1787 Search Results for video of the week

Teach Me Tuesday- Proloquo4Text

February 4, 2014 by - 1 Comment

Teach Me Tuesday Proloquo4Text

This week in Teach Me Tuesday we’re learning more about Proloquo4Text, a text based AAC app. Here are the learning resources we’ll be using. E-Learning Videos Frequently Asked Questions Quick Start Guides Quick Start Guide English Quick Start Guide Spanish Quick Start Guide French Quick Start Guide Dutch Quick Start Guide German Tutorials Basics on iPad Basics on iPhone/iPod touch Adjusting Appearance on iPad Adjusting Appearance on iPhone/iPod touch Editing on iPad Editing on iPhone/iPod touch Language and Speech Options on iPad Language and Speech Options on iPhone/iPod touch Adjusting Prediction on iPad Adjusting Prediction on iPhone/iPod touch Adjusting Restrictions and Privacy on iPad Adjusting Restrictions and Provacy on iPhone/iPod touch Modifying Pronunciation on iPad Modifying Pronunciation on the iPhone/iPod touch Creating a New User on iPad Creating a New User on iPhone/iPod touch Using Social Sharing on iPad Using Social Sharing on iPhone/iPod touch Save and Restore Backups Using... [Read More...]

Some PrAACtical Thoughts on Positive Reinforcement

February 3, 2014 by - 4 Comments

Some PrAACtical Thoughts on Positive Reinforcement

SLPs know that positive reinforcement is a key therapy tool with an evidence base for many types of AAC learners. This month, we’ll focus on making positive reinforcement work in our AAC therapy sessions. Reinforcement is a topic that has gotten a ton of attention in other blogs and websites, particularly those focused on autism, so there is no need to reinvent that wheel. Instead, you can do a web search and/or look at these posts/pages and we’ll focus more specifically on its application to AAC. Here are some places to check out if you want more information on basic concepts in reinforcement. Most approach it from a behavioral perspective. Video lessons on reinforcement from the MIND Institute at the University of California (Davis) here and here. Overview of Reinforcement as EBP Implementing Positive Reinforcement In the meantime, here are some thoughts on positive reinforcement within the context of AAC therapies... [Read More...]

Using Aided Language Input to Build Communication Opportunities!

January 27, 2014 by - Leave your thoughts

Strategy of the Month using Aided Language Input to Build Communication Opportunities

We can not write, speak or do enough Aided Language Input (ALI).  If we expect learners to speak AAC, we must speak AAC to them. It is difficult enough to learn a language and imagine if no one spoke it to you in the language you were expected to speak…But there are so many more reasons to do ALI. Aided Language Input (ALI) belongs in the context of communication opportunities.  It is modeling AAC style.  Once we model a target language concept AAC style, then add the wait and signal strategy, the learner then knows it is their communicative turn.  Especially if you wait with the raised eye brow signal. They often will take their turn expressively. But, if they do not take the communicative opportunity to take their turn, there are gestural, visual, verbal, and physical prompts that can be implemented.  In other words, they can make use of... [Read More...]

31 Posts You May Have Missed in December

January 10, 2014 by - Leave your thoughts

31 Posts You May Have Missed in December

STRATEGY OF THE MONTH Supporting Pre-Intentional Communicators Breaking Through with Pre-Intentional & Beginning Communicators of ALL Ages Helping Pre-Intentional Communicators to Cross the Intentionality Bridge More Ideas for Supporting Pre-Intentional Communicators PRAACTICAL THINKING PrAActical Nominations: The 2013 Edublog Awards I was Thinking About Buying an AAC App- Now What? 5 Ways to Encourage AAC Learners 30 P0sts You May Have Missed in November How Much Time Do SLP’s In Healthcare Settings Spend on AAC Services to Children AAC Goes to the Eddies Does AAC Benefit Children with Profound and Multiple Disabilities Throwback Thursday: Talk About Me 2 3 Responses to Programs that Make Kids ‘Prove Worthiness’ Prior ro Providing Access to AAC AAC Vocabulary Lists Throwback Thursday- Past Posts About Pre-Intentional and Beginning Communicators Power Words from PrAACtical Friends A PrAACtical Christmas Carol 8 Ways to Have an AAC Holiday Season A PrAACtical Christmas AACtual Therapy with Shareka Bentham- Started from... [Read More...]

