1056 Search Results for Core

AAC Around the School & Beyond!

August 24, 2013 by - 1 Comment

AAC Around the School

For the August Strategy of the Month, we have been thinking, writing, & talking about AAC in School.  School is where AAC learners spend a large portion of their days. There needs to be multiple opportunities for students to USE and LEARN AAC each day.   More than that though, we strive for full participation and interaction for students who use AAC.  Students should not have to prove that they can do these things before they have ACCESS to AAC strategies and intervention. Here are some things that can be done to help build AAC participation for both students and educators. Provide ACCESS to AAC devices and visual supports throughout ALL activities in ALL places in school and on school sponsored trips/community based instruction. Provide Aided Language Input when teaching AAC to students. Use a Core Word approach when teaching AAC to students but don’t forget about Fringe Vocabulary. Learn and use partner assisted communication... [Read More...]

PrAACtical Partnerships: AAC and Academics

August 17, 2013 by - 2 Comments

PrAACtical Partnerships: AAC and Academics

Like many of you, we are always racking our brains trying to help students who use AAC be successful academically. Because we serve these students in a clinical setting, we could easily pass on the opportunity to align our AAC goals with academic standards but what would be the fun in that? Here are some things we try to think about with school-aged kids who have AAC needs. SLP to SLP If it takes a village to raise a child, how many people does it take to help a kids with AAC needs to develop communicative competence and succeed academically? It boggles the mind. As SLPs, message is this: We have to work together. Many kids who use AAC have private therapies in addition to their school services, and yet, we rarely connect. We have to find a way to do a better job at this so that kids with... [Read More...]

7 Writing Apps & Activities for ALL Levels of Writers

August 16, 2013 by - 3 Comments

7 Writing Apps & Activities for ALL Writers

These are some ‘non-traditional’ but really fun apps and activities that can be used to help improve writing, choice making, & AAC skills for all levels of writers.  These apps allow you to create meaningful language experiences through the process of creating the written documents, by talking about &  printing out the finished product, as well as by using writing specific reinforcement so that the learner knows they are really a writer (“wow, you are an author”, “great writing”, “awesome using many different words”, “excellent poetry”, etc.).  Have fun and write. Type Drawing– TypeDrawing allows you to enter text or choose from a text word bank to draw lines or pictures. The text is repeated each time you begin drawing or touch and drag on the screen with your finger.  We used this to make text pictures and then sent the pictures as notes to friends,  birthday cards to a... [Read More...]

Magic Moments with Tellagami

August 12, 2013 by - 3 Comments

Magic Moments with Tellagami

Looking for ways to engage older learners with age appropriate materials? Searching for fresh ideas for AAC and language practice? Tellagami (“tell-uh-gah-mee”) is a free iOS app that allows you to create short animations, save them to your device, post to Facebook, and share them by email, SMS text, or Twitter. Best part about it, in this busy SLP’s opinion? Super easy to learn and use! The animations are called ‘Gami’s’ and are short and fun to make. The app has a good amount of flexibility and you are only limited by your imagination. Here are some ideas for putting it to use in your AAC work. 1. Choice making: The AAC learner can work collaboratively with a peer to create a Gami. In doing so, he/she can make selections of things like the gender of the character, hair, clothes, and the background. 2. Peer interactions: Many of our AAC... [Read More...]

AAC ‘Must Haves’ for the Classroom and Speech Room

August 10, 2013 by - 2 Comments

AAC 'Must Haves' for the Classroom & Speech Room

As we were getting ready for back to school and thinking about ‘must haves’, it quickly became apparent that it is not so easy to narrow it down. And the ‘must haves’ would definitely vary depending upon type of class, students, and even school.  Based on a wide variety of differences, we organized a wide variety of choices to explore (we apologize in advance if we got carried away but…). Choose what you need, bookmark what  you may need later and let us know your  ‘must haves’ for a classroom and speech room AAC collaborative approach.  We will create an ongoing list. Get Started Before School Starts         Do these 10 Things to Get Started with AAC  if you are new to an AAC student or classroom Provide AAC Support in the Classroom. Support teachers and educators with tips from Jane Farrall, & learn about AAC in the Classroom by Joan... [Read More...]

