1460 Search Results for link up

Video of the Week: Tips for Talking with AAC Users

January 26, 2022 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Tips for Talking with AAC Users

There are lots of simple things that we can do to make interacting with AAC users interesting, fun, and respectful. In today’s featured video, Clare McGuire and her friends share some tips. A student at Martinsville High School in Indiana, Clare partnered with the Patins Project to create this video as part of her community service. Many thanks to Clare and the team at the PATINS Project for this helpful video.   Direct Link to Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Upu9398-MZ0&ab_channel=PATINSProject

Video of the Week: Dealing with Emotions, AAC Style

January 5, 2022 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Emotions, AAC Style

Processing our feelings and emotional states can be tricky even without the presence of a disability. But when the individual has complex communication needs, some additional supports can be beneficial. Today, we feature a recorded webinar, presented by Akila Vaidyanathan and hosted by Avaz, on this topic.  Many thanks to Akila and Avaz for creating this helpful video and making it available to us all.  Enjoy! Direct Link to Video –  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_tyl67tKhg&ab_channel=Avaz%2CInc

Video of the Week: AAC & Board Games

December 15, 2021 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: AAC & Board Games

If you work with families that have a Game Night tradition or if you use games in your therapy and instruction, today’s featured video is one you might want to see. SLPs Heather Prenovost and Brittany Toney have plenty of ideas on how to promote AAC use while playing popular board games. This is part of PRC Saltillo’s Stepping Stones to AAC series and has lots of prAACtical suggestions for AAC implementation. You can check out their other resources below. Interactive slide Manual communication board AAC planning worksheet  Many thanks to Heather, Brittany, and Saltillo for creating and hosting this video.  Direct Link to Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTzGT6edSyI&ab_channel=Saltillo 

Video of the Week: Assessing Classroom AAC Practices

December 1, 2021 by - Leave your thoughts

Assessing Classroom AAC Practices

How can we help students who have complex communication needs be successful in the classroom? In today’s featured video, AAC expert Gail Van Tatenhove helps us think through various classroom practices and consider their implications for students who use AAC. The video is part of the Power AAC initiative at PaTTAN. Many thanks to their wonderful AT Team and to Gail for this wonderful presentation. Direct Link to Video – https://www.pattan.net/videos/poweraac-module-2-assess-classroom-practices 

AAC Fair Testing Practices: Communication & Documentation

November 18, 2021 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Fair Testing Practices: Communication & Documentation

We’re continuing to discuss strategies for helping teams devise ways to test students who use AAC in ways that allow them to show what they actually know in test-taking situations. For the most part, this involves team discussions and collaborative problem-solving to develop a plan based on each AAC user’s individual needs, abilities, and priorities.  Today’s post addresses two important topics: How individuals will communicate during testing and how teams document the ways that assessments are administered to a particular individual. TOPIC 12 Communicating During Testing – How will students express themselves during testing?  People who use AAC should always have easy access to the tools they use for communication. In testing, professionals may be tempted to remove or restrict the AAC device during testing, but there are several reasons why this is not a good idea. For starters, we’re violating basic human rights in making communication aids less accessible.... [Read More...]

Video of the Week: AAC for Emergent Communicators

November 17, 2021 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: AAC for Emergent Communicators

How can we support learners who are at the earliest stages of communicative development? In today’s video, we feature a presentation by Yedida Levine Sterenberg, an AAC SLP at the OMER Center for Augmentative and Alternative Communication, that covers this important topic.  This video is an archived recording of a session at the 3rd International Conference on Augmentative and Alternative Communication which was held virtually in 2020. Many thanks to Ms. Sterenberg and the conference organizers for making this recording available. Enjoy!   Direct Link to Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajfXanz9cgM&ab_channel=AAC2020online

AAC in School: Classroom Communication Goals Grid – Revised

November 15, 2021 by - 6 Comments

AAC in School: Classroom Communication Goals Grid - Revised

AAC SLP Vicki Clarke is known to long-time readers for her excellent series, AAC Assessment Corner, and her collaboration with Holly Schneider in creating the Dynamic AAC Goals Grid (DAGG-2). Today, we welcome her back to tell us about the revised version of her goal-setting guide designed especially for school settings. Join us in learning about the Classroom Communication Goals Grid and download a free copy. Classroom Communication Goals Grid- Revised https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/AAC-Classroom-Communication-Project-2021-Intro-and-Tools-4219461 It’s been over 5 years since I developed the Classroom Communication Goals Grid. During that time it’s been in use in many of our districts helping teachers and therapists assess the communication skills of their students, select goals relevant to the academic environment, and show progress at annual IEP time. The Grid needed some revision, a little more review of current research, a little reorganization of goals, and a facelift! This article is to introduce you to the... [Read More...]

AAC Fair Testing Practices: Test Administration Procedures

November 4, 2021 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Fair Testing Practices: Test Administration Procedures

Without a thoughtful assessment plan in place, people who use AAC may be at a disadvantage when taking tests. Fatigue, excessive anxiety, comprehension difficulties, motor challenges, limited access to robust language, and other factors may make it difficult for them to demonstrate what they know. Today, we continue our series on AAC Fair Testing Practices with a discussion of test administration practices. In formal testing, any changes to testing procedures invalidate the use of normative data. If we modify the directions or response options provided to an AAC user, we can’t compare their scores to the scores of individuals who took the test without any modifications. That means we aren’t pouring through the tables at the back of the test manual to find age or grade equivalency scores.  Still, we have to be thoughtful in when and how to make adjustments to testing practices. In this post, we consider two... [Read More...]

AAC Fair Testing Practices: Test Materials

October 28, 2021 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Fair Testing Practices: Test Materials

For individuals with AAC needs to be able to demonstrate what they know in assessment situations, we need to think carefully about the test materials and consider what adjustments are needed. In this continuation of our series on AAC Fair Testing Practices, we’ll explore this in some detail. TOPIC 9: Test Materials There are two categories of test materials for us to consider: those that are part of the assessment process for all learners and those that may be needed primarily by students who use AAC. In both cases, teams should discuss what is relevant, fair, and helpful to a particular student. Detailed notes should be kept to aid in replicating the set-up for re-testing at a later point in time or for use in other assessments.  Additionally, teams will want to keep the purpose of the assessment in mind as they address this topic. Knowing why we are conducting... [Read More...]