349 Search Results for aided language input

Boosting AAC Implementation in the Classroom: 6 Things to Try

August 18, 2015 by - 8 Comments

Boosting AAC Implementation in the Classroom: 6 Things to Try

Classrooms are busy places, and sometimes the AAC gets lost in the hustle and bustle. If you’re interested in boosting AAC use during the school day, here are some things to try. Co-teach or teach a lesson: Think it’s easy to model AAC and elicit it at the same time you’re providing whole class or small group instruction? Try it. Better yet, make teaching a co-teaching a lesson in the classroom part of your regular service delivery schedule. It’s scary at first, but hang in there. You’ll gain valuable information about what it takes to make AAC successful under real-world conditions, and gain credibility with the rest of the team. Offer support: “What can I do to make it easier for classroom staff to implement the AAC strategies?” “Ms. Aide, how can I help you use the device more when you talk to Shayna?” Make the data available to everyone... [Read More...]

More PrAACtical AAC Goals That Matter

April 23, 2015 by - Leave your thoughts

More PrAACtical AAC Goals That Matter

While we may play a variety of roles, a commonality among those of us on teams serving individuals with AAC needs is that we often struggle with developing goals that are meaningful. Let’s work together to develop a list of potential goals that we can reflect on as we work with our clients and their families on a plan for becoming more competent communicators. There are two sections in this post: Qualifiers (for information applying to all goals) and Goal Areas (for actual goals). This is not meant to be a comprehensive list but rather a starting point for a collaborative document. Please join the effort by adding goals in the comment area below or reaching out using our contact form. SECTION 1: QUALIFIERS Each goal can be prefaced with a description of the communicator’s AAC system or the elements of that system can be named. Terms used in this document... [Read More...]

Let’s Create: Getting to the Core of Earth Day

April 20, 2015 by - 2 Comments

Let’s Create: Getting to the Core of Earth Day

Working with core words? Whether or not you are following along with our Year of Core Words or using some other approach, Earth Day is the perfect time to practice those reusable, recyclable words. Last week, we talked about using our April core words (2013 List: big, busy, do, drink, feel, he, in, make, out, some, tell, who) in literacy activities. Today, we’ll talk about using them in arts and crafts activities. Let’s create with core words! Choose your craft project. A quick Pinterest search yields lots of possibilities. Consider which words to focus on. Some of the April words (do, make, out, some) work well with any craft project. Review the project through the lens of your goal: Modeling and eliciting core words. Decide how you will implement it so that the focus is the core words, not the art itself. Make an activity schedule showing the steps for... [Read More...]

Let’s Read: Getting to the Core of Earth Day

April 13, 2015 by - Leave your thoughts

Let’s Read: Getting to the Core of Earth Day

Core Words for the Month (2013 List): big, busy, do, drink, feel, he, in, make, out, some, tell, who By definition, core words are useful in any situation, with any topic and any communication partner. They are the perfect words for Earth Day because they are words that they we re-use and recycle. Even though it is a very minor holiday (at least in the US), most schools do a lot of thematic work around the topic, both because it ties in so beautifully with science education, but also because all kids seem to have a connection with and curiosity about the natural world. Before we knew better, SLPs would spend lots of time programming specific vocabulary into the learner’s AAC device. (I’m guilty as charged and can still remember trying to find symbols for things like trash compactor and pollution.) For learners who have good command of core vocabulary, we... [Read More...]

Video of the Week – Lilly Gets New Words!

March 25, 2015 by - 3 Comments

Video of the Week - Lilly Gets New Words!

  There is so much to love about this wonderful video from Lindy McDaniel, preschool teacher and author of the fabulous blog, The Considerate Classroom. It is such fun to watch her introduce little Lilly to a new communication aid and assist her in getting comfortable with expanded vocabulary options. From the way she engages with her student, to her use of aided language input, to her skill in behavior management, to the way that she supports the student in interacting with unfamiliar partners, this is a video to savor. Enjoy!    

