119 Free & Lite Versions of AAC Apps + App Selection Resources

October 2, 2012 by - 5 Comments

119 Free or Lite Versions of AAC Apps + App Selection Resources
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If you’ve been following our blog, you know that we have mixed feelings about the AAC app revolution. More specifically, we’ve had concerns about the decision-making process around app selection, the paucity of apps that allow for children to learn true generative language, and a few other things. We continue to advocate for AAC app selection to occur within the context of a feature match process that gives appropriate attention to the full range of AAC options.

In this mega-post we’ve included our most recent update of free and lite versions of AAC apps for iOS and Android plus a variety of additional resources related to AAC app selection.

Tools to Use In Making Decisions About AAC Apps

  1. Feature match form developed by Jessica Gosnell at Boston Children’s Hospital
  2. Feature match checklist created by Scott Marfilius and Kelly Fonner
  3. Our supplemental rubric covering language and communication features,  RELAAACs

Places to Go to Find AAC Apps and Reviews

  1. Comprehensive AAC app list for iPhone and iPad by Jane Farrall
  2. AAC Tech Connect’s Apps Assistant
  3. OCALI’s listing of apps for individuals with ASD
  4. Tech in Special Education
  5. Aidis Trust Communication App Reviews

Training Material on AAC Apps, News, Suggestions, etc.

  1. The App Academy’s site for app training videos
  2. Our PrAACtical AAC Scoop.It collection and Pinterest boards
  3. Our post on 5 Things to Do Before you Choose an AAC App

Because this list sometimes gets circulated without the context in which it was originally developed, we decided to include some excerpts from our original post in early 2012.

“Graduate student SLPs are a fairly diverse group, but one thing that is common to almost all of them is that they are on a very limited budget. Although many of the AAC apps are reasonably priced, even that can be a lot for a struggling student. We wanted to put together a list of the free or lite versions of AAC apps for them to explore on their own iDevices.

First, a few caveats:
1. Selection of AAC tools is always made after a thorough assessment. This is as true for apps as it is for SGDs.

2. This list isn’t intended in any way to endorse these apps or suggest that the free/lite version is sufficient. Hopefully, it will give future professionals a taste of what these  apps can do and allow them to begin to think about how to make decisions about this in the context of a feature match assessment. Review sites like the one at Spectronics and OCALI can be very useful when you are trying to see some of the features that apps contain.

3. This list isn’t comprehensive. If you have links to other AAC apps that are free or have lite versions, please send them along and we will update our list.

4. Students, remember what we’ve taught you about AAC. This doesn’t supersede what you’ve learned about AAC and language assessment, symbol selection, multimodal communication, etc.”

And now, on with the show…

iDevice Free or Lite AAC Apps

  1. AlexiCom AAC
  2. Answers: Yes/No Free
  3. Assistive TTS
  4. Augie Free (Free version not currently available in US)
  5. Autism 5-Point Scale EP (Autism Help)
  6. Com App
  7. Comunicador Personal Adaptable(Spanish)
  8. Communicate Mate Female
  9. Communicate Mate Male
  10. Connect Cards
  11. DIME Lite
  12. Fat Cat Fast 20
  13. Fat Cat Pirate Chat
  14. FreeSpeech
  15. Functional Communication System Lite
  16. Gabby Tabs Lite
  17. Go Talk Now Free (NEW)
  18. Grid Player
  19. iBlissymbols Lite
  20. iComm Education
  21. iPhonic Lite
  22. iPicto Lite
  23. Locabulary Lite
  24. MetaTalk Lite
  25. My Choice Pad Lite
  26. My Talking Phone
  27. MyTalk Tools
  28. Neo Julie (also Kate and Paul)
  29. Noni Lite
  30. Nonverbal Communication for Autism-NOCOA (Japanese; NEW)
  31. OneVoice-AAC
  32. PandaPal AAC
  33. PhotoTell Lite(NEW)
  34. PhotoVOCA Free (NEW)
  35. Phrase Board
  36. Pic A Word
  37. Pics Aloud Lite
  38. Picture Card Maker
  39. Picture Board
  40. PocketAAC-Lite
  41. Point to Pictures Lite
  42. Say Hi AAC
  43. SayItForMe Lite (NEW)
  44. Scan to Pictures Lite (NEW)
  45. See and Say Lite
  46. Scene & Heard Lite
  47. Small Talk Aphasia (Male & Female)
  48. Small Talk Conversational Phrases
  49. Small Talk Daily Activities
  50. Small Talk Intensive Care
  51. Small Talk Pain Scale
  52. Smart_AAC (NEW)
  53. Sounding Board
  54. SFY_Speak4Youself Lite (Pulled from iTunes but may be reinstated)
  55. Speech Button
  56. Speech Buttons Free
  57. Sono Flex Lite
  58. Speak All
  59. Speak for Yourself LAT Kids
  60. Spubble Lite
  61. Talk Assist
  62. Talking Cards Lite
  63. Talking Text
  64. Talk Tommy
  65. Talk to Me 100 (free version has 9 locations)
  66. Talk 4 Me
  67. Tap to Talk
  68. Touch Chat Lite
  69. Verbally
  70. VocaBeans EN
  71. VoiceSymbol AAC

