Tag Archive: wait and signal

Keep Calm & …

August 6, 2013 by - 1 Comment

Keep calm & ...........

We had some great experiences this week with some awesome client’s and their families.  We were reminded of this very effective language facilitation strategy:   And if you need some ideas for waiting, check out 10 ways to practice waiting… for language. Waiting works best when you wait with eye brows raised (expectantly) and then if needed use a gestural cue towards the communication display and if more cueing is needed point to a more specific communication display cell(cells) as options. By then, you will probably get a self-initiated communication message. If not, model & honor the inferred intent and find another communication opportunity and wait…..  

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Go Ape! 10 Commenting Communication Temptations

April 23, 2012 by - Leave your thoughts

More About Communication Opportunities: It doesn’t matter your personality, but for students who do not naturally comment, you need to go ape!  And then still, you need to teach with wait & signal cues, visual supports, aided language input, modeling, expansions, and positive feedback.  We will never forget a semester with Mikey and our hair clips of butterflies, whales, dinosaurs, and even a spider. These hair clips allowed for the item to hang in our face…… until Mikey commented and we could ‘go ape’ with surprise. A great strategy to use with commenting communication temptations is  Wait & Signal.  Wait and Signal involves setting up the temptation and then pausing with raised eyebrows like you expect the learner to take a ‘turn/a conversational turn’. As always, make sure the learner has access to the appropriate communication device or communication boards.  10 additional commenting communication temptations and opportunities: Move a huge stuffed... [Read More...]

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