Tag Archive: Inclusive Education

How I Do It: Project-Based Learning and AAC

February 13, 2020 by - Leave your thoughts

How I Do It: Project-Based Learning and AAC

Looking for ways to promote inclusive practices in your school? Today, AAC SLP and AT Consultant Sarah Gregory returns to share more about the strategies and approaches she uses in the peer support program in her school district in Ithaca, NY. Learn about how she implements problem-based learning to promote authentic learning experiences and meaningful connections between students with and without disabilities. You can see Sarah’s previous post on peer modeling here. Project-Based Learning and AAC I discussed in my first blog post the importance of authentic inclusion of students with Complex Communication Needs in the general education classroom. Involving peers in using AAC has been a great tool to move to a model of true inclusion. When incorporating peer support into a classroom structure I am thoughtful to make the interaction authentic and meaningful for everyone involved. Since starting a peer support program two years ago I have continuously... [Read More...]

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How I Do It – AAC in General Education: Incorporating Peer Modeling

September 5, 2019 by - 4 Comments

Decorative image reading AAC in General Education: Incorporating Peer Modeling

Looking for examples of how AAC is successfully incorporated into inclusive education? Today, we head to upstate New York to learn from AAC SLP Sarah Gregory who shares her experiences in supporting students in general education settings. In this post, Sarah shares her ideas for using peer modeling to support AAC learning. Enjoy!     :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: AAC in General Education: Incorporating Peer Modeling Authentic inclusion of students with Complex Communication Needs (CCN) or non-speaking students is essential and can also be difficult to achieve. One of the most effective strategies I have found is involving all students in AAC learning. Folks in my district started a peer modeling program a few years ago and we found this to be a powerful tool in achieving our goals for academic inclusion and social belonging. In this blog post, I will outline the why and the how of our current peer modeling program.... [Read More...]

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PrAACtical Resources: Teachers’ Toolkit For Students With Little Or No Speech

November 26, 2018 by - Leave your thoughts

PrAACtical Resources: Teachers’ Toolkit For Students With Little Or No Speech

Looking for resources that promote successful school experiences? Need tools that support inclusive educational practices? Developed by Communication Rights Australia, the Teachers’ Toolkit for Students with Little or No Speech is a website that school personnel can use to identify effective strategies and supports for students with complex communication needs. Their Teachers’ Checklist contains a series of questions that are linked to topics on a range of supports and strategies that can make a big difference in the lives of AAC learners. There are also helpful forms for teams to develop a Student Profile and Individual Learning Plan. You can begin to explore their AAC resources here.  

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PrAACtical Resources: Teaching Peers About AAC

September 21, 2017 by - Leave your thoughts

PrAACtical Resources: Teaching Peers About AAC

It is not overstating things to say that Gail Van Tatenhove’s resources have shaped the way AAC is practiced all around the world. In this post, we share a terrific booklet that she created to help those who are supporting students in inclusive settings. While this specific resource is designed to teach the basic idea of Minspeak, the student-friendly approach she has used is a wonderful example that can inspire those of us who support students working with a wider variety of AAC systems. Enjoy this little gem! You can download it here or by clicking on the image below.

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Video of the Week: Breaking Down Barriers to Inclusive Education for AAC Learners

June 14, 2017 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Breaking Down Barriers to Inclusive Education for AAC Learners

How can we help our AAC learners become cognitively engaged and participate fully in instructional activities? What can we do to support social connectedness and help them make contributions to classroom learning experiences? In this week’s featured video, which is embedded in a fuller AT Internet Module, Erin Sheldon helps us answer those kinds of questions and shares a framework to help us plan for full participation in learning experiences. We’re grateful to Erin, OCALI, and AT Internet Modules for creating and sharing these wonderful resources.  

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Video of the Week: From Presence to Contribution – A Family’s Journey Towards an Inclusive Life

April 5, 2017 by - 2 Comments

Video of the Week: From Presence to Contribution - A Family's Journey Towards an Inclusive Life

Why do we work so hard to support effective communication through AAC? In the end, the real goal is to help people live rich and enviable lives. Working toward that starts with a vision and that’s the subject of Erin Sheldon’s talk, Including Maggie. Many thanks to Kathy Howery and the Alberta Regional Professional Development Consortia for making this available. If you think you know inclusion and if you think you know what the end game is in AAC, don’t skip this. All of us have something to learn from this family’s journey toward an inclusive life. Direct Link to Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rkf3LD6047s&list=PL6P1FySUgEPR1aG-ZRYi363jtaniNJFqC&index=13

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Think Inclusive’s Tim Villegas presents: Essential Assistive Technology for the Inclusive Classroom

August 21, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

Think Inclusive's Tim Villegas presents Essential Assitive Technology for the Inclusive Classroom

One of our wishes is that all of our students have educators like Think Inclusive’s– Tim Villegas.   He has worked in special education and with people with disabilities for the past decade.  He has been dedicated to talking and writing and talking about  inclusion for everyone (and yes, everyone means everyone). We feel so lucky Tim is our guest blogger today.  Read and learn about  ‘essentials’ for assistive technology in the inclusive classroom. One of my favorite things to tell people when I discuss what kind of assistive technology (AT) to have for a particular student is to think about their strengths and build from there. In my first year of teaching students with significant cognitive and physical disabilities, one of my students was really good at pushing her foot out to make an affirmative response. So when looking at where to provide a switch or button for her to access…the natural choice... [Read More...]

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