How I Do It: Get Your Students Talking with a Versatile AAC Activity by Lauren Enders, Part 1

August 29, 2013 by - 4 Comments

How I Do It: Get Your Students Talking with a Versatile AAC Activity

We are so excited to start off the new school year with a wonderfully prAACtical post by Lauren Enders. Lauren’s “How I Do It” posts have been very popular and this one is no different. Today, she shares ways to incorporate key AAC principles in engaging intervention activities and models that with high school students. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::   LEARNING TARGETS (Samples: can be changed to meet student goals) Using core vocabulary, the student will: control the actions of others (beginning with core words like “more”, “stop”, “go”, “again”, and “different”) express his or her opinions through commenting (beginning with core words such as “like”, “don’t like”, “good”, “bad”, and “silly”) TARGET POPULATION: all ages (I have used variations of this activity successfully with students from age 3 through age 21.) TYPE OF AAC: ALL types!!  What’s crucial here is the availability of core vocabulary, not the system used.  Systems used can vary from... [Read More...]

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September PrAACtice with a Year of Core Words

August 28, 2013 by - 1 Comment

September PrAActice A Year of Core Words

We continue to work with core words and if you have been following our  ‘Year of Core Words’, here are some ways to use the September words for  preparing, playing, & reading about ‘back to school’, making new friends, cooking and eating in the fall, and for general fall/autumn activities. Create opportunities throughout the day and add some aided language modeling (ALI),  repetition with variety, and meaningful language experiences, you will expand communication, language, and core word vocabulary quickly. September Core Word PrAACtice  Almost almost done he almost fell they look almost the same the book was almost my favorite Calltelephone call call me now call name softly let’s call her name loud Listen listen bell listen for the music the girl needs to listen I try to listen and learn Name same name name is not that her name is pretty that name is the same but spelled differen Nice nice and soft... [Read More...]

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5 Things to Tell Families Who Feel Unsuccessful with AAC

August 27, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

5 Things to Tell Families Who Feel Unsuccessful with AAC

As readers of this blog know, we are sometimes awed and inspired by families of people with AAC needs. There are many who seem to know just what to do and make it a priority to implement AAC in their homes. It isn’t always smooth sailing, though, and we often rack our brains to find ways to support famiies who are struggling. Here are some prAACtical ideas of things to say when a family member is feeling unsuccessful. 1. “Take small bites: You don’t have to revolutionize your household to help your child/parent. Do what you can do, when you can do it. Small changes are more sustainable, anyway.”   2. “Starting over is better than giving up: Yes, you may have tried XYZ before but things are different now. Let’s give it another shot.” 3. “I won’t judge you. ” Say it and mean it. 4. “You’re not alone.”... [Read More...]

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Decorate AAC Style

August 26, 2013 by - 3 Comments

Decorating AAC Style

We often write and talk about using every opportunity to teach through meaningful language experiences. This concept works not just for our students and clients but also for professionals and families we collaborate with. Here are some old and new quotes, pictures, and printables to help create meaningful AAC awareness learning opportunities.  Just print out the ones you like and you have  ‘decorations’ for  your office, classroom, speech room, hallways, etc.   As we like to say: Use every expected and unexpected opportunity to teach AAC. AAC Myth Busting (AAC ToolBox- Under Miscellaneous)           Keep Calm AAC Teaching Posters- Under Miscellaneous                                                                                           ... [Read More...]

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6 Reasons to Thank App Developers

August 23, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

6 Reasons to Thank An App Developer

As you know, we love combining apps in intervention as one tool for engaging learners in meaningful language activities.  Apps can also be used within home prAACtice  and ‘waiting time’ recommendations. Some of the apps we use and recommend are made for general  as well as  special education while others are just everyday apps developed  to make life easier.  When we use the apps for communication and language there are some features that help many of our students.  Additionally, there are updates and other things that really help educators.  This is just a beginning list of app features we love (feel free to write with more). THANKYOU APP DEVELOPERS FOR: Listening to feedback- we have emailed many app developers with ‘feedback’ and have always received responses and often that feedback is incorporated into updates to the app. Building  in choice making opportunities- We love apps that require active participation on the part... [Read More...]

