1457 Search Results for link up

Video of the Week: More on Assessing Barriers to Access for AAC Learners

May 25, 2016 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: More on Assessing Barriers to Access for AAC Learners

Today, we feature the second part of the presentation by Dr. Rae Sonnenmeier on assessing barriers to AAC. (You can see Part 1 here). In this video, she provides more in-depth information and prAACtical solution strategies. Many thanks to the Institute on Disability at the University of New Hampshire for making this available. Direct Link to Video – https://vimeo.com/86724224

PrAACtically Pinteresting with Lauren Enders: Why Use AAC?

May 23, 2016 by - Leave your thoughts

PrAACtically Pinteresting with Lauren Enders: Why Use AAC?

Even veteran clinicians and educators find themselves looking for resources to help others better understand what AAC is and why it may have been recommended in a particular situation. Today, we welcome back SLP Lauren Enders to introduce us to the information she has collected for this purpose. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: This month on PrAACtically Pinteresting, we’ll be taking a look at the board  AAC: Why Use AAC?/Benefits of AAC. Very often, I am asked if I have resources that can be shared with team members or families who are reluctant to implement AAC. Often this reluctance results from of simple lack of information or beliefs in a variety of myths surrounding AAC use. I created this board to serve as an easily accessible repository of resources that can be shared with parents, professionals, or support staff who are hesitant to use AAC with their child/student/client. The board contains pins with information that... [Read More...]

Video of the Week: Assessing Barriers to Access for AAC Learners

May 18, 2016 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Assessing Barriers to Access for AAC Learners

We’re continuing our journey of strengthening AAC assessment practices. In today’s featured video, we return to the Institute on Disability at the University of New Hampshire to consider additional ways to make our evaluation practices more meaningful. Many thanks to their AT team and Dr. Rae Sonnenmeier for this helpful information. Direct Link to Video – https://vimeo.com/80741615 Links to client videos referred to in the presentation Tyler: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzqNPx1OVTU Holly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=woCsgnXwOyg

Video of the Week: Assessing Communication Needs in AAC Learners

May 11, 2016 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Assessing Communication Needs in AAC Learners

Looking to strengthen your AAC assessment practices? Over the next few weeks, we’ll be highlighting some videos that provide frameworks and prAACtical suggestions that may be helpful. In today’s video, Dr. Rae Sonnenmeier, of the Institute on Disability at the University of New Hampshire, discusses processes and strategies that make our AAC assessments more effective and meaningful. Direct Link to Video: https://vimeo.com/88019903 The Communication Success Screening Tool referred to in this video can be accessed here. Thanks to Tobii Dynavox for making that available.

AAC Core Vocabulary Instruction: Indirect Teaching Strategies

May 9, 2016 by - 1 Comment

AAC Core Vocabulary Instruction: Indirect Teaching Strategies

  It has been so exciting to see that AAC learners are increasingly provided with communication boards, books, SGDs, and apps that feature a robust set of core vocabulary words. For many years, ‘providing AAC’ used to mean access to topic and choice boards or activity-specific communication displays (ABCDs). Now, we recognize the limitations of those approaches and do our best to move beyond them in favor of more linguistically robust options. AAC systems with core vocabulary that is organized to support the development of a motor plan allows learners to build and grow their skills over time. For a long time, the AAC field has known that providing access to appropriate tools (in this case, a core vocabulary set) is only the first step toward successful use of augmentative communication. Providing it is necessary but not sufficient for most AAC learners to develop any sort of linguistic competence. For... [Read More...]

Video of the Week: Increasing Core Vocabulary Use at Home, Therapy, and In School

May 4, 2016 by - Leave your thoughts

How can we boost the frequency of core vocabulary use across environments? Planning those opportunities and teaching experiences is a big part of that process, both for those new to this approach and those who’ve been doing it for awhile. In this week’s featured video, Gail  Van Tatenhove offers ideas for how to structure this so that it is feasible and successful. Thanks to Prentke Romich Deutschland for making ‘Core Counts’ available. Direct link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-xfv3VpvAg

Video of the Week: Infusing Core Word Practice into Daily Interactions

April 28, 2016 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Infusing Core Word Practice into Daily Interactions

In this week’s featured video, Susan Berkowitz, a California-based SLP with long-standing interests in AAC, shares prAACtical suggestions for how to incorporate core words during daily interactions and therapy activities. This short video is a great one to share with families or teams who need a little boost to increase their aided language input and create more communication opportunities for AAC learners. Direct link to video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdPaSJ2mj_U

Video of the Week: AAC at Home

April 6, 2016 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: AAC at Home

How can AAC be incorporated in daily life at home and in the community? Follow along with the Owens family, of We Speak PODD, who graciously let us peek into their lives as the work to make AAC a part of their everyday lives. Take a look at their PODD conversations to see how they incorporate AAC they live, learn, work, and play over the past six months. November Direct Link to Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UM9tRTUaWLs December Direct Link to Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-AyfMLVkFs January Direct Link to Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0AtASkmiRw February Direct Link to Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EK5yZjEZINc and Direct Link to Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyUZfEEwuP8 March Direct Link to Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRVB5Ry8gNc April Direct Link to Video: https://youtu.be/3iPm2Jripso

PrAACtical Teaching in the ASD Classroom: Little Tips for Big Core

April 4, 2016 by - 6 Comments

PrAACtical Teaching: Little Tips for Big Core

Special educators Lauren Pawlowski and Amy Devin are back with tips for making AAC work in the classroom. In their first post, they talked about using a large communication board that is rich in core vocabulary for aided language input and AAC instruction. Today, they share some of the things they’ve learned to make this more manageable in a busy classroom. Enjoy! ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: We hope that many of you were able to make your Big Core boards for group instruction.  Now what?? Using Big Core can take a while to get used to.  Even after using it for several years, sometimes we still struggle with finding the words quickly.  Don’t worry about this because our students can’t always find words quickly and it is good for them to see that everyone struggles with language at times.  It can also be empowering to them if you ask for their help! The... [Read More...]