272 Search Results for video literacy

Video of the Week: Structured Literacy Support for AAC Learners

September 20, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Structured Literacy Support for AAC Learners

Have you been looking for AAC-friendly programs that align with a comprehensive approach to literacy instruction? We’re excited to share this recorded presentation from AT/AAC Specialist and Special Educator Kate Ahern, which was originally presented at the AAC in the Cloud Conference, sponsored by CoughDrop. Many thanks to Kate and the CoughDrop conference team for making this helpful session available. You can view the handout for this presentation here.   Direct Link to Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odSaX2XTRJc&ab_channel=CoughDrop

Video of the Week: Incorporating Comprehensive Literacy Instruction into AAC Intervention

January 4, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Incorporating Comprehensive Literacy Instruction into AAC Intervention

The work of Drs. Karen Erickson and David Koppenhaver on comprehensive literacy instruction in AAC has inspired many educators and therapists to ramp their literacy support in education and therapy. In today’s featured video, SLP Kristin M. Ellis shares her ideas of how to infuse this into clinical work with children and adults who have complex communication needs. Many thanks to AbleNet and to Kristin for making this archived presentation available. You can access the slide handout here and the supplemental resource list here.  Direct Link to Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zTUoFwbbhA&ab_channel=ableUOn-demandProfessionalDevelopment   

Video of the Week: Making Connections Between Language, Literacy, & AAC

July 27, 2022 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Making Connections Between Language, Literacy, & AAC

If you are looking to get more comfortable in supporting language and literacy growth in AAC learners, today’s featured video by AAC SLP Tammy Thompson-Cooke should be of interest. This is a recorded session from the PaTTAN Literacy Symposium.  Many thanks to Tammy and PaTTAN for making this available for all to learn from. Direct Link to Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DaWSWorJkF0&ab_channel=PaTTAN

Video of the Week: Implementing Comprehensive Literacy Instruction for Students Who Use AAC

November 3, 2021 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Implementing Comprehensive Literacy Instruction for Students Who Use AAC

Parents and professionals often share an interest in helping students who use AAC learn to read and write. The book Comprehensive Literacy Instruction for All (Erickson & Koppenhaver, 2019) presents a framework for literacy instruction with students who have significant disabilities. In today’s video, we feature special educator and AT specialist Sharon Redmon who discusses her experiences in implementing this approach with students who use AAC.  Many thanks to Sharon and to the Special Education Technology Center (SETC) at Central Washington University for this helpful presentation. Direct Link to Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wg6CHWUT0XY&ab_channel=SETCSpecialEducationTechnologyCenter

Video of the Week: Introduction to Literacy for Students with Complex Communication Needs

August 25, 2021 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Introduction to Literacy for Students with Complex Communication Needs

As schools ramp up here in the US, many professionals and families are thinking about how to support the reading and writing development of students with AAC needs. In this video, AAC SLP Vicki Clarke covers some important concepts and shares lots of prAACtical suggestions. Enjoy! Direct Link to Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2uSL_ymlNo&ab_channel=AACChicksatDynamicTherapyAssociatesInc. —

Video of the Week: Comprehensive Literacy Instruction in AAC

February 24, 2021 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Comprehensive Literacy Instruction in AAC

How can we support AAC learners in developing their reading and writing skills? In today’s featured video, we hear from Dr. Karen Erickson and Dr. Lori Geist, from the Center for Literacy and Disability Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.  Many thanks to Drs. Erickson and Geist for this presentation and to ISAAC for hosting it. You can obtain the handout for this webinar here. Enjoy! Direct Link to Video- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4ZqS43H6Fc&feature=emb_logo&ab_channel=InternationalSocietyforAugmentativeandAlternativeCommunication%28ISAAC%29

Video of the Week: Embedding Core Vocabulary Instruction into Emergent Literacy Routines

September 16, 2020 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Embedding Core Vocabulary Instruction into Emergent Literacy Routines

It’s difficult to find enough instructional time during the school day to address all of the goals and priorities that we have for AAC learners. In today’s featured video, Dr. Lori Geist shares ideas for how we can integrate the teaching and practice of core vocabulary with emergent literacy activities and routines. You can obtain the handouts for this session here. Many thanks to Dr. Geist and to the amazing team at CoughDrop for creating and sharing this wonderful presentation that was part of the AAC in the Cloud 2020 Conference. Direct Link to Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1VCXGsPKaM&feature=youtu.be&ab_channel=CoughDrop

Video of the Week: Bridging Literacy and AAC for Adolescents

February 19, 2020 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Bridging Literacy and AAC for Adolescents

How can we help older learners who are still developing their language skills become readers and writers? Today, we feature an archived presentation on this topic by special educator Christy Palmquist and SLP Heather Prenovost. Listen in as they discuss strategies and resources for adolescent learners. Many thanks to PRC Saltillo and the presenters, Christy and Heather, for making this available. You can obtain the handout for this session here. Direct Link to Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5sAaJM9JesI

Video of the Week: The Critical Nature of Literacy in AAC

November 20, 2019 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: The Critical Nature of Literacy in AAC

We’re really excited to share this wonderful video by Dr. Karen Erickson, Director of the Center for Literacy and Disabilities Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, on the critical role of literacy in AAC. This presentation was a keynote session at the International AAC Conference in Leeds (UK) earlier this fall. Many thanks to the International AAC Conference for making this session possible, to Dr. Erickson for this informative presentation, and to Tobii Dynavox for making it available. Direct Link to Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2bOqen_J2Q

Video of the Week: Using Sensory Activities to Build Communication & Literacy with Students who Have Visual & Multiple Disabilities

June 19, 2019 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Using Sensory Activities to Build Communication & Literacy with Students who Have Visual & Multiple Disabilities

Teachers and therapists sometimes struggle to find effective ways to support students with multiple disabilities who have visual impairments. In today’s video, Faye Gonzalez, a teacher of the visually impaired, helps us understand ways that we can incorporate sensory activities to help these students further develop their communication, language and literacy skills. Many thanks to Faye and to Perkins for hosting this archived presentation. You can access the handout for this session here. The downloadable blank book template is available here.  Direct Link to Video Page: https://www.perkinselearning.org/videos/webinar/sensory-activities-experiences-improve-communication-and-literacy-children-visual-and