Supporting AAC Learners in Emergent Writing: 5 Helpful Resources

December 8, 2016 by - 4 Comments

Supporting AAC Learners in Emergent Writing: 5 Helpful Resources
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Looking for ways to help AAC learners of any age develop meaningful writing skills? These helpful resources may be of interest.

  1. “There is No Can’t” by Jane Farrall and Sally Clendon 
  2. Emerging Writers and AAC by Jane Odom 
  3. Alternative Pencils: What Does the Research Say? 
  4. Emergent Literacy Beginnings and Goals for Children with Angelman Syndrome by David Koppenhaver and Susan Norwell (information applicable to a broader range of people who use AAC)
  5. Can Low-incidence Students Become First-time Writers? By Janet Sturm 

Happy exploring!

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This post was written by Carole Zangari


  • Kathy Howery says:

    What a great compilation of resources! Thanks as always Carole!

    • Avatar photo Carole Zangari says:

      Thanks, Kathy. The inspiration came from Janet Sturm, who was here today talking on emergent literacy instruction. 🙂


    Hi the Jane Odom article is not available? Do I have to be a member of AAC language lab to gain access?

    • Avatar photo Carole Zangari says:

      Kathryn, they reorganized their site since this was first published so it broke the link. I haven’t been able to find it on the new site, but I’ll keep looking and will let you know if I find it.

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