1787 Search Results for video of the week

Begin AAC Now: 10 Things To Do

May 28, 2013 by - 4 Comments

Begin AAC Now10 Things To Do

If you know someone with significant speech difficulties, BEGIN AAC NOW…. If you know someone,  try something… Doing something, even if it isn’t perfect, is infinitely better than doing nothing at all…. There is no specific order for these suggestions, try what is appropriate and doable for you… A year from now you may wish you started today (K. Lamb)… So begin now at any level.. for someone, a class, a clinic, for a few… Create a Visual Language & AAC Environment: Visual Immersion Program, Meaningful Language Experiences, Importance of Using Visual Supports Speak AAC to the AAC Learner:  Use Aided Language Input (ALI), Learning to Use ALI Get Assessment Information:  Communication Matrix ,  AAC Evaluation Genie, Thoughts & Ideas, AAC Assessment Forms, Write & Implement Some AAC Goals: Goals That Matter, AAC in the IEP by Lauren Enders,  PrAActical Goals Learn and Use a Core Word Approach: Core Word Communication Board Samples, About Core Words- First... [Read More...]

Presuming Competence and Using the Least Dangerous Assumption

May 26, 2013 by - 2 Comments

Presuming Competence & Using The Least Dangerous Assumption

One of our core language posts from last month referred to the criterion of the least dangerous assumption (Donellan, 1984). This week we’re pleased to be able to expand on that topic and share a video by Dr. Cheryl Jorgensen, a former project director at the Institute on Disability at the University of New Hampshire. As we near the end of a school year in the US and begin IEPs that will direct the activities for the next academic year, we’re all reminded how critical it is to set high but attainable goals. Sometimes, that means making the least dangerous assumption. You can view the video here. Donnellan, A. (1984). The criterion of the least dangerous assumption. Behavior Disorders, 9, 2, 141-150.  

“I Made a Communication Board. Now What?”

May 18, 2013 by - 2 Comments

“I Made a Communication Board. Now What?”

Earlier this month, we shared some ideas for making communication boards using color coding and also for creating boards geared to different communicative purposes. Making the communication board according to some basic principles is a good thing, of course, and it takes a decent amount of thought and planning. Even more important, though, is developing an intervention plan so that the augmentative communicator learns how to use the board effectively. Here are some of our thoughts on how to teach someone to use a new communication board. Model It We’ve talked about aided language input so many times that I’m almost embarrassed to mention it. Almost. The truth is, it is a ‘must do’ strategy when we’re first introducing a communication board, book, SGD, or AAC app. Incidental learning is important for just about all of the people with whom we work. It is never the only strategy we use,... [Read More...]

PrAACtical Thoughts on Challenging Behavior: Things To Think About

May 17, 2013 by - 3 Comments

PrAACtical Thoughts on Challenging Behavior: Things to Think About

We have had several experiences in the last couple of weeks relating to concerns from SLP’s and educators about challenging behavior (dare we say it might be less structure, less predictability, less routines, or just plain tiredness because it is the end of the school year). Challenging behavior is hard… and disconcerting especially if you feel that you have little control over it (imagine how the learner feels- almost no one wants to be unhappy and out of control). However, there are so many strategies and supports that can improve the situation. It is often about getting back to basics (especially if end of the year issues play into the challenging behavior).  The First 5 Questions to Ask: How Does the Learner Communicate? It is important that everyone has a way to communicate their own wants, needs, ideas, interests, and more. It is NOT good enough to just ‘know’ what someone... [Read More...]

Fresh Look: Top 5 Switches for People with ALS by Amy Roman

May 7, 2013 by - 1 Comment

Fresh Look: Top 5 Switches for People with ALS by Amy Roman

We continue our celebration of Better Hearing and Speech Month (#BHSM) with our Fresh Look series. In this post, we are delighted to share the insights of SLP Amy Roman, whose expertise in AAC supports for people with ALS is well-known. During the past 13 years, Amy has been a member of the multidisciplinary care team at San Francisco’s Forbes Norris ALS Research and Treatment Center. The AAC Program she developed at the Norris Center was awarded Program of the Year by the California Speech and Hearing Association in 2010. Through her private practice, she also provides AAC direct services and phone/skype consultations to individuals, caregivers and therapists. In addition, Amy is the Director of the Golden West ALS Association’s AAC Lending Library. She is also the author of AlphaCore© communication software available on DynaVox speech generating devices.  Amy has presents workshops and at conferences on clinical and research topics in AAC.... [Read More...]

