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PrAACtically April: Resources for a Year of Core Vocabulary Words

April 1, 2016 by - 2 Comments

PrAACtically April: Resources for a Year of Core Vocabulary Words

April showers bring May flowers…and a new set of core words for us to highlight. Whether you are following along with the Set 1 (2013) (12 words/month) or the Set 2 (2014) words (16 words/month; Different than the previous year’s core words), or are just getting started, this post has  some helpful resources. Many, many thanks to Tina Lombardi, Russell Cross, Gail Van Tatenhove, Allison Wade, Eric Sailers, Bill and Lori Binko, Heidi LoStracco, Rachael Langley, and all the others who have contributed to this effort. Our words for this month are as follows. Set 1 (2013) List: big, busy, do, drink, feel, he, in, make, out, some, tell, who Set 2 (2014) List: blue, brother, close, family, head, last, long, no, old, right, scared, soft, thing, top, wash, whole Here are some resources to help with implementation. Templates for you to plug in your own symbols: Set 1words, Set 2 words Minspeak/Unity version:... [Read More...]

Video of the Week: Getting Started with PODD

March 30, 2016 by - 2 Comments

Video of the Week: Getting Started with PODD

An increasing number of professionals and families have considered using PODD books with children and adults who have significant communication challenges. In today’s video, we return to the the Angelman Syndrome Foundation (ASF) to view another archived webinar in their amazing series on building communication skills. The presenter, Mary-Louise Bertram, provides a prAACtical overview of the approach with a focus on the logistics of getting started in creating and using PODD books. A highly experienced interventionist, Mary-Louise has supported a great many families and PODD users in her native Australia and around the world. The information she shares in this video is applicable to a wide range of people with AAC needs, and is not limited to children or adults with Angelman Syndrome. Kudos and much gratitude to the ASF for creating the wonderful videos in this series and making them available to all of us. Direct Link to webinar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_mc6AWQOM0

PrAACtical Teaching in an ASD Classroom: Bigger is Better with Core Vocabulary

March 14, 2016 by - 16 Comments

PrAACtical Teaching in an ASD Classroom: Bigger is Better with Core Vocabulary

Today we launch a new series, PrAACtical Teaching in an ASD Classroom, which will address the nuts and bolts of infusing AAC throughout the school day. I couldn’t be more delighted to introduce you to two talented special educators, Amy Devin and Lauren Pawlowski, who work in the public school system in Michigan. Amy and Lauren began teaching in self‐contained ASD elementary classrooms in 2009 and taught in resource rooms prior to that. When they first started with their own classrooms, there was not much talk about core language, let alone how to implement it on a classroom-wide basis. They started with a 32-cell core board on a digitized speech device and now use a 64-location core vocabulary on a manual communication board, large instructional core boards, and individual AAC devices. They are passionate literacy teachers and believe that every child can read, write and communicate. Enjoy their post and... [Read More...]

AAC Assessment Corner by Vicki Clarke: Thinking Inside the Box for AAC Evaluations

February 25, 2016 by - 3 Comments

AAC Assessment Corner by Vicki Clarke: Thinking Inside the Box for AAC Evaluations

AAC assessment is a challenge in almost every service delivery setting, and many of you have reached out to us to ask for advice on how to strengthen your assessment practices. Luckily, Vicki Clarke, an AAC Chick who has a great deal of experience assessing learners in clinical and educational settings, has tips and resources to share. In this continuation of the AAC Assessment Corner series, Vicki talks about a key feature in any AAC system: vocabulary organization. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Thinking Inside the Box for AAC Evaluations: What Type of Vocabulary Organization is Right For Your AAC User? Professionals often spend a great deal of time concerning themselves with which box they should get their AAC user.  Should I pick a Prentke Romich or a Tobii Dynavox?  But what about the iPad?  And what about the money?  Should I pick a CheapTalk or a GoTalk instead? Here’s the good news: The box is not the... [Read More...]

