Tag Archive: communication opportunity

Helping Pre-Intentional Communicators to Cross the Intentionality Bridge

December 21, 2013 by - 2 Comments

Helping Pre-Intentional Communicators to Cross the Intentionality Bridge

Earlier this month, we talked about the communication journey, from communication that is completely partner-inferred (pre-intentional) to communicating purposefully. The fastest route that we know of for helping clients become more purposeful communicators is a 3-step process. Select a Signal Believe it or not, we can get real intentional communication going with just a single motor act that will function as a signal. The Signal should be something the learner already does, such as moving an arm, tapping the tabletop, vocalizing in a certain way, or rocking. The Signal can also be the absence of movement. One beautiful little girl comes to mind as an example. She paced constantly, enough to wear down a track in the family room carpet – a neat little triangle from the TV to the sofa to her grandma’s recliner. When she wanted something she’d just stop pacing. (Sounds pretty straightforward but it took us... [Read More...]

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Keep Calm & …

August 6, 2013 by - 1 Comment

Keep calm & ...........

We had some great experiences this week with some awesome client’s and their families.  We were reminded of this very effective language facilitation strategy:   And if you need some ideas for waiting, check out 10 ways to practice waiting… for language. Waiting works best when you wait with eye brows raised (expectantly) and then if needed use a gestural cue towards the communication display and if more cueing is needed point to a more specific communication display cell(cells) as options. By then, you will probably get a self-initiated communication message. If not, model & honor the inferred intent and find another communication opportunity and wait…..  

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