4 Free July 4th Apps to SPARK Commenting

Check out these 4 free apps that can help SPARK commenting. They are great fun that will inspire commenting but can also help with core (and fringe) vocabulary as well as with being familiar with July 4th festivities. By engaging with these apps in an interactive manner, there is not the noise and confusion of the day. The apps become a good tool for familiarizing and preparing the learner for July 4th.
Celebrate 4th of July, Independence Day of the United States , with sparkling fireworks (by Auryn Apps) Free – Just shake or touch the iPad and beautiful fireworks get triggered. The are really beautiful which are opportunities to comment again and again (“wow”, “beautiful”, “so cool”, “look colors”, etc.). Each firework reveals images that relate to Independence Day. This app is a gift from Auryn Apps which is a generous and dedicated developer for July 4th and throughout the year.
July 4th Sparkler Free- A simple turn the sparkler on and off with a touch app. Sparklers with no danger of being burned (our favorite types). Commenting can focus on core words “on”/”off”, as well as “pretty”, “cool”, “wow”.
4th of July Spot The Difference for Kids Free Free- Spot the differences in July 4th images. There are plenty of opportunities to comment about colors, hats, differences, and similarities. The paid version (.99) has more images to ‘spot the difference’
Aaron’s Independence Day Free- cute puzzles with July 4th themes. Puzzle completion is timed but does not seem to stop you even if it takes awhile. There are lots of opportunities here for commenting about puzzle being “easy” or “hard”, putting pieces in “upside down”, “getting it right”, or even about the “flag” and other 4th of July images.
Have fun commenting with the apps and throughout the day!
Filed under: PrAACtical Thinking
Tagged With: Apps, commenting, core vocabulary, fringe vocabulary, July 4th
This post was written by Robin Parker