1460 Search Results for link up

Video of the Week: Co-Teaching in AAC 

August 5, 2020 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Co-Teaching in AAC 

What are the different types of co-teaching? What benefits do they offer in AAC therapy? How can we use this approach? Today, we feature Annie Filla, an SLP from St. Louis, Missouri, who, in non-Covid times, uses co-teaching to facilitate AAC learning in her students. Annie’s presentation, which is part of the PRC-Saltillo webinar series, addresses these questions and more. A number of handouts accompanied this session. Co-teaching for AAC Therapy Slides Resource list Communicative competencies Data forms   Prompt hierarchy Many thanks to Annie and the wonderful team at PRC-Saltillo for this presentation. Click the image below to view the video. Direct Link to Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=233&v=XlT9UsNKKSU&feature=emb_logo

Video of the Week: Making the Environment Communicatively Accessible

July 29, 2020 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Making the Environment Communicatively Accessible

If, as Dr. Katherine Nelson, posited many years ago, “Language is not imitation and repetition but creative construction based on language experiences,” then paying attention to the environment is necessary and important (Nelson 2007). In today’s featured video, we consider the development of AAC as a form of language learning and explore the necessity of creating environments that are communicatively accessible for children with AAC needs. Through the efforts of Dr. Kathy Howery (kATe Consulting, Inc) and the Edmonton Regional Learning Consortium, we are able to view this archived webinar learn from renowned psychologist Dr. Stephen Von Tetzchner from the University of Oslo. In this presentation, Dr. Von Tetzchner challenges us to consider AAC through a language learning lens with a goal of building personal autonomy and authentic communication.   Direct Link to Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1Dl7YYiL3g&feature=emb_logo    Nelson K. (2007). Young Minds in Social Worlds: Experience, Meaning, and Memory. Cambridge... [Read More...]

AAC Implementation from a ‘Communication World’ Perspective

July 16, 2020 by - 1 Comment

AAC Implementation from a 'Communication World' Perspective

AAC SLPs are a creative bunch and would do anything to help teams get on board with appropriate supports and services. In today’s post, we hear from Elena Feder, who introduces us to the ‘Communication World’ approach. Elena is an AAC SLP at the New England Assistive Technology (NEAT) Center in Connecticut and has a lot to share about AAC implementation. Don’t miss the wonderful planning tool that she shares at the end. Before we get to that, though, take a look at the AAC Summer Bash that she runs with her colleague and fellow SLP Sarah Brink. In normal times, this is a face-to-face experience but due to the novel coronavirus, it has migrated to an online event. There are a few other things that you might like to know about the AAC Summer Bash. It’s free! You’re invited! You must register by July 17th. The AAC Summer Bash... [Read More...]

Video of the Week: “I Have an AAC Device. Now What?”

July 15, 2020 by - 1 Comment

Video of the Week: “I Have an AAC Device. Now What?”

The AAC assessment is complete.  The funding is approved.  The AAC device arrives. Where do we go from here? In today’s featured video, SLP Rachell Johnson helps us understand some of the key issues and activities that we’ll need to address in the first days and weeks following the arrival of a new SGD. Follow along as she discusses the development of intervention plans to build independence, participation, and curricular learning. Many thanks to Able Net for hosting this webinar and to Rachell for the helpful content. Direct Link to Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOAg0DLEZOE

Video of the Week: Gaming & AAC

July 8, 2020 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Gaming & AAC

Whether you are in a part of the world that is re-opening or still hunkering down in relative isolation, we can all use a little diversion. In today’s featured video, SLP Shaun Pearson covers ways that we can use board games, role-playing games, and story-based games to support language learning by individuals with AAC needs. If you are looking to add some fun activities to the lives of the AAC learners with whom you work, you’ll find a lot of creative suggestions in this video which was hosted by ISAAC Canada and offered with the support of ISAAC. Resources for digitally adapted games and printable materials are also shared.  You can obtain the slides for this session here and view additional resources here.  Many thanks to Shaun for this engaging presentation, to ISAAC Canada for organizing and hosting it, and to ISAAC for their support of this webinar series.  Enjoy!... [Read More...]

