262 Search Results for video autism

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week 11, March 2014

March 15, 2014 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week 11, March 2014

We’re still adjusting to Daylight Savings Time (morning comes too soon!) but managed to rub the sleep from our eyes and have a prAACtical week. Hope you did, too! Sunday: Video of the Week – An ABA Perspective on AAC for Students with Autism Monday: Strategy of the Month – More Robust Literacy Instruction for People who Use AAC Tuesday: Research Tuesday – Literacy Instruction for People with Significant Disabilities Wednesday: Watch It Wednesday – Learn More About iOS 7 with Spectronics Thursday: Try This – A PrAACtical Idea for Aided Language Input Friday: Before We Read – Using Predictions for PrAACtical Learning

More Robust Literacy Instruction for People Who Use AAC

March 10, 2014 by - 8 Comments

More Robust Literacy Instruction for People Who Use AAC

We love learning about AAC and literacy from resources that have a ‘presume competence’ philosophy, that provide research support, and that include specific teaching guidelines.  With these ideas in mind, we love the Literacy Curriculum found on the Literacy Instruction Website by Janice Light and David McNaughton at Penn State.  There are specific guidelines for providing literacy instruction to individuals with severe communication impairments.  There is a specific curriculum to tell you what skills to teach, reasons for teaching those skills, how to teach the skills, and videotaped examples of teaching the curriculum. There is listed research support  that you can use to understand the rationales for the skills you are teaching as well as  provide evidence-based information about why you are choosing the approach.  This post is intended to provide an introduction to the Literacy Curriculum.  For comprehensive information go to the Literacy Instruction Website by Janice Light and David McNaughton.... [Read More...]

31 AAC Posts You May Have Missed in January, 2014

February 6, 2014 by - Leave your thoughts

31 Posts You May Have Missed in January

Strategy of the Month: PrAACtice Opportunities Building a PrAACtice Routine PrAACtical Communication Opportunities in SLP Sessions Using Aided Language To Build Communication Opportunities PrAACtical Excercise: Building Fluency with Decontextualized PrAACtice  PrAACtical Thinking Ringing in the New Year with an AAC App Giveaway- acorn Another Year of Core Vocabulary Get Organized for the New Year- 5 Visual Schedule Apps A PrAACtical Week: 2014 #1 Watch it Wednesday- Pain in Children with Developmental Disabilities PrAActical Peek: Decorating Cookies 31 Posts You May Have Missed in December A PrAACtical Week 2014 #2 Does AAC Really Work with Infants & Toddlers Watch it Wednesdays- Using and Creating Routines to Promote Interactions Throwback Thursday: Visual Schedule Roundup A PrAACtical Note of Appreciation A PrAACtical Week 2014 #3  Watch It Wednesday: I Hear Them All  A Totally Different Life A PrAACtical Week #4 SpeakAll! A Research-to-Practice Project  Make It PrAACtical: Make Your Own Battery Interrupter (Without Soldering) ... [Read More...]

Some PrAACtical Thoughts on Positive Reinforcement

February 3, 2014 by - 4 Comments

Some PrAACtical Thoughts on Positive Reinforcement

SLPs know that positive reinforcement is a key therapy tool with an evidence base for many types of AAC learners. This month, we’ll focus on making positive reinforcement work in our AAC therapy sessions. Reinforcement is a topic that has gotten a ton of attention in other blogs and websites, particularly those focused on autism, so there is no need to reinvent that wheel. Instead, you can do a web search and/or look at these posts/pages and we’ll focus more specifically on its application to AAC. Here are some places to check out if you want more information on basic concepts in reinforcement. Most approach it from a behavioral perspective. Video lessons on reinforcement from the MIND Institute at the University of California (Davis) here and here. Overview of Reinforcement as EBP Implementing Positive Reinforcement In the meantime, here are some thoughts on positive reinforcement within the context of AAC therapies... [Read More...]

SPEAKall! A PrAACtical Research-to-Practice Project

January 30, 2014 by - 2 Comments

SPEAKall! A PrAACtical Research-to-Practice Project

It is a pleasure to welcome back Dr. Oliver Wendt, who graciously agreed to give us an update on the SPEAKall! app designed by faculty and students at Purdue University. You can see the original post here. There is a proud tradition of AAC research at Purdue, and we’re delighted to see that their latest prAACtical contributions. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: We wrote the first announcement about SPEAKall!, a therapy app for AAC in autism and developmental disorders, over a year and a half ago. SPEAKall! was originally created by the Purdue Program for Engineering Projects in Community Service (EPICS) in conjunction with the Purdue AAC Research Lab and the Purdue Speech-Language Clinic. SPEAKall! is specifically designed to start AAC intervention in prelinguistic learners. It has a very intuitive and “sensory-friendly” interface that reduces cognitive load, which makes it ideal for individuals with severe, non-verbal autism or severe developmental speech and language delay.... [Read More...]