Teach Me Tuesday- Avaz

January 7, 2014 by - Leave your thoughts

Teach Me Tuesday- Avaz

This week in Teach Me Tuesday we’re learning more about Avaz, a comprehensive AAC app. Here are the learning resources we’ll be using.       Help Resources Take a Tour Videos Video  If you know of other applicable resources, please add them in a comment below. See you next time!

Get Organized for the New Year- 5 Visual Schedule Apps

January 3, 2014 by - 2 Comments

Get Organized for the New Year- 5 Visual Schedule Apps

It’s a New Year- 2014. Most of us use schedules– even when we know and accept the schedule.  Many of us use schedules even though we do not have ‘transition issues’.    However, ‘seeing’ our schedules often helps decrease anxiety and assure us the day will be ok because even if there are some ‘not so great’ activities, most of what we do is fairly good. Schedules can be created by using materials ranging from no-tech to high-tech.  You can teach talking about past, present, and future events with schedules. You can also use schedules to teach core words.  Here are 6 great visual schedule apps to help with ‘teching’ up the process.  By ‘teching up’ the process, we also can add to independence so ALL learners can create their own schedules. We think it is important to let you know that ALL of the app developers provide information about... [Read More...]

It’s PrAACtically A New Year!

December 31, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

It PrAACtically A New Year

It is just about 2014. Hard to believe another year is finished and we are moving on once again. Our wishes for 2014 are for ALL Learners to have access to:  Aided Language Input Communication Displays that meet their needs Role Models Presumed Competence Core Word Instruction Fringe Word Instruction Friends Many Meaningful Language Experiences Frequent Communication Opportunities Fun Learning   Our Wishes for ALL SLP’s and Educators to have access to: An Exciting and Stimulating Personal Learning Network (PLN) Appropriate Goals and Strategies Meaningful Language Experiences Role Models Laminator and Laminator Materials Literacy Materials Core Word Highlighter Tools, Page Fluffers & Spacers,  Apps for Learning Language An AAC Philosophy Fun Teaching  

Teach Me Tuesday: TapSpeak Button and Sequence

December 17, 2013 by - 2 Comments

Teach Me Tuesday: TapSpeak Button and Sequence

We love single message and sequential message communicators for their ease and flexibility. This week in Teach Me Tuesday we’re learning more about the various versions of TapSpeak Button and Sequence. Here are the learning resources we’ll be using. TapSpeak Button User Guide and Forum TapSpeak Sequence User Guide and Forum Videos Where to Go for Help If you know of other applicable resources, please add them in a comment below. See you next time!  

Teach Me Tuesday: The Grid

November 19, 2013 by - 3 Comments

Teach Me Tuesday: The Grid

This week in Teach Me Tuesday we’re learning more about The Grid 2 AAC Software. Here are the learning resources we’ll be using. Overview/Introduction Download a 60-day free trial of The Grid 2 Overview of the Grid Page Sets Download The Grid 2 Manual and Training Cards Creating User Files Editing the Speech Output Settings Changing the Text on a Cell/Button Changing the Pictures on a Cell/Button Changing the Spoken Message/Sound on a Cell/Button Linking Pages with Jump Cells Move Pages within Grid The Grid Player Manual (app) If you know of other applicable resources, please add them in a comment below. See you next time!  

Using Visual Supports for Goal-Setting Conversations

November 17, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

Using Visual Supports for Goal-Setting Conversations

Empowering people with AAC needs to be actively involved in goal setting is something that most professionals would see as a priority. Where we get sometimes get stuck is on HOW to make that happen. In this week’s featured video, Dr. Joan Murphy demonstrates the use of Talking Mats in goal-setting conversations. You can learn more about that here. Direct link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-fFCtQ5sB