren Enders Getting Started with Core Vocabulary More on Teaching Core Vocabulary

10 Ways to Have an AAC Holiday Season!

December 24, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

8 Ways to Have An AAC Holiday

Use social narratives to explain happy upcoming events, stressful upcoming events, and  out of the routine type events. Not only do social narratives help with understanding, but they can also help with ways to talk about activities and events. Use Aided Language Input (ALI) to model. It will show that even when there is a lot going on, AAC is still important and a high priority. Give out some AAC related presents to educators, professionals, families, and AAC users. Create the visual supports for holiday songs and poems. Or use a single step or sequential message device to record the songs, so everyone can sing together. You can even program the songs into high tech devices and have quite the good singing voice. Provide frequent communication opportunities for the AAC user to make choices, give opinions, rate activities and events, vent, ask questions, tell, and share information. Make talking photo... [Read More...]

Breaking Through with Emerging Intentional and Beginning Communicators of All Ages

December 14, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

Breaking Through with Pre-Intentional & Beginning Communicators of All Ages

We are thinking a lot about emerging-intentional and beginning communicators.  Even within these categories it seems there are sub-categories.  We have a subset of learners who seem difficult to engage. They do not often respond to communication initiations by others. They can be content  looking at small items or through self-stimulatory behaviors. These learners can get “communication” overlooked in class, in intervention, and at home because they can be quiet and subdued a lot of the time.  They can be prompted through activities and events without difficulty but they often do not get to be communication initiators.  And without a lot of practice initiating, it is hard to improve. You may hear or think these things about the learner: She does not like anything He is in his “own world” He does not care what he gets It seems like she can not hear She does not look at what... [Read More...]

Throwback Thursday: Talk About Me 2

December 12, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

Throwback Thursday: Talk About Me 2

originally published December 13, 2012 We write about a lot of AAC strategies and we often give examples of different types of learners. Sometimes the learners we work with have more challenges than we explain. Lest you think, we do not see the really ‘challenging’ learners, we do, we really do.  For those individuals with more challenges than most, sometime we are asked, well what do a few visual supports or AAC strategies do? What difference do they make? The truthful answer is A LOT. Here are a just a few recent examples from some really amazing families. When a mom is on the phone, a young adult brings in a timer and sets it so mom will get off the phone and go sit with her. When a communication book is forgotten on an emergency trip to the dentist, drawing on a napkin is enough to keep everyone calm... [Read More...]

Core Words, Direct Vocabulary Instruction, & The Beginning Communicator

November 30, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

Vocabulary Instruction & the Beginning Communicator

Direct vocabulary instruction is important for all level learners.  The beginning communicator needs to learn core word vocabulary from USING the words and one of the best  ways to learn how to USE core words, is to receive specific direct instruction with many opportunities for active participation. 6 Essential Philosophies &  Strategies Vocabulary instruction involves a systematic TEACHING process.  Add vocabulary or Words as an activity on the daily schedule and then have a mini-schedule for the specific vocabulary instruction activities for that day. Initially, apply an errorless learning paradigm. Then, gradually, add comprehension checks, but do not wait for ‘proof’ of comprehension before adding new words because we often notice that the beginning communicator will demonstrate comprehension during ‘unexpected opportunities- or when you are least expecting it. Once learners become familiar with some of the specific vocabulary activities, then have some choice making opportunities as to which ‘word activities’... [Read More...]

December Core Word PrAACtice Ideas

November 29, 2013 by - 4 Comments

December Core Word PrAActice

December core word prAACtice ideas are here. The best way to TEACH core words is to first provide  Aided Language Input- ALI in Meaningful Language Experiences.  Then give the learner a chance to be an active participant by having many (many, many) opportunities to USE the core words to request, question, complain, tell, negotiate, explain, refuse, tattle, greet, ask, vent, and discuss. There is a lot of  holiday spirit this month. Here are some ideas of activities that can go with the core word words, phrases and sentences: Play Holiday Music– All holidays can be represented.  Model “hear it louder”, “surprise us” for the next song, or even wear “silly hats” while singing. Cook & Eat Fun Holiday Food– As you are creating/cooking holiday treats, everyone can take a turn saying “mix it this way” or “add it this way“. Have each learner say “these next” or “please one more” or even “I want... [Read More...]

PrAACtical Thoughts on Supporting Reluctant Communicators

November 25, 2013 by - 8 Comments

PrAACtical Thoughts on Supporting Reluctant Communicators

As any experienced AAC professional will tell you, people who are learning to use AAC systems don’t produce as much verbal output as their speaking peers. And, every once in awhile, we run into an AAC learner who communicates VERY infrequently even though they are capable of doing more. They’re often described as shy (perhaps) or stubborn (cringe! shudder! clench teeth!), but, in our view, their reluctance to communicate is probably related to a few other things. We generally don’t like to do things that are difficult for us, particularly if the pay-off is not in proportion to the effort, or if there are insufficient supports. If the learner has had a history of being unsuccessful or associates communication with a high level of effort, it makes sense that they are not rushing to interact with us. It doesn’t always pay to rush things. Sometimes we get better outcomes by building... [Read More...]

Make Your Own Communication Book Stand

November 10, 2013 by - 2 Comments

Make Your Own Communication Book Stand

How can you make AAC learning easier with an empty binder and some duct tape? Stay tuned! Mary-Louise Bertram demonstrates how to make a portable stand for a PODD book, that could also work well for other kinds of communication books. Not only is this an inexpensive DIY solution, but one that allows you to use the book flat on the table or angled on the stand. Great for aided language input! We love the idea of repurposing for 3-ring binders, too.     Here is the direct link, if you need it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJUKepEX4Xk