Hello Holidays: 10 Great Apps to Gift

December 6, 2012 by - 8 Comments

Hello Holidays: 10 Great Apps to Gift

The holidays are prAACtically here and depending upon the holiday traditions you celebrate they may be closer than you realize.  Time seems to fly after Thanksgiving and before you know it, social norms seem to dictate gift exchanges, lots of invitations to people’s houses, and of course many gifts for friends and family.  An easy way to accomplish gift giving is to ‘gift an app’. You can give apps that are pure fun, educational or a combination of both.  To top it off, it is easy to stay within budget, avoid traffic, avoid crowds, and save tons of time (no need to wait for it to arrive). Before you think it’s too complicated, check out these ‘Gifting an App’ instructions by Cult of Mac.  The process could not be simpler and you can email the recipient(s) or print out a gift certificate (if necessary right before the gift is needed).... [Read More...]

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Do It My Way: Personalizing Communication Books

December 5, 2012 by - 2 Comments

Do It My Way Personalizing Communication Books

The topic of communication books was introduced this month.  We will continue to think about the multitude of decisions to make as we design individual communication books. Obviously, content is the most important issue, but we are often reminded that function and form must go together. Carole gave some great examples of reasons to make the books appealing and personal. I had a situation this week that illustrated this concept perfectly.  We continue to learn from the ‘learners’ that we are teaching.  I know a  little girl with autism who most people think does not care about her peers or how things look.  She uses some natural speech and  a no-tech communication book. She uses the communication book  during her speech-language  therapy sessions but only inconsistently outside of the therapy room.  She has not expressed interest in taking the communication book with her and although she has some specific visual... [Read More...]

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Why We Love Sequential Message Devices/Apps

December 4, 2012 by - 2 Comments

Why We Love Sequential Message Devices/Apps

Earlier this fall, I spoke with an SLP who was beginning to serve a new classroom of students with significant disabilities, including many kids with AAC needs. Jenna had been into the classroom a few times to meet the teacher and the kids, and get a sense of the daily schedule, curriculum, and materials. She was (rightfully) concerned about how few AAC materials were available and we strategized a little bit about a long-range plan to address that. In the short term, though, we decided to focus on what they DID have in that classroom. Among the treasures, a sequential message communication device. What Are Sequential Message Communication Devices? These are simple devices that let you record messages in segments and then replay them in that same order. The initial activation of the device speaks the first part of the message aloud and then stops. When you activate the device... [Read More...]

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31 AAC Posts You May Have Missed, November 2012

December 3, 2012 by - Leave your thoughts

31 AAC Posts You May Have Missed, November 2012

PrAACtically Thinking PrAACtically Unfair: Why People Who Use AAC Sometimes Fail Tests It’s PrAACtically Chanukkah! Let’s Get Specific About Speech Intelligibility Thankful Funny Bones: Jokes for Sequential Message Devices/Apps Vocabulary Learning Materials & AAC Strategies Choosing a Focus for Vocabulary Instruction Vocabulary Learning Using Infographics Say THIS, NOT THAT to Reinforce Vocabulary Learning How to Use Magnets to Promote Language Development Vocabulary Activities: 5 Sites for Learning with Avatars What Makes a Good Vocabulary Teaching Activity? 4 Things to Look For Simple Start: Visual Supports for Places We Go 10 Things to Do in Using Focused Language Stimulation in AAC Vocabulary Teaching Tell Me About It: Focused Language Stimulation In AAC Vocabulary Teaching A Word About Word Order Avaz AAC App & Vocabulary Learning Magic Moments with Sentence Builder AAC Awareness Month Wrap-Up Strategy of the Month Complete Vocabulary Instruction Ideas & Activities Explicitly Speaking: Vocabulary Teaching in AAC Building... [Read More...]

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5 AAC Handouts from the 2012 ASHA Convention

November 30, 2012 by - Leave your thoughts

5 AAC Handouts from the 2012 ASHA Convention

Maybe you didn’t get to the ASHA Convention this year. Or maybe you did, but couldn’t get to all the sessions you had hoped to attend. In either case, we’ve linked to handouts from a number of AAC presentations. Enjoy! AAC in the Common Core State Standards? Karen Erickson, Penny Hatch, Allison Dennis, & Marlene Cummings have your back. This is a project to watch! Janice Light’s presentation on Building Communicative Competence with Individuals who Require AAC: From Research to Effective Practice AAC for Adults With Acquired Neurological Conditions: Today & Tomorrow by David Beukelman, Susan Fager, Julia King, & Karen Hux Analyzing Language Development of Physically Impaired Children Using AAC Devices by Monika Ortloff, Paul Andres, Meher Banajee, & Gail Van Tatenhove Presentation by Cathy Binger and Jennifer Kent Walsh on Selecting Skills to Teach AAC Communication Partners  

