2014 Core Words Visualized

At the beginning of 2014, we posted another year of core vocabulary words. If you did not have time to plug in symbols, here are the January through May core words with PCS symbols in PDF format. You can print, laminate, and keep them handy as you are teaching core words. We also often give them to educators and families as a reminder to help everyone stay focused on the core words of the week or month. In fact, it was a parent request for these that got us motivated to get the PCS portion completed (Thanks, Liz). Look for June – December early next week.
You can download a PDF file with all the words from January-June, 2014 here.
All of these resources can also be directly printed from the AAC E-Toolbox under downloads.
Filed under: PrAACtical Thinking
Tagged With: 2014 Core Words, PCS
This post was written by Robin Parker
These are fantastic. Is it too much to ask for resources in Minspeak/Unity symbols? I can’t imagine I’ll be the only one redoing everything for the system my child uses.
Adrienne, Russell Cross did them for the 2013 core words we posted. It is pretty time-consuming to do those, so I don’t know that we’ll be able to swing it anytime soon. New semester starts on Monday for us. Sorry!