AAC Learning at ASHA 2016: Day 1

As usual, the ASHA Annual Convention was so chock full of AAC learning opportunities that there was no way to get to everything of interest. Here are some handouts on AAC topics from the first day of the conference.
- Aided Language Stimulation for All Communication Partners of Children Who Use AAC by Eric Sailers of Expressive Solutions and Jhoselle Padilla at Chula Vista Elementary School District
- AAC Multidisciplinary Treatment for Communication & Functional Participation by Amy Sonntag of Ohio State University and Lindsay Ripple of Akron Children’s Hospital
- “A Picture’s Worth a Thousand Words.” An AAC Intervention for Children With Complex Communication Needs by Jamie Boster and John McCarthy of Ohio State University
- Expanding & Customizing Spanish Core Vocabulary for Augmentative & Alternative Communication by Amy Munekata, Bridget Carlile, and Lisa Domby of the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill
- An Analysis of Conversational Interaction of an Individual With CHARGE Syndrome: A Case Study by Karrie Kuecker and Judith Oxley of the University of Louisiana – Lafayette
- AAC Therapy in the Upper Grades: Aligning Activities With Evidence-Based Intervention Strategies by Carole Zangari, Diana Soybelman, Nicole Corey Rodriguez and Danielle Malvin of Nova Southeastern University and Krista Hadeed of Breakthrough Therapy
- Participation in Active Recreation: Experiences of Adults With Acquired Conditions Who Use AAC by David Hajjar and John McCarthy of Ohio University
Thanks to all the AAC session presenters who shared their valuable expertise with the rest of us. Please note that these session handouts may be available for only a brief period of time.
Edited: Having trouble accessing the handouts using the conference link? Here’s a file where you can get those all in one place (if it seems small when you first open in, set the Adobe Reader view pane to 100%).
Filed under: Featured Posts, PrAACtical Thinking
Tagged With: ASHA, Conference, handout
This post was written by Carole Zangari
HI Carole, when I click on most of these it takes me to a generic mira page. Your handout did work though.
Hi Lisa-sorry for the trouble. I contacted them about the site issues but in the meantime, I edited the post with an alternative option to access the handouts (see the end of the post). Hope that helps.
Thank you for sharing these resources! I am having a hard time accessing several of them, though. The links go to Mira Smart Conference site and I can’t find a way to get to the handouts.
Molly, I created an alternate path for those having difficulty accessing the conference handout site. See the link at the end of the post and you should be able to get them.
Looks great, but how do I access the handouts from this link? It takes me to Mira Smart Conferencing web site
Susan, try the alternate link at the end. That should work for you. 🙂
The links for #1, #3, and #5 don’t work. can you please update?
Regina, they are having site difficulties, but I edited the post with a file at the end that has handout files for all of the ones on the conference site. You will now be able to get those in a single file. Adjust the viewing to 100% in Adobe Reader if it seems too small on your screen. Happy exploring!