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31 AAC Posts You May Have Missed in July

August 5, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

31 Posts You May Have Missed In July

PrAACtical Thinking Free Text-based AAC Apps for the iPad PrAACtical Questions: Can Students Take Their AAC Device Home? PrAACtical AAC Learning & July 4th: Get Ready Get Set Go 4 Free July 4th Apps to SPARK Commenting 30 Posts You May Have Missed in June 4+AAC Tips for Talking About July 4th AFTER the Festivities PrAACtically Ready to Read Did You Know: AADMD Offers Specialty Webinars Visual Schedule Myths Live On..& On Getting to Yes Working with Worksheets Apps to Prepare, Learn, & Talk About Summer Vacations Modify a Battery-Operated Toy To Make It Accessible By Switches 5 Great Ways To Help People with AAC Needs Develop Inner Speech What’s the Connection: Core Vocabulary and Visual Schedules Random App of Kindness Giveaway: Talk About Food Create Your Own Style PECS Book 5 Things to Consider About Assigning ‘Homework’ to Your AAC Clients 8Friday Fun: 8 AAC Activities that are Fast... [Read More...]

Strategy of the Month: Back to School with AAC

August 3, 2013 by - 4 Comments

Back to School with AAC

Here in the US, August is Back-to-School month. Throughout this month, we’ll try to post ideas and resources to help make the transition back to school a smooth and successful one. One of the most important things for students who use AAC is having their SLPs, teachers, and families on the same page. They each have a different but very intense relationship with the student’s AAC system. Here are some prAACtical thoughts on getting everyone on the same page. 1.  Develop a communication profile of the student: In the initial weeks, try to get a baseline of how the student is communicating at the start of the year. For beginning communicators, we track things like their communicative intents (WHY they are communicating), modalities (HOW they are communicating), and the frequency of their communication. We’ve written about one of our favorite tools for this, the Communication Matrix. 2. Share what you know:... [Read More...]

30 Posts You May Have Missed in June

July 5, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

30 Posts You May Have Missd in June

Strategy of the Month AAC Assessment for People with Aphasia Communication Books & Aphasia Speech Supplementation Strategies Aphasia, Supported Communication, Written Choice Strategy, + Variations Making it Work: 6 AAC Strategies for People with Aphasia PrAACtical Thinking Be Chatty: 5 Tips for Supported Conversation 5 PrAACtical Thoughts on Catch-Up Conversations 31 Posts You May Have Missed in May Where to Get PrAACtical Research Reviews Supporting the Use of AAC Listen to Me About What I Need and Want It’s PrAACtically Fathers Day PrAACtical Summer Learning 5 Questions about Aphasia & Communication Books Safety Matters: 5 Resources for People Who Use AAC Weighing The Evidence PrAACtical Evidence on Presuming Competence Helping People with Aphasia Compensate for Their Language Difficulties with Dr. Kristy Weissling PrAACtical Summer Activities AACtual Therapy/ How I Do It Go Fish with AAC and Shareka Bentham Marlene Cummings Shares and Implementation Toolbox Use your Best Spud to Teach Vocabulary... [Read More...]

31 Posts You May Have Missed in May

June 5, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

31 Posts You May Have Missed

Strategy of The Month Communication Boards: Colorful Considerations   Communication Boards Can Be Used For…. A Lot I Made A Communication Board: Bow What Join Together: Core & Fringe Vocabulary Fresh Look  AAC in the Classroom with Joan Bruno Friendship Skills for Children Who Use AAC with Dr. Erinn Finke Top 5 Switches for People With ALS by Amy Roman AAC & Dementia with Dr. Melanie Fried Oken AAC for Children Who Have Rett Syndrome with Dr. Theresa Bartolotta AACtual TherapyHow We Do It Essential Tricks for Supporting AAC in Schools, Part 2 PrAACtical Look: AAC at Dynamic Therapy Associates by Vicki Clarke A Framework for Success Getting Started in the Exciting World of Communication & AAC with Marlene Cummings AAC Myth Buster Wrap-Up PrAActical Thinking It’s PrAACtically Better Hearing & Speech Month 30 Posts You May Have Missed for Autism Awareness Month It’s PrAACtically Mother’s Day- 5 Activities that Support... [Read More...]

Begin AAC Now: 10 Things To Do

May 28, 2013 by - 4 Comments

Begin AAC Now10 Things To Do

If you know someone with significant speech difficulties, BEGIN AAC NOW…. If you know someone,  try something… Doing something, even if it isn’t perfect, is infinitely better than doing nothing at all…. There is no specific order for these suggestions, try what is appropriate and doable for you… A year from now you may wish you started today (K. Lamb)… So begin now at any level.. for someone, a class, a clinic, for a few… Create a Visual Language & AAC Environment: Visual Immersion Program, Meaningful Language Experiences, Importance of Using Visual Supports Speak AAC to the AAC Learner:  Use Aided Language Input (ALI), Learning to Use ALI Get Assessment Information:  Communication Matrix ,  AAC Evaluation Genie, Thoughts & Ideas, AAC Assessment Forms, Write & Implement Some AAC Goals: Goals That Matter, AAC in the IEP by Lauren Enders,  PrAActical Goals Learn and Use a Core Word Approach: Core Word Communication Board Samples, About Core Words- First... [Read More...]

