102 Search Results for recipes
July 3, 2013
by Robin Parker -
Begin the July 4th conversation now, talk about it on the 4th as it is happening, and then summarize the experience on Friday (after) with pictures, conversation, writing, and reading. We love holiday celebrations for the preparation as much as the celebration itself. It builds excitement AND gives us a chance to prAACtice core words as well as begin special activities. If you have not already started, today is a good day to introduce a social story™ especially if a learner has difficulty with loud noises (firecrackers), crowds or lots of people, new foods (picnics) or routine changes. A participation story is also helpful just to prepare learners for the celebration activities. It is also a good idea to develop meaningful language activities about July 4th today. Get some great free stories from TarHeel Reader – July 4th Books. Make art projects, play games, sing songs, prepare recipes which will help teach new... [Read More...]
June 27, 2013
by Robin Parker -
It’s summer time and hopefully you have some time for some fun meaningful language experiences. There are many resources to help prAACtically support many summer time traditional activities. Check these out: Swimming– Special Education British Columbia- Picture Set has a great visual support for pool routines. Tammy Anderson from Aqua Pros Swim School shares Innovative and Fun Visual Supports for teaching swimming. Cooking– Recipes visualized from Dade County Schools (need boardmaker software to open) OR Recipes visualized from Your Special Chef (no boardmaker necessary) Bubbles are a great outdoor activity for the summer. SLP Tanna Neufeld shares her ideas and communication displays to make bubbles a meaningful language learning experience. Nature Walks- Visual checklists help make nature walks meaningful language experiences. The checklist provides a visual organization that can build in symbol/language learning as well as providing an easy way to talk about the event after it is over. Check Lakeshore... [Read More...]
May 16, 2013
by Robin Parker -
It’s PrAACtically Memorial Day! Memorial Day is prAACtically here. We remember, appreciate, and honor the people who have protected our freedoms. Getting ready so EVERYONE can participate is important. We wrote about memorial day last year and had found some good gluten-casein free Memorial Day recipes. There are even more resources today. Check out Gluten Free Memorial Day Weekend Menu and Recipe Ideas or Gluten Free Casein Free Applesauce Muffins. Cooking and baking provide meaningful language experiences as well as just plain fun. There are symbol based recipes on Pinterest at Picture Recipes and Visual Recipes for Children with Autism, and at Specialty Chef. There are also prAACtical AAC ways to teach about Memorial Day’s meaning as well as the typical memorial day vacations, activities, and events. Learning about Memorial Day Memorial Day Activity Board Memorial Day Vocabulary Cards Memorial Day Bingo Memorial Day Adapted Bingo Summer Pack Memorial Day After learning about Memorial... [Read More...]
March 13, 2013
by Robin Parker -
Saint Patrick’s Day is coming up. We love focusing on holidays in our sessions because it is a chance to teach new vocabulary and as importantly (if not more for some learners) it is a chance to teach social conversation about what many people in the community are talking about. Holiday’s also give us fun ways to focus on many other goals as well. The theme (in this case – a holiday) can serve as the platform for any goal that is appropriate. We just always ask ourselves (and our graduate students)- ‘What is the point’ or ‘What is the Goal’ when we have a great new themed activity. This is a time to work on core and fringe vocabulary, social conversation and interaction, play skills, and more. These are some fun activities matched to goals that we use to get ready for Saint Patrick’s Day. Surveys & or Questions–... [Read More...]
December 27, 2012
by Robin Parker -
The New Year is almost here. But first is hopefully a big New Year’s Eve celebration whether at home or in the community. We usually bring a home made ‘dish’ with us where ever we ‘go’ or ‘stay’. New Year’s Eve is a family event for us and as we have said before we cook and bake as part of our holiday season traditions. Here are some great visual recipes sites and one new visual recipe from us to you. Special Chef– The recipes are organized with a shopping list, category of food, level of difficulty and lesson guides. Food Tastes Better Outside (Widgit)– Visual recipes for healthy picnic food. Symbolworld Recipe Section– Many recipes simply illustrated using widget symbols. Speaking of Speech Cooking Materials- Visual recipes presented in different ways Chocolate Covered Pretzels- Our recipe on Teachers Pay Teachers. ... [Read More...]