Core Concepts in Core Vocabulary Instruction

March 16, 2015 by - 2 Comments

Core Concepts in Core Vocabulary Instruction

We’ve been talking about implementing A Year of Core Words and A(nother) Year of Core Words for our March words. If you are new to the idea, it involves highlighting a different set of set of 12-16 core words each month to help our AAC learners get progressively more familiar with their vocabulary options. Today, we’re linking to some posts with ideas for what to do with the core words for each month. Laying the Foundation Give learners access to core vocabulary in their communication books, SGDs, and/or AAC apps. Prepare the core vocabulary materials for the month. If you haven’t started, don’t sweat it. Just download, print, and give it a go. “A year from now, you will wish you had started today” (K. Lamb). We are ALL a work in progress. Use the core words in an AAC system when you speak. Whether we call it aided language... [Read More...]

Vocabulary Instruction: When Definitions Don’t Work

March 9, 2015 by - 3 Comments

Vocabulary Instruction: When Definitions Don’t Work

Vocabulary instruction and definitions generally go hand-in-hand. We’re used to creating learner-friendly definitions for the new words we teach, then using those definitions to introduce the word with focused language stimulation. In some situations, though, working with definitions is not the way to go. Here are some examples. Limited receptive skills: When we’re working with learners whose receptive vocabularies are very small, it can be impossible to define a new vocabulary term using only words that the learner already understands. Simone is a beginning communicator who is just starting to get the hang of symbolic communication. On a good day, she can pick out symbols for things that she wants to do (like play and eat) without any help at all, but following single step directions, identifying symbols, and matching them is more of a challenge. Giving her a definition for our new words, (open and big), isn’t likely to... [Read More...]

Growing Our Ranks: An AAC Confessional

March 5, 2015 by - Leave your thoughts

Growing Our Ranks: An AAC Confessional

It’s funny where life takes you. A former student of mine was unhappy as an attorney, but found deep satisfaction in becoming an SLP. Another one enjoyed her work as an SLP, but reached even more lives by founding a company for low tech communication and literacy materials. As SLP students, we might not have considered the role that people with AAC needs would play on our caseloads. And with over 90% of school-based SLPs serving kids with autism, my guess is that many who are now supporting nonverbal or minimally verbal students had no intention of specializing in AAC. And yet, there they are: a language lifeline for students who cannot communicate effectively through speech. I am so grateful to today’s guest author, Sara Barnhill, for sharing her own experience in becoming an AAC service provider. Sara is an SLP who has has worked at Children’s Hospital of Richmond at... [Read More...]

Resources for A Year of Core Vocabulary: March Words

March 3, 2015 by - Leave your thoughts

Resources for A Year of Core Vocabulary: March Words

  Our list of resources is growing!  Let’s add a few more resources courtesy of SLPs Alison Wade and Heidi LoStracco. We’ve uploaded some additional printables for the Year of Core words (2013 list with 12 words per month)represented in PCS, Symbol Stix, and Smarty Symbols. Thanks, Alison, Heidi, and all who contributed to this effort! Templates for you to plug in your own symbols: 2013 words, 2014 words Minspeak/Unity version: 2013 PCS versions: 2013; 2014 Speak for Yourself version: 2013, 2014 Symbol Stix version: 2013 Use these materials to remind yourself which words to highlight this month, with using aided language input and focused language stimulation. What else? Print them and hang them on a bulletin board or refrigerator. Laminate, cut them apart, and put them on a binder ring that you keep handy so that you can show just one symbol at a time. Use them to create... [Read More...]

Speaking in Core: Sentences for March Words

March 2, 2015 by - Leave your thoughts

Speaking in Core: Sentences for March Words

For the past 5 years, AAC practitioners have become increasingly invested in a core word approach to AAC intervention. Why spend valuable intervention time teaching words that relate only to one specific activity or environment when you could be teaching words that the learner can use all day long? Building competency with a robust base of 300-500 core words gives people the vocabulary they need to function in any environment. (Try that with AAC systems that are mostly nouns and action verbs!). How can we continually increase our clients’ competence with core words? A few years ago, we decided to approach this by focusing on 12-16 core words each month. Each month, we would highlight those words in our conversation (aided language input), direct intervention, and home programming activities with AAC learners. The repeated experiences with those 12-16 words helped the learners develop new skills, and kept the team focused... [Read More...]