272 Search Results for video literacy

AAC Link Up – May 22

May 22, 2018 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Link Up - May 22

It’s that time again! Once a week, we invite you to share your own AAC-related content so that others may learn from you and benefit from your efforts.  It may be a recent post you’ve written, a slide deck from your AAC presentation, a handout, video, or meme that you’ve posted online, an AAC product you’ve created, an announcement for an AAC camp or conference, or any other prAACtical content you developed and want to share with the AAC community. To post your own link, scroll all the way down to the bottom of this post and complete the form. The AAC Link Up is moderated to keep us from being spammed, so it may take a little while for your link to show up. Note: If you receive this post in your email inbox, you are probably getting it before anyone has had a chance to add their links. Check back later... [Read More...]

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week #21: May 2018

May 20, 2018 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week #21: May 2018

Hello, Sunday! As AAC service providers, the work we do often keeps us too busy to do much reading. And so, we often use the weekends to catch up. If you’re in that mode today, check out our posts from last week. Monday: PrAACtical Resources: Lockdown, Code Red, & Other School Safety Drills Tuesday: AAC Link Up Wednesday: Video of the Week: AAC in Acute Care Thursday: Throwback Thursday: Extension Activities for AAC Practice Still have an appetite for some more AAC? Here are a few past posts to sink your teeth into. 3 Ways to Use AAC Goals to Strengthen AAC Intervention Using Visual Supports for Goal Setting Conversations PrAACtically Pinteresting with Lauren Enders: Writing AAC Goals Building Linguistic Competence in AAC Learners: 3 Areas to Consider Targeting Writing AAC Goals for Students Who Use AAC If you’re local, take a look at this opportunity to learn from Dr. Caroline Musselwhite on teaching early... [Read More...]

AAC Link Up – May 15

May 15, 2018 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Link Up - May 15

Hello, AAC friends! Once a week, we invite you to share your own AAC-related content so that others may learn from you and benefit from your efforts.  It may be a recent post you’ve written, a slide deck from your AAC presentation, a handout, video, or meme that you’ve posted online, an AAC product you’ve created, an announcement for an AAC camp or conference, or any other prAACtical content you developed and want to share with the AAC community. To post your own link, scroll all the way down to the bottom of this post and complete the form. The AAC Link Up is moderated to keep us from being spammed, so it may take a little while for your link to show up. Note: If you receive this post in your email inbox, you are probably getting it before anyone has had a chance to add their links. Check back later in... [Read More...]

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week #20: May 2018

May 13, 2018 by - Leave your thoughts

AC Posts from PrAACtical Week #20: May 2018

Happy Mother’s Day! Monday – Evidence-based Practice in AAC Tuesday – AAC Link Up Wednesday – Video of the Week: AAC Partner Instruction Thursday – Using Visual Sidekicks to Support Language Intervention :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Still have an appetite for AAC? Here are a handful of past posts to browse. Faces of AAC: Making It Work in a Busy Family PrAACtically Reading with Karen Natoci: The Family Book Family Collaboration by Dr. Barry Prizant PrAACtical Families: 5 Grants That Support AAC From Presence to Contribution: A Family’s Journey Toward and Inclusive Life Before you go, we’d like to invite all our local friends to this FREE wonderful 2-day workshop on literacy hosted by UM-NSU CARD.  Explore the online poster below or click here for a larger version. Hope to see some of you there!

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week #15: April 2018

April 8, 2018 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week #15: April 2018

Spring is springing in our part of the world, bringing inspiration for new beginnings and the possibilities of rebirth. Here are some of the posts we shared in our prAACtical week. Monday – April Is Autism Awareness, Acceptance, and Appreciation Month Tuesday – AAC Link Up  (Check out the things people shared here if you get a chance.) Wednesday – Video of the Week: AT in the IEP Thursday – 5 Ways to Promote Generalization of AAC Use ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Inspired to read and learn more about the complexities of autism? Here are some posts that may be of interest. Sensory Interventions for Students with ASD: What Does the Research Say? Communication Supports for Problem Behavior with Dr. Pat Mirenda SGDs for People with ASD Narrative Skills in Students with ASD Friendship Skills for People with ASD who Use AAC And don’t forget to check out Lauren Ender’s materials for discounts on AAC and literacy apps... [Read More...]