More on Core Words…

April 27, 2013 by - 3 Comments

More on Core Words: 36

This month we have talked about core words and teaching strategies & considerations for facilitating USING core language. We have talked about aided language input,  creating frequent opportunities, making connections b/w symbols and their referents, and  motor planning/automaticity.  As April ‘goes out’,  we add graduated prompting/prompt hierarchies, and wait & signal/time delay prompts. The key to teaching AAC core word language is strategies…. Aided language input (ALI) is fairly simple to do but sometimes overlooked.  However, once it becomes habit, it is hard not to do even when you are ‘just’  talking about AAC displays. There are many clinical rationales or reasons why ALI is so important.  It provides a model of the language we expect from the child (or adult), and how would anyone speak a language if they never ‘heard’ it.   ALI also helps by  introducing new words and symbols in meaningful contexts. If we are speaking AAC throughout the day then... [Read More...]

Visual Immersion Program

March 24, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Visual Immersion Program

  In this week’s featured video, we go to the AAC-RERC  to get an in-depth look at a systematic approach to visual supports for people with ASD.  Howard Shane and Meghan O’Brien explain the basic premise of the Visual Immersion Program’s approach, the communicative functions it is designed to support, and the key principles and procedures. The webcast is broken into three parts, with accompanying slides and transcripts.

Another Look at Language Facilitation Strategies to Make AAC Learning Effective

March 18, 2013 by - 2 Comments

Another Look At: Language Facilitation Strategies to Make AAC Intervention Effective

Language Facilitation Strategies The Art of Scaffolding Recasting: A Language Facilitation Strategy F is for Feedback Don’t Miss These Visual Supports & The Chance to PrAACtice Language Facilitation Strategies PrAACtical Teaching Aided Language Input Pivotal Skills for AAC Intervention: Aided Language Input Why We Love Aided Language Input Aided Language Input Demo Learning to Use Aided Language Input Teachers in AACtion- Aided Language Input 5 Ways to Elicit Language Without Asking a Question Don’t Ask: 5 Reasons to De-Emphasize Questions in Your AAC Therapy 5 Tools to Make Aided Language Input Easier F is for Feedback Video  

Magic Moments in Building Vocabulary with ‘It’s Cool to be Clever’

March 12, 2013 by - 2 Comments

Magic Moments in Building Vocabulary with ‘It’s Cool to be Clever’

I had such a blast using this great (free) app that I couldn’t wait to get some time to blog about it. ‘It’s Cool to be Clever’ is about being different and uses the story of Edson Hendricks, an innovator who grew up in a small town in Pennsylvania and went on to develop an early design for what we now know as the world wide web. The app is based on a book by a former teacher, Leanne Jones, and contains compelling video and some lovely original music. It was created by Agio Studios. In his own voice, Hendricks tells his personal experiences of growing up feeling different from his peers, family, and community. There are four segments to the app. The Story: Narrated version of Hendrick’s biography, written by Leanne Jones, can be viewed so that you can read on your own, or have it read to you... [Read More...]

PrAACtical AAC & Personal Narratives

March 9, 2013 by - 2 Comments

PrAActical AAC & Personal Narratives

Personal narratives are the first story skills that develop. They tell about ourselves and our connection to activities, places, and events. They tell about how we feel about people and experiences. Personal narratives help us structure and organize the events of our lives and even become a way of thinking about ourselves and our identities. We know many AAC users have significant difficulty with narratives. We always wonder though, is it a function of language difficulty or of access, exposure, and PrAACtice or more likely a combination.  There are key intervention strategies that help AAC learners be able to tell personal narratives. You probably won’t be surprised by what strategies work but the research from Gloria Soto and colleagues has shown us that when applied to personal narratives, AAC users can be competent story tellers. Some Thoughts on Personal Narrative Assessment Even before assessment of the AAC learner, in all fairness,... [Read More...]