1458 Search Results for link up

Video of the Week: Stepping Stones to Switch Access, Part 1

September 18, 2019 by - 2 Comments

Video of the Week: Stepping Stones to Switch Access, Part 1

Educational consultant Linda Burkhart helps us better understand the needs of AAC users with motor challenges in this featured video. Hosted by the Edmonton Regional Learning Consortium and moderated by Dr. Kathy Howery, this archived webinar is based on an article, Stepping Stones to Switch Access, published in 2018. Enjoy! Direct Link to Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INLeGswwUZY&list=PL6P1FySUgEPTn4VCfpiDhrtFIOZbW69mf&index=2 Stay tuned for Part 2 of this series next week.

TELL ME About It: AAC Learning with Brown Bear, Brown Bear

September 16, 2019 by - 4 Comments

Decorative image reading AAC Learning with Brown Bear, Brown Bear

Welcome back to another installment of TELL ME About it, guest authored by Jeanna Antrim and Maggie Judson. Maggie and Jeanna are speech-language pathologists who work in the Assistive Technology Department for the Belleville Area Special Services Cooperative (BASSC) in southern Illinois. They are AT/AAC facilitators and provide evaluations, direct therapy, consultations, and trainings with school teams. In this series, they discuss how they support preschool teachers who are implementing the TELL ME program with their young students. Today, they walk us through the ways that they facilitate AAC use while focusing on a beloved book by Eric Carle.   TELL ME About It: AAC Learning with Brown Bear, Brown Bear TELL ME About Reading:  The first book in the TELL ME program (Teaching Early Language and Literacy through Multimodal Expression) is the warm-up book, “Brown Bear, Brown Bear”.  A wonderful classic that may already be part of your classroom... [Read More...]

Video of the Week: The Unspoken Voices Project

September 11, 2019 by - Leave your thoughts

Decorative image reading Video of the Week: The Unspoken Voices Project

We’re very excited about the increased number of opportunities that professionals have to learn more about the lived experiences of people who use AAC. In today’s video, we feature Patrick Bates, Jamie Preece, and Katherine Broomfield who team up to discuss the research project entitled Living with Unspoken Voices. This insightful presentation is not to be missed. Thanks to Patrick, Jamie, and Katherine for making this available to those of us who could not attend the Communication Matters conference. Direct Link to Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rE6wu1Z9U_4&feature=youtu.be  

How I Do It – AAC in General Education: Incorporating Peer Modeling

September 5, 2019 by - 4 Comments

Decorative image reading AAC in General Education: Incorporating Peer Modeling

Looking for examples of how AAC is successfully incorporated into inclusive education? Today, we head to upstate New York to learn from AAC SLP Sarah Gregory who shares her experiences in supporting students in general education settings. In this post, Sarah shares her ideas for using peer modeling to support AAC learning. Enjoy!     :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: AAC in General Education: Incorporating Peer Modeling Authentic inclusion of students with Complex Communication Needs (CCN) or non-speaking students is essential and can also be difficult to achieve. One of the most effective strategies I have found is involving all students in AAC learning. Folks in my district started a peer modeling program a few years ago and we found this to be a powerful tool in achieving our goals for academic inclusion and social belonging. In this blog post, I will outline the why and the how of our current peer modeling program.... [Read More...]

Video of the Week: Safeguards for AAC Users

September 4, 2019 by - 2 Comments

Decorative image reading Video of the Week: Safeguards for AAC Users

Reducing the vulnerability of people with complex communication needs is something that all AAC service providers should be thinking about. In today’s featured video, which was part of the AAC in the Cloud Conference, AAC specialist Erin Sheldon helps us understand the issues and consider some of the things we can do to help AAC users have more autonomy and be less vulnerable.  Many thanks to Erin and to the wonderful team at CoughDrop for this fine presentation. This is an important topic that we should all learn more about, AAC friends. Erin’s handout is available here. Link to the session on the CoughDrop site: https://presenters.aacconference.com/videos/UVRRelFURTU= Direct Link to Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=4iclspbe774

Video of the Week: Model as a MASTER PAL

August 28, 2019 by - Leave your thoughts

Decorative image reading Video of the Week: Model as a MASTER PAL

We’ve heard from many of you about the wonderful training resources that Tabi Jones-Wohleber created for the Model as a MASTER PAL series so when we came across Amanda Scheriff’s set of videos using these materials, we knew that you’d enjoy. Amanda created 6 videos that you should take a look at if you’re interested in helping parents and others gain a better understanding of AAC supports. Thank you, Amanda Scheriff of the LABBB Educational Collaborative for bringing the MASTER PAL series to life.  You can see the videos here: Module 1 Module 2  Module 3 Module 4 Module 5a Module 5b

Video of the Week: A Look at PODD Books

August 21, 2019 by - Leave your thoughts

Decorative image with title: Video of the Week: A Look at PODD Books

Do you know someone who wants to get familiar with the basic idea behind PODD books and PODD on the iPad? In today’s video, AAC parent Tracey Campbell demonstrates different forms of PODD and explains how they work to fellow parent Jenny Trott. The relaxed format makes this video a good one to share with those who are just getting familiar with the concept of communicating via PODD. Many thanks to Tracey and Jenny for this helpful video. Direct Link to Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4p5eH1u1j40&t=23s  

Video of the Week: Reading with AAC at the Beenleigh School

July 31, 2019 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Reading with AAC at the Beenleigh School

Appropriately programmed AAC device? Check! Engaging communication style? Check! Multimodal communication? Check! Interesting storybook? Check! Multiple communication systems? Check! Aided language input? Check! Let’s pull it all together and see some lovely examples of reading with AAC from the Beenleigh School. Enjoy! Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus Direct Link to Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrhBeWRfC1k&fbclid=IwAR1o-szfopgUI4gnVrywjrknXed1UWy0LPDZIRbLhH2DGDLMpE1GHlfvJM4 The Very Itchy Bear Direct Link to Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Igdwa-laGfQ No, David! Direct Link to Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ii1hwdMKoME

Video of the Week: A Recipe for Summer AAC

July 24, 2019 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: A Recipe for Summer AAC

Here in the US, we still have a few weeks of summer left and that gives us an opportunity to squeeze in a little more AAC.  For today’s video, we turn to the Pacer Center, Minnesota’s Parent Training and Information Center, with Elizabeth Barry (Pacer Center) and Meghan Kunz (PRC) as our guides. They offer lots of helpful information and practical ideas for boosting AAC use during summer activities and events. Enjoy!   Direct Link to Video – https://livestream.com/pacercenter/events/8482946/videos/191312134