Tag Archive: single hit message devices

5 Different Gifts to Give To A Classroom

August 3, 2012 by - Leave your thoughts

5 Different Gifts to Give To A Classroom

We can’t believe there are only a few weeks left before school starts.  We have been talking to teachers, scheduling school and teacher trainings, helping to prepare communication dictionaries, and making recommendations for classroom materials.  We realized that there are some bigger resources that would help MANY students in a classroom and even a school. These are gifts that might cost a lot of money ($150 or more) or a lot of  time to set up (but are free).   We realized that these would be great gifts for a parent group (PTA’s/PTO’s) or charitable organizations/foundations to give to a teacher, classroom, or school that has students who use AAC even though the gift will benefit ALL learners.  Give a gift before school starts or after a successful fundraiser. 5 Great Gifts to Give to A Classroom News-2-You – A symbol based current event newspaper that allows ALL students to talk... [Read More...]

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