5 AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week #4, 2014

January 25, 2014 by - Leave your thoughts

5 AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week 4, 2014

We’re headed to ATIA after another prAACtical week. Here’s what we’ve been up to. Sunday: The PrAACtical Power of Peers Monday: Strategy of the Month: PrAACtical Exercise – Building Fluency with Decontextualized PrAACtice Tuesday: Teach Me Tuesday: Tobii C8 Wednesday: 10 References Supporting AAC Use in Inclusive Settings Thursday: Text-based Aided Language: Making the Language-Literacy Connection for Learners with Autism Friday: Make It PrAACtical – Making Your Own Battery Interrupters (Without Soldering!)

31 Posts You May Have Missed in October

November 4, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

31 Posts You May Have Missed in October

Strategy of the Month Building Participation Building Participation with Older Learners Classroom Participation Community Participation PrAACtical Thinking Second Annual AAC Awareness Month Celebration! 5 Fun AAC Things to do to Get Ready for Halloween 30 Posts You May Have Missed in September Celebrate AAC Awareness Month with PrAACtical Giveaways Another PrAACtical Celebration How Can we Make ‘Clients’ ‘like’ Using their AAC ? 6 Things to Learn from Talking AAC Communicative Competence in AAC Throwback Thursday Core Word Round Up Celebrating AAC Awareness Month 2013 Halloween Recipes for Cooking AAC Style Fast FAACt- What 24 Cents Will Buy Perception & Presuming Competence 5 Ways to Promote Consistent AAC Use What Went Well How I Do It Implementing AIded Language Input with Alicia Garcia 5 AAC Things I Wish I Had Known with Deanne Shoyer Teach Me Tuesdays Alexicom AAC Proloquo2Go Video of the Week Everyone Communicates- Advocacy & Inclusion Developing Communicative Competence... [Read More...]

How I Do It: Get Your Students Talking with a Versatile AAC Activity by Lauren Enders, Part 1

August 29, 2013 by - 4 Comments

How I Do It: Get Your Students Talking with a Versatile AAC Activity

We are so excited to start off the new school year with a wonderfully prAACtical post by Lauren Enders. Lauren’s “How I Do It” posts have been very popular and this one is no different. Today, she shares ways to incorporate key AAC principles in engaging intervention activities and models that with high school students. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::   LEARNING TARGETS (Samples: can be changed to meet student goals) Using core vocabulary, the student will: control the actions of others (beginning with core words like “more”, “stop”, “go”, “again”, and “different”) express his or her opinions through commenting (beginning with core words such as “like”, “don’t like”, “good”, “bad”, and “silly”) TARGET POPULATION: all ages (I have used variations of this activity successfully with students from age 3 through age 21.) TYPE OF AAC: ALL types!!  What’s crucial here is the availability of core vocabulary, not the system used.  Systems used can vary from... [Read More...]

AAC ‘Must Haves’ for the Classroom and Speech Room

August 10, 2013 by - 2 Comments

AAC 'Must Haves' for the Classroom & Speech Room

As we were getting ready for back to school and thinking about ‘must haves’, it quickly became apparent that it is not so easy to narrow it down. And the ‘must haves’ would definitely vary depending upon type of class, students, and even school.  Based on a wide variety of differences, we organized a wide variety of choices to explore (we apologize in advance if we got carried away but…). Choose what you need, bookmark what  you may need later and let us know your  ‘must haves’ for a classroom and speech room AAC collaborative approach.  We will create an ongoing list. Get Started Before School Starts         Do these 10 Things to Get Started with AAC  if you are new to an AAC student or classroom Provide AAC Support in the Classroom. Support teachers and educators with tips from Jane Farrall, & learn about AAC in the Classroom by Joan... [Read More...]

School Strategies for Everyone INCLUDES Visual Supports (AAC) for Everyone!

August 4, 2013 by - 2 Comments

School Strategies for Everyone Includes Visual Strategies

Great video for supporting students with autism in inclusive secondary settings.  But, actually, these strategies can work for everyone.  Most of them are just good teaching strategies. Can you count the visual strategies for understanding, for expression, for organization and behavior? Direct link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veQKDDE9C_w” site=”youtube