PrAACtically Pinteresting with Lauren Enders: Engaging Apps for Implementation

February 22, 2016 by - 1 Comment

PrAACtically Pinteresting with Lauren Enders: Engaging Apps for Implementation

Today, we welcome back an old friend, Lauren Enders. Many of you are already familiar with Lauren through the posts she has shared on AAC in the IEP, encouraging AAC implementation, and writing AAC goals, and also the wonderful work she does in curating resources on Pinterest. We’re thrilled that she will be joining us each month to highlight a different Pinterest board that has AAC-related content.  Lauren identifies interesting and helpful resources and adds relevant commentaries to all of the items she includes. In this first post, she shares a collection of resources on apps that can be used to engage AAC learners in therapy, instruction, play, and leisure time. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: For the past few years, I have been building a Pinterest site with the goal of providing visual, categorized, and easily accessible resources that relate to AAC as well as Assistive Technology, Speech and Language Therapy, Special Education, iPads,... [Read More...]

Video of the Week: Aided Language Input with Gail Van Tatenhove

February 18, 2016 by - 7 Comments

Video of the Week: Aided Language Input with Gail Van Tatenhove

When you have a chance to peek into a therapy session by a master clinician, take it! In today’s featured video, Gail Van Tatenhove shares a clip where she demonstrates use of a pivotal intervention strategy, aided language input, as they discuss a book. Among many other things, Gail is author of one of our favorite therapy tools, The Pixon Project Kit. Enjoy! Direct link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QywUaX99-D4

PrAACtically Reading with Karen Natoci: Are You My Mother?

February 15, 2016 by - Leave your thoughts

PrAACtically Reading with Karen Natoci: Are You My Mother?

We get many requests to do more posts on providing AAC supports to children who use alternative access. Karen Natoci must have read my mind when she wrote this month’s PrAACtically Reading post because she gave us lots of ideas for shared reading with a child who is learning to use eye gaze for communication. The book that she chose is a P.D. Eastman classic that many of us remember from our own childhoods. Happy reading! Shared Reading Using Eye Gaze Book: Are You My Mother? by P.D. Eastman CORE Words to practice using: you, want, where, look, more, no, go, like, oh no! mine FRINGE Words to practice using: Animal names, mother, snort!! I am happy to share this lesson plan to describe the integration of early eye gaze and switch use to foster engagement while reading the delightful book, Are you My Mother? (authored by P.D. Eastman). Today, I chose... [Read More...]

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week 7: February, 2016

February 14, 2016 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week 7: February, 2016

What’s been happening in your prAACtical life? Monday – PrAACtical Thoughts on Challenging Behavior and Emotional Regulation from the 2016 CARD Conference Tuesday – Teach Me Tuesday: Scene Speak Thursday – Video fothe Week: Who Can Pay for AAC Devices for Public School Students by Lew Golinker  

Teach Me Tuesday: Scene Speak

February 9, 2016 by - 1 Comment

Teach Me Tuesday: Scene Speak

Interested in learning more about Scene Speak by Good Karma Applications? Here are some useful links. User Guide Creating New Scenes Video Creating a New Hotspot Video Editing a Hotspot Video Using the Settings Menu Video Creating a Book Video Where to Go for Help: Knowledge Base and Contact form

PrAACtically February: Resources for A Year of Core Vocabulary Words

January 28, 2016 by - 5 Comments

PrAACtically February: Resources for A Year of Core Vocabulary Words

Are you looking for some ways to help your AAC learners become more fluent in using core vocabulary? One approach to boosting practice opportunities is to select a dozen or so core words to focus on each month. Throughout the month, we can then pay special attention to that small group of words by highlighting them with focused language stimulation, aided language input, and specific activities designed to teach or practice those words, In previous years, we shared lists of some core words to help you do just that.  You can learn more about that in the posts linked below.  Set 1 (2013: 12 words/month) Set 2 (2014: 16 words/month) It’s been a busy January, and now it’s time to prepare the next set of core vocabulary words. Our words for February  are listed below. Set 1: again, eat, get, go, happy, here, look, I/me, on, play, put, this Set... [Read More...]