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week #9: February, 2018

February 25, 2018 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week #9: February, 2018

It’s a beautiful Sunday morning in our part of the world – just perfect for catching up on some posts from the week. Here’s what we’ve been up to: Monday – PrAACtical Resources: Scholarly Articles on Aided AAC Wednesday – Video of the Week: Creating AAC Implementation Plans Thursday – Dealing with Feelings: 5 Ways to Encourage Emotion-related Expression by AAC Learners Some of our AAC friends are beginning to prepare for upcoming IEPs so our thoughts have been turning to the classroom, curriculum, and academics. Here are some of the posts we’ve been revisiting. Take a look. Integrating AAC Instruction with Curriculum Standards Research Tuesday: Literacy Instruction for Students with Significant Disabilities Educating Students with Complex Support Needs in a Standards-Aligned System PrAACtical Partnerships: AAC and Academics Helping the General Education Team Support Students Who Use AAC

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week #7: February, 2018

February 11, 2018 by - 1 Comment

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week #7: February, 2018

Happy Sunday, AAC friends. It’s prAACtically Valentine’s Day and a perfect time to show some AAC love where you work, live, or play. While you’re  at it, check out our posts from this week. Monday – PrAACtically Valentine’s Day: 5 Activity Ideas for AAC Learning Wednesday – Video of the Week: Supporting Leadership Development in People Who Use AAC Thursday –  Resources to Review from the #ATIA2018 Conference Ready for more to explore? Here are a few past posts for you to peruse. PrAACtically Valentine’s Day: Core Vocabulary Activities 14 Valentine’s Day Activities: Love, Literacy, & Learning 4 Things to Consider When Embracing a “New Normal” Using Structure to Support Participation Core Vocabulary: Making Sense of Symbols

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week #2: January, 2018

January 7, 2018 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week #2: January, 2018

As hard as it is to get back to work after a holiday break, it was nice to resume a regular routine of AAC. Hope your New Year is off to a great start! Monday: Ushering in a New Year of AAC Wednesday: Video of the Week — AACtually Doing It: Core in the Classroom Thursday: Hold That Core: When Do You Not Use a Core Vocabulary Approach? More to explore: AAC for the Beginning Communicator Helping Beginning Communicators Expand Their Sentence Length A PrAACtical Literacy Activity for Beginning Communicators Data Collection for the Beginning AAC User: Essential Things to Measure to Expedite Progress

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week #50: December, 2017

December 10, 2017 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week #50: December, 2017

Baking, shopping, wrapping. Grading, report-writing. Ugly sweaters, Secret Santas, Elf on a Shelf, Mensch on a Bench. December is zooming by. If you missed a few posts, we get it. Put your feet up, take a breath, and click away! Monday – PrAACtical Research: AAC Intervention for Children with ASD Wednesday – Video of the Week: Parent’s Guide to AAC Assessment Thursday – PrAACtical Collaboration: Teaming Up to Build Communication with a Treat Cart (Part 1) Saturday – When Disaster Strikes: USSAAC’s Response to Families with AAC Needs Still in the AAC mood? Here’s a sampling of previous posts on cooking and AAC for your browsing pleasure. PrAACtical Supports for Older Learners: AT Recipes for Success, Part 5 – Let’s Cook! How I Do It: Cooking in the Classroom with Carol Goossens’ Literacy: Cookies & Core AACtual Therapy with Deanna Wagner: Why Cook When You Can’t Eat? PrAACtical Peek: Decorating Cookies

“But He Doesn’t Like It!” 5 Things to Try with AAC Learners Who Don’t Like Shared Reading

November 20, 2017 by - Leave your thoughts

“But He Doesn’t Like It!” 5 Things to Try with AAC Learners Who Don’t Like Shared Reading

Have you had an experience like Stacy’s? Stacy SLP knows the importance of building literacy skills in her students who use AAC and was happy to have found an age respectful book that aligns with the curriculum. She downloaded it onto her iPad and practiced reading it so that the push-in session would go smoothly.  Stacy reviewed the students’ SGDs and came up with a plan for targeting specific language or AAC skills. She was determined to infuse more literacy activities into her therapy and began the reading activity with equal measures of excitement and nervousness.  It was both frustrating and disheartening when her students didn’t like the activity, were hard to engage, and even tried to escape. Within the first few minutes, her enthusiasm had turned to fear (’What do I do NOW?’) and dread (‘How am I going to get through this session?!’). Many of us have had... [Read More...]