31 Posts You May Have Missed, March 2013

April 9, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

31 Posts You May Have Missed in March

Strategy of The Month Narrative Skills for People with AAC Needs PrAACtical AAC & Personal Narratives Narrative Assessment & People Who Use AAC Let Me Tell You Something:  Narratives for the Beginning Communicator Helping People with AAC Needs Develop Personal Narratives PrAACtical Thinking PrAACtical Guessing: 5 APPs for Interactive Inferencing Another Look at Vocabulary Instruction in AAC Magic Moments in Building Vocabulary with ‘Its Cool to be Clever’ It’s PrAACtically Saint Patrick’s Day 28 Posts You May Have Missed in February 10 AAC Things To Do for PrAACtically Free in 10 Minutes of Less Daylight Savings Time & PrAACtical Behavior Another Look At Language Facilitation Strategies to Make AAC Learning Effective Literacy, AT, & Students with Significant Disabilities Watch This: Planning with Strategies Worth Repeating: Big Ideas in Teaching AAC Vocabulary PrAACtical Passover & Easter Supports 30 Things to do During Autism Awareness Month A Beautiful Family, But 1 Question... [Read More...]

133 Free & Lite Versions of AAC Apps + App Selection Resources

April 5, 2013 by - 12 Comments

133 Free & Lite AAC Apps & App Selection Resources: Updated

Here is our most recent update of free and lite versions of AAC apps for iOS and Android platform devices + a variety of resources related to AAC app selection.  We strongly continue to advocate for a systematic process for AAC app selection. We  recommend AAC app decision making in the context of a feature match process that gives appropriate attention to the full range of AAC options.  Tools to Use In Making Decisions About AAC Apps  Feature match form developed by Jessica Gosnell at Boston Children’s Hospital Feature match checklist created by Scott Marfilius and Kelly Fonner Our supplemental rubric covering language and communication features,  RELAAACs Places to Go to Find AAC Apps and Reviews  Comprehensive AAC app list for iPhone and iPad by Jane Farrall AAC Tech Connect’s Apps Assistant OCALI’s listing of apps for individuals with ASD Tech in Special Education Aidis Trust Communication App Reviews Training... [Read More...]

PrAACtical AAC & Personal Narratives

March 9, 2013 by - 2 Comments

PrAActical AAC & Personal Narratives

Personal narratives are the first story skills that develop. They tell about ourselves and our connection to activities, places, and events. They tell about how we feel about people and experiences. Personal narratives help us structure and organize the events of our lives and even become a way of thinking about ourselves and our identities. We know many AAC users have significant difficulty with narratives. We always wonder though, is it a function of language difficulty or of access, exposure, and PrAACtice or more likely a combination.  There are key intervention strategies that help AAC learners be able to tell personal narratives. You probably won’t be surprised by what strategies work but the research from Gloria Soto and colleagues has shown us that when applied to personal narratives, AAC users can be competent story tellers. Some Thoughts on Personal Narrative Assessment Even before assessment of the AAC learner, in all fairness,... [Read More...]

119 Free & Lite Versions of AAC Apps + App Selection Resources

October 2, 2012 by - 5 Comments

119 Free or Lite Versions of AAC Apps + App Selection Resources

If you’ve been following our blog, you know that we have mixed feelings about the AAC app revolution. More specifically, we’ve had concerns about the decision-making process around app selection, the paucity of apps that allow for children to learn true generative language, and a few other things. We continue to advocate for AAC app selection to occur within the context of a feature match process that gives appropriate attention to the full range of AAC options. In this mega-post we’ve included our most recent update of free and lite versions of AAC apps for iOS and Android plus a variety of additional resources related to AAC app selection. Tools to Use In Making Decisions About AAC Apps Feature match form developed by Jessica Gosnell at Boston Children’s Hospital Feature match checklist created by Scott Marfilius and Kelly Fonner Our supplemental rubric covering language and communication features,  RELAAACs Places to... [Read More...]

37 AAC Posts You May Have Missed, July 2012

August 1, 2012 by - Leave your thoughts

37 AAC Posts You May Have Missed, July 2012

Biennial Conference: ISAAC 2012 PrAACtically There: ISAAC 2012 Day 1 at ISAAC 2012: What You Should Know About AAC’s Expanding Role in Health Care ISAAC 2012, Day 2: AAC Goes to Preschool ISAAC 2012, Day 3: Let the Games Begin ISAAC 2012, Day 4 – The Fives 5+5 Commandments for Speech Output Communication 5 Under-Used Strategies in AAC 5 Online Notebooks Full of AAC 5 Adapted Play Resources for Children with Motor Impairment – PrAACtical Thinking 92 Free or Lite Versions of AAC Apps PrAACtical Alert: Free AAC Evaluation App This Week Visualize 9 Nice Things to Say to Students who AAC PrAACtical Thoughts About Challenging Behavior PrAACtical Resource: Searching for AAC Devices with SpeechBubble AAC Assessment Round-Up 5 Ways to Use Rating Scales to Enhance Communication with AAC PrAACtical Alert: The World’s AAC Conference Comes to You (Well, a little bit of it) Power of the Visual Planner: 20... [Read More...]