Free or Lite AAC Apps for Android Devices

  1. AAC Speech Communicator (French, English)
  2. AAC Talking Tabs
  3. Alexicomm for Android (30+ free pages)
  4. Autism Speech – Diego Says
  5. BoxofWords Free (NEW)
  6. DroidSpeaker (NEW)
  7. Free AAC
  8. FalaFacil – DiegoDiz (Portuguese)
  9. FreeSpeech
  10. Gabby Tabs Lite: AAC for Kids
  11. HablaFacil – DiegoDice (Spanish)
  12. Help Talk (NEW)
  13. iToucan Talk
  14. JABTalk
  15. LangLearner Speaker
  16. MyVoice MyWords Tablet
  17. Niki Talk (NEW)
  18. PhotoVOCA (NEW)
  19. Pic-See Lite (NEW)
  20. PictoDroid Lite (Spanish, English)
  21. Pictograms (NEW)
  22. Plaphoons for Android Beta (NEW)
  23. Point Talker Free (NEW)
  24. Sono Flex Lite
  25. SpeakForMe Free
  26. Speaking Pad
  27. Speech Assistant (NEW)
  28. Talk Android
  29. Talk 2 All (for phone communication)
  30. Tap Talk Free
  31. Tap to Talk
  32. Touch and Go Speak
  33. Touch-n-Say
  34. Two Speak
  35. Type and Speak
  36. VirtualTEC
  37. Virtual Voice (NEW)
  38. Vocal Slides

Find some that aren’t on our list? Please let us know and we’ll add them in.

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This post was written by Carole Zangari


  • Claire Rubin says:

    As a grad student working as an intern in a specialized AAC classroom, I find this app list incredibly helpful! Thanks for remembering those of us who don’t yet make a salary, yet need tools to work with students. I won’t forget to keep in mind that “It’s the goal not the tool!” (-Bridge School).

    • Avatar photo Carole Zangari says:

      So glad to have you on the site, Claire. I was able to visit Bridge School once and it was such an insightful experience. You’re in a place where AAC history was made!

  • Greetings – I hope your day is off to a good start. I wanted to let you know that the acclaimed AAC app, DynaVox Compass, is now available in the App Store for an affordable, one-time purchase.

    Those who experience communication limitations due to autism, ALS, stroke, cerebral palsy, Down Syndrome, general speech loss or traumatic brain injury can now implement the world’s leading therapy solution on the platform of their choice. The comprehensive AAC software is built by a team of leading clinicians, giving users a reliable pathway to communication success. Through the Compass App, users of all ages and abilities can download the same tools, pre-loaded messages, symbols, core word strategies and supports found on a dedicated AAC device.

    Please let me know if you would like more information about the DynaVox Compass App. We are happy to provide a free trial for an online app review.


  • Allie says:

    use s2c PLEASE!!!!!!!!!

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