Video of the Week: Pre-Symbolic Communicators, Core Vocabulary, & Aided Language Input

June 24, 2020 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Pre-Symbolic Communicators, Core Vocabulary, & Aided Language Input

What is the role of core vocabulary and aided language input for communicators who are not yet using symbols to express themselves? SLP Kathryn Dorney, from the Center for Disability and Literacy Studies at the University of North Carolina, provides a perspective in this archived presentation. It is part of the webinar series offered by USSAAC with the support of ISAAC.  You can view the handout for this session here. Many thanks to Kathryn, USSAAC, & ISAAC for making this presentation available. Direct Link to Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=24&v=hhIEoPpoR-k&feature=emb_logo

Video of the Week – Effective Coaching of AAC Partners

June 17, 2020 by - 2 Comments

Video of the Week - Effective Coaching of AAC Partners

How can we help communication partners use more facilitative strategies during AAC interactions? AT Specialist and SLP Chris Bugaj helps us better understand how we can use practice and coaching to support the growth of communication partners.  Many thanks to Chris and New Jersey’s Assistive Technology Advocacy Center (ATAC) for creating this content and making it available to AAC stakeholders throughout the world.  You can download the handout for this session here or scan the QR code in the image below. Direct link to video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5IZv6rMNBw&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR1QtHDiTuJVL8V6kmuvFo8poDgFoqTVIq0_jRgSKPCuP1XN18iQcktORi0  

Alternative Learning Experiences in Clinical Education: An AAC Video Case Study

June 11, 2020 by - Leave your thoughts

Alternative Learning Experiences in Clinical Education: An AAC Video Case Study

When SLP students are connected with real-world AAC situations, there can be a deep and lasting impact. Today, guest author and SLP Clinical Educator Krista Davidson shares her experiences in connecting graduate students with Kim Rankin and her son, Nathaniel, who uses AAC. Initially connected through social media, they worked together to build a valuable learning experience for these future SLPs. Alternative Learning Experiences in Clinical Education: An AAC Video Case Study I am a clinical associate professor in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders at The University of Iowa. At Iowa, our graduate students rotate through a variety of clinical teams, mine being the AAC team. Each semester I have a new group of students to educate, supervise, and mentor as they provide therapy to my caseload of clients who use AAC at the Wendell Johnson Speech and Hearing Clinic. Due to the recent pandemic, like most universities,... [Read More...]

Video of the Week: Social Networks Inventory

June 10, 2020 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Social Networks Inventory

Do you have a formal process for identifying how AAC communicators interact with the people who are part of their daily experiences? If not, you may want to add this tool to your AAC assessment protocol: Social Networks, A Communication Inventory for Individuals with Complex Communication Needs and their Communication Partners. In today’s video, we feature AAC pioneer Dr. Sarah Blackstone discussing this well-established tool and how to implement it. The video is an archived webinar done for the ECHO Voices initiative from the Oregon Technology Access Program (OTAP). You can download the handout for this session here.   We are grateful to Dr. Blackstone and the OTAP ECHO Voices Team for hosting this wonderful presentation and making it freely available to the global AAC community. Direct Link to Video – https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FEvPWsBeJH80_kGYt8Z5YthP2l0M-3_2/view

TELL ME About It: AAC Learning with ‘If You’re Angry & You Know It’

June 8, 2020 by - Leave your thoughts

TELL ME About It: AAC Learning with 'If You're Angry & You Know It'

Welcome to a new edition of TELL ME ABout It, a series looking at ways to use children’s trade books to build AAC core vocabulary and literacy skills. Maggie Judson and Jeanna Antrim are back with more great ideas for AAC intervention, this time focusing on the book, ‘If You’re Angry and You Know It.’ Maggie and Jeanna are speech-language pathologists who work in the Assistive Technology Department for the Belleville Area Special Services Cooperative (BASSC) in central Illinois. They are AT/AAC facilitators and provide evaluations, direct therapy, consultations, and trainings. You can see their previous posts in the TELL ME About It series below. The Lunch Box Surprise Come Out and Play, Little Mouse No, David Go Away Big Green Monster What Do You Like? Here Are My Hands From Head to Toe I Went Walking Brown Bear, Brown Bear TELL ME AAC Literacy Kits Don’t miss their videos... [Read More...]