Resource #2 -May is Better Hearing & Speech Month

May 5, 2012 by - Leave your thoughts

Resource 2 May is Better Hearing & SPeech Month
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We love when our students are kept up to date with current events.  Often times, current events are not explained to students with significant communication challenges because the language surrounding the event seems “complicated” or “too high” (not actually our words but unfortunately ones we have heard). However, we know ALL our students understand some aspects of major current events because that is what everyone around is talking about (back in the day… American Idol winners or the Super Bowl, or even just the anniversary of the Titanic Tragedy). So it is great when we have access to symbol based newspapers that take complicated topics and make them more concrete and then add symbols so we do not have to do all the work.  We love News- 2- You which includes various activities, levels, recipes, and even jokes. The ONLY problem with News-2-You is the price (We think it is worth every penny,  though not ALL schools or people can afford it).  However, there is a great free resource for symbol based current events (& more)  at Symbol World.  Symbol World e-Live News is a great beginning to let students know about current events.  The events are based out of the United Kingdom but often parallel the US.  There are additional current topics on science, lifestyle, sports, and more that work no matter where you are from.  Symbol World can be used alone or in conjunction with a News-2-you current events visual language program.  The more immersed in current events and the conversation around the events, the more our students will have the opportunity to be INCLUDED and isn’t that is what ALL (most)  of us really want.


 (Subscription Fee- ideas for securing funds- PTA/PTO, bake sales, donations, grants- definitely worth the effort)


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This post was written by Robin Parker

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