December 25, 2012
by Robin Parker -
5 Ideas for Creating Language Rich Holiday Traditions The holiday season is a great time to initiate and continue traditions. Since we try to NOT create more work for ourselves if possible, most of our traditions have evolved from activities that helped us at some point. We like holiday traditions because they tend to ease the chaos by building in predictable routines. Each year we talk about traditions (for awhile this was a new vocabulary word), we sometimes write them down, illustrate them, and look at the list at the beginning of the next holiday season. Your family probably has many traditions that might just need to be named and organized. But if you are looking to add some new traditions, here are some of our favorites. If you have any, please share. Photography & Stories– Pictures are a great way to tell a story or talk about... [Read More...]
December 6, 2012
by Robin Parker -
The holidays are prAACtically here and depending upon the holiday traditions you celebrate they may be closer than you realize. Time seems to fly after Thanksgiving and before you know it, social norms seem to dictate gift exchanges, lots of invitations to people’s houses, and of course many gifts for friends and family. An easy way to accomplish gift giving is to ‘gift an app’. You can give apps that are pure fun, educational or a combination of both. To top it off, it is easy to stay within budget, avoid traffic, avoid crowds, and save tons of time (no need to wait for it to arrive). Before you think it’s too complicated, check out these ‘Gifting an App’ instructions by Cult of Mac. The process could not be simpler and you can email the recipient(s) or print out a gift certificate (if necessary right before the gift is needed).... [Read More...]
November 24, 2012
by Robin Parker -
We love incorporating new vocabulary into fun motivating activities even when we are doing direct vocabulary instruction. We embed new vocabulary in activities using all of the language modalities- reading, writing, talking, and listening. We use planned vocabulary instruction activities as well as unexpected opportunities to embed new vocabulary. We like to stay within the theme of vocabulary learning but try and stay flexible in case a perfect opportunity arises that allows us to reflect back on an old vocabulary theme or mention a future planned theme. The main goal of direct vocabulary instruction is more than learning a new list of words, it is learning robust word knowledge so that language skills can be broadened. Consider these vocabulary instruction steps by Robert Marzano. These steps were not specifically developed for AAC users but if we add a language focus and a little more fun and active participation, they... [Read More...]
November 10, 2012
by Robin Parker -
Vocabulary instruction is a topic not often discussed for beginning communicators. As we work with beginning communicators the primary focus is often vocabulary selection for communication displays. This is understandable as the beginning communicator has many needs, but that is no excuse for leaving out vocabulary instruction. Direct vocabulary instruction helps expand broader vocabulary selection options, literacy skills, and world knowledge. With that in mind, see below for vocabulary instruction philosophies, notes, and activities for the beginning communicator. Please let us know about your favorite vocabulary instruction activities. Vocabulary Instruction for the Beginning Communicator: 5 Philosophies Vocabulary instruction involves a systematic TEACHING process. Add vocabulary as an activity on the daily schedule and then have a mini-schedule for the specific vocabulary instruction activities for that day. Carole introduced general steps for vocabulary instruction last week. For the beginning communicator, also apply an errorless learning paradigm. Gradually, add comprehension checks, but... [Read More...]
May 24, 2012
by Robin Parker -
Memorial Day Weekend is big for us. We remember, appreciate, and honor the people who have protected our freedoms. We both have annual relaxing weekends planned. As we started to get ready, though, we started looking for Memorial Day AAC materials. It was surprising to see that there was not much to be found. We found some gluten-casein free Memorial Day recipes, which are great, but what about symbols to go with the recipes or symbols to explain the holiday and what about AAC language activities for the typical long weekend or trip? Not much…. So as we began preparing for our own weekends, these are some of the things we have done or are doing for PrAACtical AAC at home and on our mini-vacations: – Before We Leave Create a personal participation story (modified social story) so ALL the children can SEE the language for the trip. Here’s something that... [Read More...]