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PrAACtically Unfair: Why People with AAC Needs Sometimes Fail At Tests

November 29, 2012 by - 8 Comments

PrAACtically Unfair: Why People with AAC Needs Sometimes Fail At Tests

What do these situations have in common? Renting a car with a new GPS system to drive to an interview in a foreign city Hosting a dinner party and cooking a gourmet meal in someone else’s kitchen Using new software to deliver a presentation at a conference If you said they all create anxiety, you’re right. But here’s something else: They all require you to do something unfamiliar or difficult and learn a new tool at the same time and produce results under stressful conditions. We would never put our AAC learners under such stress and expect them to perform well, would we? Of course not! Except when we: Ask them to use an AAC device/app that they are still learning to answer test questions Require them to use a new or exhausting motor pattern to produce a written product for grading Expect students without sufficient test-taking skills to demonstrate... [Read More...]

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It’s PrAActically Chanukkah!

November 29, 2012 by - Leave your thoughts

It's PrAACtically Chanukkah! Resources to Get Ready for the Holidays

Chanukkah is prAACtically here, even though it seems very early.  Chanukkah starts at sundown on December 8th and ends at sundown on December 18th.   Holidays are usually fun and busy.  With all the fun comes changes in routines, less sleep, more stress, more excitement, more people, more compromise, and overall different expectations.  This is a time to plan in advance the visual supports, visual systems, and AAC displays that will help everyone understand, organize, and communicate most optimally. Check out these great resources to help with the planning: Friendship Circle Blog- Preparing for Hanukkah,  15 Tips to Make Sure Your Child is Ready for The Holidays, & More Gateways Program Resources- There are  visual supports for the  Chanukkah Blessings. There are social story books that help with understanding that birthday candles and Chanukkah candles are different, that Chanukkah candles go out by themselves, and about Chanukkah candles and fire safety.... [Read More...]

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32 AAC Posts You May Have Missed, October 2012

November 28, 2012 by - Leave your thoughts

33 AAC Posts You May Have Missed, October 2012

PrAACtical Goals That Matter It’s All About Us Free & Lite Versions of AAC Apps + App Selection Resources Beyond Behavior Problems: How Visual Supports Can Help Our AAC Teaching Fire Safety Week Over, Need to Learn Strategies is Not Watch What You Heat- Fire Safety 3 Communication-Behavior Visual Support Power Tools Simple Start: Visual Supports for Places Around School Ain’t No Stopping Us Now! Video of the Week No Introduction Needed A PrAACtical Look at Getting Started with AAC Symbols Creative Uses of the iPod for Students Who Use AAC Video of the Week: Helping Hands + Visual Supports A PrAACtical Look at the Incredible 5-Point Scale Strategy of the Month Avoiding Insanity: AAC & the Pace of Change Strategy of the Month: Building Acceptance of AAC The Path to Acceptance AAC & Change: Some Thoughts on Influencing Behavior Building Acceptance for AAC: Sharing Information AAC Awareness Month Global... [Read More...]

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Funny Bones: Jokes for Sequential Message Devices/Apps

November 27, 2012 by - 1 Comment

Jokes for Sequential Message AAC Devices/Apps

Between the craziness of the election, the stress of Superstorm Sandy, some frustration over some blog issues, and the pace of getting ready for the ASHA convention, we were ready for a little levity. It seemed like just the time to rustle up some jokes that could be programmed on an SGD, an AAC app, or a sequential message device. If you need a laugh, too, here’s a list of places to check out for some jokes that may work for the AAC learners you know. Jokes for Every Season – From Ducksters Knock Knock Jokes – From Funology More Knock Knock Jokes – A whole website full of them Jokes by Category – From Activity Village Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road? Jingle Jokes from Kelly Martin Christmas Jokes from the Nurture Store   Photo courtesy of Silver Lining Multimedia via Picture This Pro

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5 Great Sites for AAC Vocabulary Practice

November 26, 2012 by - 2 Comments

5 Great Sites for AAC Vocabulary Practice

We’re always happy to find sites that can be used to solidify new word learning. Once we completed a variety of activities for explicit instruction on new vocabulary, we start thinking about adding in some practice activities. Repetition with variety keeps the learners engaged and helps them cement their understanding of the target words. No more ‘learning to pass the quiz, then forgetting it all.’ With some extra effort, we can help our AAC friends hang onto the new knowledge that they’ve gained. Here are are some sites that you can use to create fun practice activities. Make acrostic poems with the target words Find related words with Word Hippo See how the target word relates to other concepts with Wordsift: Type the vocabulary word into the box to see a semantic web unfold. Explore a bunch of vocabulary games at Wordia Make a digital bulletin board around the new... [Read More...]

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