5 Great Music Apps & AAC Language Goals

August 7, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

Great Music Apps & AAC Language Goals

We love music, we love apps, we love great language opportunities and with these apps we can combine all these loves. These awesome music apps were  selected because they have great choice making and commenting opportunities. You can use no tech, low tech, or an extra high-tech device to make choices and comment while you play with the app. Core words work great for choice making and commenting.  Whenever I play or sing, my kids love to say “stop that” or “don’t do that pleeeeease”. When they play, I love to use aided language input (ALI) to say “good”,  “more”, “again”, “love it” . We play the music “fast” and “slow”. We “find” our “favorite one”. We all like to say “let’s play with that one” or “let’s do it together”.  The possibilities are really endless (and that is one of the reasons we love core words). These apps sound... [Read More...]

31 AAC Posts You May Have Missed in July

August 5, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

31 Posts You May Have Missed In July

PrAACtical Thinking Free Text-based AAC Apps for the iPad PrAACtical Questions: Can Students Take Their AAC Device Home? PrAACtical AAC Learning & July 4th: Get Ready Get Set Go 4 Free July 4th Apps to SPARK Commenting 30 Posts You May Have Missed in June 4+AAC Tips for Talking About July 4th AFTER the Festivities PrAACtically Ready to Read Did You Know: AADMD Offers Specialty Webinars Visual Schedule Myths Live On..& On Getting to Yes Working with Worksheets Apps to Prepare, Learn, & Talk About Summer Vacations Modify a Battery-Operated Toy To Make It Accessible By Switches 5 Great Ways To Help People with AAC Needs Develop Inner Speech What’s the Connection: Core Vocabulary and Visual Schedules Random App of Kindness Giveaway: Talk About Food Create Your Own Style PECS Book 5 Things to Consider About Assigning ‘Homework’ to Your AAC Clients 8Friday Fun: 8 AAC Activities that are Fast... [Read More...]

Fun Friday- Commenting to the Max

August 2, 2013 by - 3 Comments

Title: Fun Friday: Commenting to the Max

Commenting is for everyone, even if they are beginning communicators and even if they need to learn.  If you are teaching commenting to a learner who does not yet have this communication function, there has to be ‘buy in’ or interest through another communication function that is already known.  So, for a learner who can ask for things they want or say ‘no’ to things they ‘don’t want’, you may need to form routines where they ask for something, comment, then can ask (and receive) again. Once the routine is established, you can add some more teaching and language facilitation strategies. We have written about commenting before but when we saw this cool photo on Facebook, we just had to mention commenting again. Commenting to the Max  Go Ape! 10 Commenting Communication Temptations More Ways to Teach Commenting Make it Meaningful to the Learner –  Just talking about things may... [Read More...]

Working with Older Learners: Supporting Carryover of AAC Skills

July 27, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

Supporting Carryover of AAC Skills

One of the biggest challenges that SLPs face is how to help the communicator use new skills outside the therapy room. Whether the client is someone who stutters, has voice problems, or any other speech-language difficulty, the question is the same: How can we get the client to use skills that were learned and practiced in a therapeutic situation to use those same skills at home, in school, and in the community? It’s an issue with all learners, but for adolescents and adults, we seem to be playing ‘catch up’ all the time. Plus, they are encountering greater numbers of less familiar communication partners and have to fend for themselves more often, making skill generalization even more of a critical topic. Much has been written about problems of generalization by using loose training, and varying the instructional setting, partners, instructions, prompts, and materials. In our way of thinking, it starts... [Read More...]

Random App of Kindness Giveaway: Talk About Food

July 23, 2013 by - 6 Comments

Random App of Kindness Giveaway Talk About Food

It’s a summer prAACtical Random App of Kindness giveaway! Thanks to the generosity of Hump Software (& Celeste Helling), we have 3 codes for Talk About Food. Talk about Food has been developed to target vocabulary building and communication skills. It has been designed specifically for children with low vision as well as those who are having difficulty with language development, or just starting to learn and use words through AAC.  Pictures of food and food categories are high contrast to spark interest and visual attention. Then, the focus is talking about food (hence the app name).  The communication emphasis is on core word vocabulary (Yay!) and building sentences. There are many great features & access settings and you can easily hide and show vocabulary for customization. The Giveaway starts now and ends on Saturday July 27th at 11:59 pm.  We will select 3 winners for the Talk About Food App.... [Read More...]