A PrAACtical Look at Access YouTube

February 25, 2014 by - Leave your thoughts

A PrAACtical Look at Access YouTube

As we all know, there are many prAACtical ways to use YouTube videos to support AAC learning. When we’re looking to extend the learning outside of therapy, we sometimes use it to watch videos that demonstrate or further explain a target concept, like scarcity. Navigating YouTube can be a challenge for individuals with intellectual or physical difficulties. We can use Access Tube to make that a bit easier. The simplified layout and clear buttons make searching and playing YouTube videos easy. You can also access it with switches and touch screens. You can try it out by clicking on the image below.    

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AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week 8, February 2014

February 22, 2014 by - 1 Comment

AAC Week # 8: A PrAACtical Summary

Such a great week of prAACtical fun at the 31rst Annual Conference of the North Carolina Augmentative Communication Association. Inspiring to be with so many great therapists, educators, students, and parents! Hope you had an AAC-filled week, too!  Sunday: Video of the Week – Dealing with Feelings Monday: Strategy of the Month – More Thoughts About Reinforcement in AAC Therapy Tuesday: Teach Me Tuesday – Go Talk Now Wednesday: 5 Ways to Build Awareness of the Power of Communication Thursday:  Converting Disordered Natural Speech to Clear Synthetic Speech Friday: Make It PrAACtical –  Adapted Writing Tool  

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Make It PrAACtical: Adapted Writing Tool

February 21, 2014 by - Leave your thoughts

Make It PrAACtical: Adapted Writing Tool

It seems like we’re always looking for the ‘perfect’ tool to help some of our prAACtical friends. Yes, we have several varieties but it always seems like the person we are working with at the moment needs something a little different. And, of course, there’s no budget to buy one. Here’s a nice little tutorial for making an adapted writing tool. Hope there are some Do-It-Yourselfers out there who will appreciate this as much as we did.  

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Converting Disordered Natural Speech to Clear Synthetic Speech

February 20, 2014 by - Leave your thoughts

Converting Disordered Natural Speech to Clear Synthetic Speech

One of the exciting things about being in an AT-related field, is watching new developments  in technology. Many of us have worked with individuals who have intact language and severely impaired speech. When we last wrote about ViVoca (Voice-Input, Voice-Output Communication Aid), it generated a lot of interest as a potential support for some individuals who struggle with face-to-face communication. The research efforts are lead by Dr. Mark Hawley, Professor of Health Services Research at the University of Sheffield, in the UK. We’re pleased to be able to share a video showing this emerging technology in aaction. Direct Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTyjlM2jYMs  

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5 Ways to Build Awareness of the Power of Communication

February 19, 2014 by - 1 Comment

5 Ways to Build Awareness of the Power of Communication

Awhile back I helped a graduate student clinician lead a session with some children who do not yet have AAC systems in place. Communicating with pictures is hard for them and doesn’t yet make sense. They haven’t connected the dots to see that when they use these picture-based materials, they can influence the environment in a way that makes their lives more interesting and fun.   Our first step was to help them begin to understand that they could control aspects of their environment. Here are some things we did to help the AAC learners feel the power of communication. 1. Made communication easy: Talking switches and sequential communicators are great ways for learners to get a big payoff with little effort. In classrooms where there was no functioning technology, we used free apps for mobile devices and paper-based communication boards. 2. Made the response big and fun: Think silly,... [Read More...]

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Teach Me Tuesday: Go Talk Now

February 18, 2014 by - 3 Comments

Teach Me Tuesday: Go Talk Now

Go Talk Now by Attainment is a comprehensive customizable AAC app for the iPad, appropriate for both the beginner and experienced communicator. Come learn more about this AAC app with these resources:  Product Page User Guide Tutorial Video Where to Go for Help– 800-327-4269 Go Talk Now Free (Try Before You Buy)

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PrAACtical Peek: Wheels on the Bus

February 13, 2014 by - 2 Comments

PrAACtical Peek: Wheels on the Bus

We were in a classroom awhile back, supporting a little fellow in circle time, and it just felt like something was missing. Engaging materials and activities? There seemed to be plenty. Schedule? Nope, those were in plain view. Communication devices? They were all within reach of the children who used them.  As we watched the teachers and kids interacting, it seemed like something got forgotten. Then it hit us – song boards! We used to see large visual displays, like this wonderful one made many years ago by a fantastic young clinician, that had fun, interactive elements. We love songboards because they help the children focus and give us added material for building communication opportunities. We’re not sure why songboards aren’t in as many classrooms as they used to be, since they are so helpful in keeping children engaged. – Do you have favorite sources for songboards? Please share so... [Read More...]

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5 Things to Do When AAC Learners are Inconsistent

February 12, 2014 by - 5 Comments

5 Things to Do When AAC Learners are Inconsistent

We’ve had some interesting conversations recently with colleagues who firmly believe that AAC learners have to be consistent in the use of their new skills before it’s appropriate to move on. We disagree. There are times when consistency is essential. Crossing the street? Fine. No parent or professional is going to let a learner do that alone until they’re 150% consistent. But for most other things that we teach, it doesn’t make sense to focus on consistency. Here are some of our prAACtical ideas for what to do if you work with learners who are inconsistent in using their AAC skills. 1. Understand it. Inconsistency is a part of the learning process, and not a sign of failure, incompetence, or ‘stubbornness.’ (Ugh! I can’t even write that without that prickly feeling at the back of my neck.) Think about developmental norms for speech sound acquisition. Remember those charts of when... [Read More...]

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