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5 Things to Consider About Data Collection in AAC

August 22, 2013 by - 8 Comments

5 Things to Consider About Data Collection in AAC

As a rule, SLPs are pretty good about collecting data in their clinical work. Here are some of our prAACtical thoughts about data collection. 1. Don’t bite off more than you can chew. We’ve visited several programs where the client data filled a huge 3-ring binder. In some places, they logged the data daily, reviewed it frequently, and actually USED it to make programmatic decisions. If that works for you, great! But most programs only reviewed the data when they had to report it or prior to a visit by someone who might want to see and discuss those data. In those cases, the data really wasn’t serving it’s original purpose: to see how instruction might need to be tweaked for a client who was learning quickly, slowly, or not at all. The takeaway: Don’t collect more data than you’re prepared to review and put to use. 2. We should... [Read More...]

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Think Inclusive’s Tim Villegas presents: Essential Assistive Technology for the Inclusive Classroom

August 21, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

Think Inclusive's Tim Villegas presents Essential Assitive Technology for the Inclusive Classroom

One of our wishes is that all of our students have educators like Think Inclusive’s– Tim Villegas.   He has worked in special education and with people with disabilities for the past decade.  He has been dedicated to talking and writing and talking about  inclusion for everyone (and yes, everyone means everyone). We feel so lucky Tim is our guest blogger today.  Read and learn about  ‘essentials’ for assistive technology in the inclusive classroom. One of my favorite things to tell people when I discuss what kind of assistive technology (AT) to have for a particular student is to think about their strengths and build from there. In my first year of teaching students with significant cognitive and physical disabilities, one of my students was really good at pushing her foot out to make an affirmative response. So when looking at where to provide a switch or button for her to access…the natural choice... [Read More...]

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Watch This- Learning Expressive Language with the iPad & AAC Device

August 20, 2013 by - 4 Comments

Here is authentic AAC teaching by the AAC Chicks.  Watch for the combined use of AAC language facilitation strategies. Can you see: aided language input, wait & signal/time delay prompt, specific reinforcement, expansions, scaffolding, modeling, and more.  Also, for the SLP’s, notice the data collection that does not distract from the session.  

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PrAACtical Uses for QR Codes

August 19, 2013 by - 2 Comments

PrAACtical Uses for QR Codes

In some of our posts, we talked about using QR (Quick Response)  codes as a way to share information.  If you are new to QR codes, they are like bar codes in that you scan them with some kind of device (like a smart phone or tablet) that has software or an app that reads the code. Then what? Then it takes you to whatever the author wanted you to see or hear. For example, a QR code on an SGD in a loan library might take you to a quick start tutorial on the manufacturer’s website. A QR code on a handout might take you an electronic copy of that handout  that is stored on someone’s website or a cloud service, like DropBox or Google Docs/Drive. A QR code on the student’s picture card ring might take you to an audio recording of directions for how to complete a... [Read More...]

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7 Writing Apps & Activities for ALL Levels of Writers

August 16, 2013 by - 3 Comments

7 Writing Apps & Activities for ALL Writers

These are some ‘non-traditional’ but really fun apps and activities that can be used to help improve writing, choice making, & AAC skills for all levels of writers.  These apps allow you to create meaningful language experiences through the process of creating the written documents, by talking about &  printing out the finished product, as well as by using writing specific reinforcement so that the learner knows they are really a writer (“wow, you are an author”, “great writing”, “awesome using many different words”, “excellent poetry”, etc.).  Have fun and write. Type Drawing– TypeDrawing allows you to enter text or choose from a text word bank to draw lines or pictures. The text is repeated each time you begin drawing or touch and drag on the screen with your finger.  We used this to make text pictures and then sent the pictures as notes to friends,  birthday cards to a... [Read More...]

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